Title: The Local Strategic Partnership the LSP
1The Local Strategic Partnership - the LSP
- The LSP is a voluntary partnership, made up of
councillors from the borough, parish and county
councils, and representatives of the public,
private and voluntary sectors. - The partnership focuses on strategic issues and
on future challenges the individual partners
carry out the work of delivering the agreed key
2Outcomes of LSP Review
- Process for confirming leadership
- New terms of reference, acknowledging the unique
roles of different sectors and outlining the
expected roles and responsibilities of sector
representatives and LSP Board members - A new structure
- A mechanism for allocating LSP project funds
- An approach to embedding Hampshire LAA targets /
national indicators - LSP communication plan
- Use of highlight reports
3Priority Action Groups
- I
- Identified through the LSP Review 2008,
carrying out the actions, working to address key
priorities for the local community. -
4Priority Action Groups 1 Children and Young
People 2 Community Safety 3 Health and
Wellbeing 4 Housing 5 Skills and Employability
Cross Cutting Groups A Communications and
Community Involvement B Multi Agency Diversity
Forum C Neighbourhood Renewal SG D Sustainable
Communities Footprint Group
LSP Conference
Basingstoke and Deane LSP Board
Community Network
Cross-cutting task groups
Management Group
Provide expertise on specific tasks as directed
Provides a network of networks for community
interest groups
Priority Action Groups
Older people
Other partnerships and fora
5LSP Board sets the vision and priorities in SCS
key consultee on Borough issues as holds
strategic overview with community perspective.
Sets the framework for Management Group
How it will work
LSP Conference
LSP Board gives annual report to Conference and
funding partners
Management Group sets the LSP work programme,
monitors action, considers emerging issues.
Basingstoke and Deane LSP Board
Man Group reports progress to Board
Community Network
Cross-cutting task groups
Management Group
Provide expertise on specific tasks as directed
Provides a network of networks for community
interest groups
Priority Action Groups
Priority Action Groups co-ordinate actions and
report on specific targets and issues to Man Group
Older people
Other partnerships may feed into more than one
priority action group.
Other partnerships and fora
6PAGs Roles and Responsibilities
- Identify the key actions required to help meet
agreed priorities - Co-ordinate the work of partnerships within the
priority theme to ensure the right organisations
are involved, and there is ownership of actions - Receive regular information from partnerships and
cross-cutting/project groups and oversee
performance - Report regularly to the Management Group on
progress against priorities, make recommendations
where appropriate, and communicate between the
different components of the LSP - Facilitate joint funding and collaborative
funding bids - Consider opportunities to rationalise partnership
working within the relevant theme
7Expectations of PAGs 2009/10
- Establish three key actions (to be delivered in
the coming 12 months (year 1)) - Provide an Action Plan by June 2009 to include at
least the 3 key actions - Report Hampshire LAA performance targets (where
applicable) - Provide regular updates (through Project
Highlight Reports) to the LSP Management Group
who in turn will report to the LSP Board