Title: PST 2005, 15 Nov 2005
1ILC _at_ SLAC RD Program for a Polarized RF Gun
- J. E. Clendenin
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
- A. Brachmann, D. H. Dowell, E. L. Garwin,
- K. Ioakeimidi, R. E. Kirby, T. Maruyama,
C. Y. Prescott (SLAC) - R. Prepost (U. Wisconsin)
- Promise of polarized rf guns
- Potential problems
- Elements of RD program
- Conclusions
4Present situation
- Accelerator based sources for polarized electron
beams utilizing GaAs photocathodes have proven
successful using a dc-bias of a few 100s kV and
fields of a few MV/m at the photocathode. Success
has been dependent on eliminating HV breakdown,
achieving vacuum lt10-11 Torr and average dark
current lt10-20 nA - Due to relatively low energy of extracted bunch,
space charge density must be kept low by using
long bunch length and/or large bunch radius - Thus these sources require rf bunching systems.
Resulting emittance, both transverse and
longitudinal, significantly compromised
5The route to improvement
- If the extraction field and beam energy are
increased, higher current densities can be
supported at the cathode - The source laser system can then be used to
generate the high peak current, relatively low
duty-factor micropulses required by the ILC
without the need for post-extraction rf bunching - Electron capture and transport efficiency will be
improved - Damping ring probably can not be eliminated, but
operational reliability and efficiency would be
6The RF gun solution
- A polarized rf gun incorporating GaAs
photocathode in the first cell increases both
field and energy, enabling ILC microbunch to be
generated in gun and directly inserted into
injector accelerator. - Net result injection system for a polarized rf
gun can be identical to that for an unpolarized
rf gun - Also
- Increases the cathode quantum yield due to
Schottky effect - Decreases the surface charge limitation, while at
the same time the beam will exit the gun with
sufficient energy to significantly reduce space
charge effects during transport to the injector
accelerator section
7New potential problems
- Vacuum poor mid-10-10 Torr when rf on
- Peak dark current high 40, 170 mA at 35, 40 MV/m
- I. Bohnet et al., DIPAC 2003, p. PT29
(1.5-cell L-band rf gun with Cs2Te photocathode
at DESY/Zeuthen) - Back bombardment of cathode by e- and ions limits
QE lifetime
8First attempted operation a failure
- 1/2 cell S-band gun at BINP operated at up to
100 MV/m peak field at cathode, rf pulse2 ms, - PRR0.5 Hz
- A. Aleksandrov et al., EPAC 1998
9RD Choice of rf structure
- Criteria best vacuum, low FE
- Choices
- 1.5(6)-cell pill box
- 7-10 cell PWT integrated
- HOM (TM012,p)
Cross section of the HOM TM012 rf gun (solid
line) superimposed on standard 1.6 cell TM010
gun (dotted line), where the units for r and z
are the same J.W. Lwellen, PRLST-AB 4 (2001)
10Superfish output for HOM gun
Outer wall truncated Ez(z,r0) virtually same as
for 1.6-cell TM010,p gun, but shunt
impedance about 1/2
J.W. Lewellen, private communciation
11PWT design
D. Yu et al., PAC 2003
12RD Improve pumping scheme
- Typically conductance limited
- Increase conductance by using
- Z-slots a là AFEL
- Multiple small holes (sieve)
- Surround rf cavity with UHV chamber
- Use massive NEG pumping plus some ion pumping
13RD Compare conductances
14RD Cathode plug
- GaAs crystal 600 mm thick, maybe 1 cm dia., can
be nicely mounted flush to Mo plug - Plug itself maybe 2 cm dia., must be loose enough
to insert/remove remotely - RF seal for plug presents a serious potential
source of FE electrons - Need find innovative RF seal technique
15RD Simulations
- Ion back bombardment
- Not expected to be a problem
- J.W. Lewellen, PRST-AB 5, 020101 (2002)
- R.P. Filler III et al, PAC05
- Electron back bombardment
- Influenced by peak field and by solenoid value
- J.H. Han et al, PRST-AB 8, 033501 (2005)
- Scope of analysis needs to be expanded
16S-band PWT gun simulations
Threshold peak axial field, for FE e- from the
first iris at an annular distance r from the cell
axis (d from the center plane of the disk) to
reach cathode surface for indicated emission
phase solid line represents iris profile in r-
r-d plane Y. Luo et al., PAC03, p.
2126 Operating lt55 MV/m a great advantage for
this design
17RD Quantify expected cathode damage
- 1. Analysis chamber
- 2. Loadlock chamber
- 3. Sample plate entry
- 4. Sample transfer plate
- 5. Rack and pinion travel
- 6. Sample plate stage
- 7. XYZµ OmniaxTM manipulator
- 8. Sample on XYZµ
- 9. Electrostatic energy analyzer
- 10. X-ray source
- 11. SEY/SEM electron gun
- 12. Microfocus ion gun
- 13. Sputter ion gun
- 14. To pressure gauges and RGA
- 15. To vacuum pumps
- 16. Gate valve
SLAC small spot system
18RD Choice of materials, fabrication, assembly,
- Materials
- Class 1 OFHC Cu
- HIP?
- Hardened?
- Fabrication
- Single-point diamond?
- Oil-less machining
- Assembly
- Clean room
- Cleaning
- Ultra pure water
- No solvents
19Proof of principle experiment
- Single full-cell S-band at KEK
- HIP Cu
- Class 1 clean room
- Ultra-high purity water rinsing
- H. Matsumoto, Linac 1996, p. 62
- Peak dark current lt25 pA _at_ 140 MV/m peak surface
field - b50
- RGA peak heights unchanged between RF on/off!
- Prediction IAvg ltlt0.1 pA for ILC DF5x10-3
21RD Overall
- Design RF gun around GaAs requirements
- Construct proto-gun for testing
- Test for QE and lifetime without rf
- RF process with dummy cathode
- SLAC L-band RF station ready in 2006
- Test activated GaAs with RF
- Critical tests are QE and lifetime
- Compare results with simulations
- Polarized rf guns are desirable for ILC
- New challenges not present in DC guns
- The means to meet these challenges appear to
exist - These means will be explored at SLAC
- Related RD activities at other labs welcomed!