Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Conceptual study of a liquid xenon ?-PET for
small animal imaging
Sebastien JAN ISN - Grenoble - France
Why liquid xenon (LXe) medium for detection in
Design of LXe ?-PET and DOI measurement
Monte Carlo simulation and results
RD investigations
2Why liquid xenon medium for detection in PET ?
Good scintillation properties for PET
Some difficulties
Light collection at ? 178 nm is one of
challenging part of this project !
3Design of a liquid xenon ?-PET
One module 10x10 light guides kapton matrix
with deposition of Al MgF2 on it 2 PS-PMT for
light collection Active volume 2 cm in x,y - 5
cm in z
16 modules 32 PS-PMT Axial FOV 5
cm Transaxial FOV 10 cm
4DOI Measurement
No DOI information with a classical PET
system like BGO Block
No information about Depth Of Interaction !
BGO detector block
Parallax error or radial elongation
DOI measurement with the design of LXe
x,y given by the light guide where the energy is
deposited (PM1-PM2)/(PM1PM2) ? z
x, y, z for each event !
5Monte Carlo Simulation
GEANT4 - Free At CERN !
Geometry and material definitions - Water phantom
active medium cryostat ? generation - 15O
11C 18F Annihilation ? tracking - ? ? non
colinearity is taken into account Package
LowEM-Processes in GEANT4 ? Rayleigh scatterings,
Compton and photoelectric effects
C Code
UV photons generation of ? hit in LXe module -
40000 photons/MeV UV propagation in the light
guides - reflectivity coefficient 90
Simulation of the PS-PMT response - quantum
efficiency 15
Acquisition in 3D mode - Data Files
ROOT - Free at CERN !
Analysis - Energy resolution sensitivity
scatter fraction spatial resolution Sinogram
Filtered Back Projection reconstruction method
6Monte Carlo results
Single photon energy deposited spectrum in the
liquid xenon
Energy resolution 15 _at_ 511 keV (FWHM)
7Spatial Resolution
Set-Up Water phantom - Ø 4 cm
H 4 cm 18F point sources in the central
transaxial plane Same activity for each sources
- 400.106 ? are generated Energy Threshold 250
keV - 650 keV
Transaxial Resolution at the center of FOV (FWHM)
1.57 mm
DOI measurement provides a good uniformity of
this result at different radius value in the FOV
8Image Reconstruction
4 point sources in the water phantom
(18F) Reconstruction of the central slice - Slice
width 3 mm 2D reconstruction with FBP algorithm
5 mm
Good separation between point sources
9Simulation with a more realistic phantom
Water cylinder Ø 4 cm - H 4 cm Five hot
tubes filled with the same 18F concentration Recon
struction of the central slice
Original distribution
Monte Carlo reconstruction
3 mm
4 mm
5 mm
1 mm
2 mm
10Preliminary comparisons between 18F and 15O
Resolution (FWHM) 1.6 mm
Resolution (FWHM) 2.9 mm
3D acquisition Energy threshold 250 keV - 650
keV At the center of FOV
1.2 for real coincidences 1 for true
12RD investigations
Light collection PS-PMT Tests UV
detection at ? 180 nm Photo Tube HAMAMATSU
R5900-00-C12 quartz window RbCs photo-cathode 6x
and 6y cross-plated anodes localisation by a
center of gravity calculation
Construction of one module For the LXe
?-PET Deposition of Al MgF2 on a kapton matrix
? 10x10 light guides with 2x2 mm2 for each one
13Results of PS-PMT test at 180 nm and room
Profiles of center of gravity obtained with
quartz optical fiber travelling mm/mm Excellent
separation !
Resolution at FWHM for one center of gravity
distribution 0.25 mm (fwhm)
Non linearity of the PS-PMT (variation of the
photo-cathode efficiency) Must be corrected
before reconstruction !
PMT must be tested at 165 K
14Cryogenic system - LXe Station cryostat
LXe Station built by Air Liquid - deliver 2000
December Cryostat built at the
laboratory Tested at 119.8 Kelvin with liquid
krypton (165 K for liquid xenon)
Simulation GEANT 4 of a LXe ?-PET ? design
GEANT 4 simulation can be extended in a general
PET simulator - User could define materials,
geometry, isotope, phantom with an interactive
panel and the simulator will provide PET data
Testing new PET design and reconstruction
Specification for the future developments in
?-PET resolution (fwhm)
1.5 mm - sensitivity 2
LXe ?-PET Resolution (fwhm) 1.5 mm
Sensitivity 1
DOI measurement
Module prototype for LXe ?-PET is being
built ? It will be tested in the second half of