Title: California Wireless E911 Statewide Deployments
1CaliforniaWireless E9-1-1Statewide Deployments
- California 9-1-1 Office
- Mrs. Donna L. Peña, PMP, ENP
- California NENA
- Garden Grove, CA
- January 29-30, 2007
2CA Wireless E9-1-1 Objective
- To implement and maintain the capability to
deliver wireless emergency phone calls to the
appropriate PSAP with caller identification
and location information.
3Wireless Caller Background
- Cellular Subscribers grew from 16 million in 1994
to 207.9 million in 2006. - 69 of US population use cell phones.
- 6 of US households are wireless only.
- In CA in 2005, of the 20 million 9-1-1calls, more
than half were wireless. - CTIA Wireless Quick Facts April 2006.
4Wireless E9-1-1 FCC Order
- FCC Order 94-102
- Wireless Service Providers (WSPs) need to
deliver - Phase I - Callback Number, Cell Site Sector
- Phase II - Latitude and longitude coordinates.
- Network solution 67 with 100m 95 with 300m
- Handset solution 67 with 50m 95 with 150m
- OET Bulletin 71 for testing and reporting
accuracy - Timelines vary by WSP, but all must be fully
Phase II compliant by end of 2005. (waivers are
on-line) - http//www.fcc.gov/911/enhanced/
- CPUC Section 2892
5CA Wireless E9-1-1 Home Page
- http//www.td.dgs.ca.gov/services/911/we911
6CA W E9-1-1 Stakeholders
- 475 Local PSAPS E9-1-1 (Primary Secondary)
- 24 CHP Centers
- 15 Wireless Carriers (6 Major)
- 2 Data Base Providers Intrado, TCS
- 2 Landline E9-1-1 Providers ATT, Verizon
- 28 Wireless Coordinators
7CA W E9-1-1 Implementation
Wireless E9-1-1 Statewide Plan Map
8CA W E9-1-1 PSAP Deployments
Goal 389 Local Primary 24 CHP Communication
9CA W E9-1-1 Network Call Volume
Chart estimated only to show of trend of Wireless
calls delivered within 9-1-1 network Note 2006
Answered calls from FRNIS and CARSNet 3.7M .3M
10CA E9-1-1 Network Overview
Wireline TN (ANI)
Wireless 511 (pANI)
VoIP 211 (pANI)
11Wireless E9-1-1 Call Path
1. Wireless caller makes 9-1-1 call 2.
Call hits a cell tower and is routed to PSAP
based upon the sector coverage 3. WSP
Mobile Switching Centers connected to S/Rs and
sends call to PSAP 4. PSAP equipment
uses10-digit pANI to query back to 3rd Party DB
Provider to obtain ANI and ALI for Call Taker
5. Query goes through redundant gateways,
redundant Mobile Positioning Centers, and
redundant Positioning Determining Equipment to
return the Wireless ALI information.
9-1-1 Caller
WSP (Wireless Service Provider)
Call Taker
Cingular, Verizon Wireless, Sprint/Nextel,
T-Mobile others
MSC (Mobile Switching Centers)
911 Trunks
3rd Party DB Provider
(Intrado or TCS)
(pANI) 809-511-1234
Frame Relay
Wireless ANI/ALI
CA 9-1-1 Office (www. http//www.td.dgs.ca.gov/Se
12CA Wireless E9-1-1 ALI Display
13CA E 9-1-1 Call Types
14CA W E9-1-1 PSAP Readiness
- CPE - Phase II Compatibility
- Accommodate W-ALI Display (Format 04)
- 10/20 Digit Capable ANI
- Ability to Re-Bid ALI for Phase II Location
Updates - CAD Interface
- Will CAD accommodate new W-ALI Format?
- Not required to be considered ready.
- PSAP must submit GIS Plan to obtain funding.
15CA Wireless E9-1-1 Status
- Primary PSAPs 413 (389 local 24 CHP)
- PSAPs deployed 181 (end of Dec. 2006)
- PSAPs not participating 59
- PSAPs with Format 04 not participating 35
- PSAPs needing Format 04 62
- Cell Sectors Cut Over 54,867 of 68K statewide
or 79.52 (as of Nov. 2006)
PSAP data stats as of 1/26/07
16CA Wireless E9-1-1 Costs
January 2002 to December 2006
- Network 5.3 M
- ALI ckts, T/T trunks, S/Rs, per calls, 10-digit
non-published lines - PSAPs 12.4 M
- PSAP 04/Multi-steering, CPE patches, GIS (224 of
1955 positions) - WSPs 7.7 M
- 1.00/per sub one-time, 0.05/per sub monthly
- Wireless Coordinators 0.56 M
- Wireless duties and meetings
17CA Wireless E9-1-1 Deployment Barriers
- PSAPs not willing to take Wireless calls directly
- (all calls will go to CHP if they are not
routed directly to local primary PSAPs) - PSAPs arranging to upgrade CPE with Format 04
- Misconception of major call overload and staffing
- Network not in Lassen, Modoc, and Del Norte
18CA Wireless E9-1-1 Issues
- W-ALI delivery does not have a quality standard
(several NRF and No ALI Records) - WSP accuracy is still questionable
- GIS Funding for PSAPs needs to be requested
- W-ALI change for In-building sites shown as
W911 class of service - WSPs need to resolve post deployment issues
- Phantom calls continue (calls with no audio for
both subscribed and non-initialized phones)
19CA Wireless E9-1-1 Reality
- New State Call Routing Law (1/06) for Local
agencies to take more sectors for direct routin - CHP will still take a majority of wireless calls
(70) - PSAPs will have some calls on 10-digit emer lines
- More cell sectors coming on line (maintenance)
- County Coordinators taking on wireless
20CA Wireless E9-1-1 Current Goals
- Have all primary PSAPs agree to take calls
(sending in a Letter of Agency template on web
site) - Have all primary and secondary PSAPs with Format
04 to display the full ALI display with
Lat/Lon/Meters/Percent - Have all PSAPs use 10-digit emergency
non-published numbers for transfers outside
network (calls already answered) - Reduce CHP busies with additional trunking when
ready - Complete Lassen/Modoc Network
- WSPs to resolve phantom calls
21CA W E9-1-1 vs. CA V E9-1-1
22Contact Information
- CA 9-1-1 Emergency Communications Office
- Wireless E9-1-1 Project Web Page
- http//www.td.dgs.ca.gov/Services/911/we911
- Monthly Wireless E9-1-1 Meetings
- 2nd Friday 9-1030am PST
- 9-1-1 Office Consultants
- http//www.documents.dgs.ca.gov/td/911/OfficeAssig
nments.pdf - Donna Peña
- donna.pena_at_dgs.ca.gov