Title: Light and Matter For Computer Graphics
1Light and MatterFor Computer Graphics
- Comp 770 Lecture
- Spring 2009
- A very high-level introduction to some concepts
and definitions underlying image synthesis. - Optics
- Materials and Surfaces
- Radiometry and Photometry
- Color
- Energy Transport
- The study of light has 3 sub-fields.
- Physical optics study of the wave nature of
light. - Geometric optics study of the particle nature of
light. - Quantum optics study of the dual wave-particle
nature of light and attempt to construct unified
theories to support duality. Wave packets
called photons. - Computer graphics most concerned with geometric
optics (but need some of the others, too).
4Reflection and Transmission
- Reflection process whereby light of a specific
wavelength incident on a material is at least
partly propagated outward by the material without
change in wavelength. - Transmission (or refraction) process whereby
light of a specific wavelength incident on the
interface (boundary) between two materials passes
(refracts) through the interface without change
in wavelength. - (Definitions from Glassner1995).
5Types of Reflection
- Specular (a.k.a. mirror or regular) reflection
causes light to propagate without scattering. - Diffuse reflection sends light in all directions
with equal energy. - Mixed reflection is a weighted combination of
specular and diffuse.
6Types of Reflection
- Retro-reflection occurs when incident energy
reflects in directions close to the incident
direction, for a wide range of incident
directions. - Gloss is the property of a material surface that
involves mixed reflection and is responsible for
the mirror like appearance of rough surfaces.
7Types of Gloss
- Gloss factors measured by the ratio of energy (?)
in the reflected and incident directions for
certain standard angles (?i and ?r). - Specularity measures the brightness of a
highlight ?r /?i (?i ?r 60). - Sheen measures the brightness of glancing
highlights ?r /?i (?i ?r 85).
8Types of Gloss
- Contrast is the brightness of a glancing
highlight relative to the brightness in the
surface normal direction ?r /?n. (?i ?r
85). - Distinctness of Image measures the clarity of the
highlight or the sharpness of its borders d?r /
d?r , or the rate of change of reflected energy
with reflected direction. - Absence of Bloom measures the haziness around the
highlight ?r2 /?r1, where ?r1 and ?r2 are only a
few degrees different.
9Computing The Specular Reflection Vector
Given I, N, R are coplanar. I?N R ?N N (I
?N)N From the parallelogram shown at right,
see R I 2N Or R 2N I 2(I ?N)N - I
10Types of Transmission
- Specular transmission causes light to propagate
w/o scattering, as in clearglass. - Diffuse transmission sends light in all
directions with equal energy, as infrosted
glass. - Mixed transmission is a weighted combination of
specular and diffuse transmission.
11Index of Refraction
- The speed of light is not the same in all media.
- Reference medium is a perfect vacuum.
- IOR ?i(?) c / v?. c speed of light in
vacuum, v? is speed of light of wavelength ? in
the medium. - Surface where two media touch called the
interface. - Light appears to bend when passing through the
interface, due to change in speed. - Amount of bending, or refraction, determined by
the IOR of both materials.
12Snells Law of Refraction
- Governs the geometry of refraction.
- ?i(?)sin?i ?t(?)sin?t
- ?i IOR of incident medium
- ?t IOR of medium into which the
light is transmitted - If the light is transmitted intoa denser medium,
it is refracted toward the normal of the
interface. - If the light is transmitted into a rarer medium,
it is refracted away from the normal of the
13Total Internal Reflection
- At some angle, called the critical angle, light
is bent to lie exactly in the plane of the
interface. - At all angles greater than this, the light is
reflected back into the incident medium total
internal reflection (TIR). - Snells law gives critical angle ?c
- ?i(?)sin?c ?t(?)sin(? / 2)
- sin?c ?t (?) / ?i(?)
14Computing The Specular Transmission Vector
15Surface Models
- Perfect mirrors and reflections dont exist.
- Perfect transmission requires a perfect vacuum.
- Real surfaces have some degree of roughness.
- Even most basic simulation must account for
specular and diffuse reflection / transmission. - More realism requires accounting for more
factors. - Wavelength dependence dispersion, diffraction,
interference - Anisotropy angular-dependence of reflectance.
- Scattering absorption and re-emission of
16Basic Surface Models
- Non-physically based, as used in OpenGL.
- Materials have ambient, diffuse, and specular
colors. - Ambient is a very coarse approx. Of light
reflected from other surfaces. (Global
illumination). - Diffuse usually just the color of the surface.
- Specular determines highlight color.
17Basic Surface Models
18Whats Missing?
