Title: Open seminar with
1Open seminar with Dr. Yehuda Hamovitz on Managemen
t in times of crisis
Chateau Linza, Tirana, March 24th 2009
2Dr. Yehuda Hamovitz
Vice President GENESIS Group PhD in
Organizational Behavior Top consultant to top
managements Extensive experience in management
and consulting Famous lecturer in fields of
managerial decision making Age 46 Residence
3The world is now on the edge of financial
crisis. This crisis obviously effects you as
well!! In order of coping with the crisis,
prevent it or to be prepared for it, you need
this day!!
4- We will deal with
- Understanding the reasons
- Analyzing the effects
- Observing behaviors
- Ways of coping with it
5We will analyze and give tools to cope with
- Wrong people in wrong positions
- Insufficient marketing and sales
- Shortage in business intelligence
- Accounting financial management
- Cost management purchase control
- Engagement issues
- HR control
- etc
6We will give tools for modifying
- Organizations vision and missions
- Organizational structure and chart
- Organizational culture
- Marketing sales procedures
- Corporate communication
- Public relations
- Financial procedures
- HR procedures
7Call us
Partner of GENESIS Group Elda Gjoka Operations
Manager ACMS - Albanian Center for Management
Services llc. Address Rr. "Leke Dukagjini"
Pall. 11/1, Kati 5. Tirane Phone 00 355 4 2
255 655 Fax 00 355 4 2 271 960 Mob 00 355 68 40
49 091 e-mail info_at_cmsalbania.com e-mail
elda.gjoka_at_cmsalbania.com website
www.cmsalbania.com The Road to Success is always
Under Construction! (Gazmend Haxhia)