- What weve seen so far is just the basics of
geometric optics. - Enough for classical ray tracing, Phong
illumination model. - To get much better, we need more
- Better modeling of surface properties.
- Wavelength dependence.
- Radiometry / Photometry.
- Energy Transport.
19Surface Roughness
- At a microscopic scale, all real surfaces are
rough - Cast shadows on themselves
- Mask reflected light
20Surface Roughness
- Notice another effect of roughness
- Each microfacet is treated as a perfect mirror.
- Incident light reflected in different directions
by different facets. - End result is mixed reflectance.
- Smoother surfaces are more specular or glossy.
- Random distribution of facet normals results in
diffuse reflectance.
21Reflectance Distribution Model
- Most surfaces exhibit complex reflectances.
- Vary with incident and reflected directions.
- Model with combination
- specular glossy diffuse reflectance
- So far weve been considering isotropic
materials. - Reflection and refraction invariant with respect
to rotation of the surface about the surface
normal vector. - For many materials, reflectance and transmission
are dependent on this azimuth angle anisotropic
reflectance/transmission. - Examples?
- Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function
- ?(x, ?i, ?o)
- x is the position.
- ?i (?i, ?i) represents the incoming direction.
(elevation, azimuth) - ?o (?o, ?o) represents the outgoing direction
(elevation, azimuth)
24Properties of the BRDF
- Dependent on both incoming and outgoing
directions bidirectional. - Always positive distribution function.
- Invariant to exchange of incoming/outgoing
directions reciprocity principal. - In general, BRDFs are anisotropic.
25Dimensionality of BRDF
- Function of position (3D), incoming, outgoing
directions (4 angles), wavelength, and
polarization. - Thus, a 9D function!
- Usually simplify
- Ignore polarization (geometric optics!).
- Sometimes ignore wavelength.
- Assume uniform material (ignore position).
- Isotropic reflectance makes one angle go away.
- Radiometry Science of measurement of light.
- Measurements are purely physical.
- Discusses quantities like radiance and
irradiance, flux, and radiosity. - Need some radiometry to go into more detail about
BRDF. - Combine with light transport theory and optics to
derive radiosity computations. - More in later lectures and in COMP238.
27Radiometry vs. Photometry
- Photometry Science of human perception of light.
- Perceptual analog of Radiometry.
- All measurements relative to perception.
- More in COMP238
- If we stopped here wed have grayscale images.
- Color is determined by the wavelength of visible
light. - Can still use geometric optics.
- But need to account for wavelength in reflectance
(BRDF) and index of refraction. - What natural phenomena can you think of that are
wavelength dependent?
29Sampling Wavelength
- We could try to compute image for every possible
wavelength and then combine. - Would take forever.
- Sample a representative set of wavelengths.
- How many samples?
- Where?
30Where to Sample?
- Photometry tells us that some wavelengths are
more important than others to human perception. - Human response curve looks something like this
31Where to Sample?
- So, pick a few samples wavelengths.
- Compute an image for each.
- Reconstruct with basis functions.
- Weight of each sample determined by human
response curve. - (Also need colorspace transformations).
- More in COMP238.
32Light Transport
- To compute images, we need to simulate transport
of light around a scene. - Transport theory.
- Analysis techniques for flow of moving particles
in 3D. - Largely developed for neutrons in atomic
reactors. - Can be applied to traffic flow, gas dynamics.
- Most importantly, can be applied to light.
- Simulation techniques.
- Ray tracing.
- Radiosity.
- Combinations and variations.
33Local vs. Global Illumination
- Radiosity and ray tracing simulate global
illumination. - Account for light transport between objects.
- Not just between light sources and objects local
illumination. - Dont need global illumination to use the
concepts of geometric optics, surface modeling,
and BRDF. - Have been used to create diverse shading models.
- Simplest and most common is Phong.
- Next lecture shading models.
34For Next Time
- Read
- Henri Gouraud, Continuous Shading of Curved
Surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Computers June
1971. - Bui Tuong Phong, Illumination for Computer
Generated Pictures. Communications of the ACM
June 1975. - James F. Blinn, Models of Light Reflection for
Computer Synthesized Pictures. Computer
Graphics (SIGGRAPH 1977).
- Glassner, Principles of Digital Image Synthesis,
Volume Two. - Highly detailed and low level.
- Cohen and Wallace, Radiosity and Realistic Image
Synthesis. - Bastos dissertation, ftp//ftp.cs.unc.edu/pub/publ
36More Detail Scattering
- When a photon hits an atom, one of two things
happens - Absorption the photon (energy) is converted into
another form of energy. - Scattering the photon is immediately re-emitted
in a new direction.