Title: OntologyBased User Modeling for Pedestrian Navigation Systems
1Ontology-Based User Modeling for Pedestrian
Navigation Systems
- Panayotis Kikiras, Vassileios Tsetsos, and
- Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
- Pervasive Computing Research Group
- Communication Networks Laboratory
- Department of Informatics and Telecommunications
- University of Athens Greece
- UbiqUM 06 _at_ Riva del Garda
- Pedestrian Wayfinding and Navigation The Theory
- Ontology-based User Modeling
- Existing User Models
- User Navigation Ontology
- OntoNav A Semantic Navigation System
- Conclusion Future Research
3What Is Wayfinding
- A cognitive procedure for orientation and
navigation of the user in huge and complex
environments - Involves four main steps
- Orientation
- Route Selection
- Routing Control
- Recognition of destination
4What Affects Wayfinding
- Individuals characteristics
- Sex, age, perceptual and mental abilities, motor
abilities, prior knowledge of the environment, - Environments characteristics
- Luminosity, signage, structure, obstacles,
- Learning processes
- Learning abilities strategies,
- Not everyone has the same navigational skills ?
- Personalized navigation is necessary
5User Profile Components
Wheelchair Escort-aided mobility
Orientation disability Mental impairment
Hearing abilities Visual quality
Mental/Cognitive Characteristics
Sensory Abilities
Motor Abilities
User Profile
Navigational Preferences
User Interface Preferences
User Demographics
Only audio info Only visual info
Age Gender
Avoid stairs
6Ontology-based User Modeling
- Ontology is
- a formal, explicit specification of a shared
conceptualization (Studer, 1998 - original
Gruber, 1993) - a core knowledge representation technique in
Semantic Web (OWL language) - User types ? ontology classes
- User characteristics ? class properties
- Such modeling enables Semantic Web reasoning
(e.g., classification) and inference (i.e.,
7Existing User Models
- GUMO (General User Model Ontology)
- Represents user dimensions (e.g., demographics,
abilities) - Developed in OWL
- - Provides just a vocabulary (no axioms,
restrictions) - UserML
- XML language
- Provides just a syntax layer for higher level
semantic models
8User Navigation Ontology (UNO)
- An OWL ontology that specifies classes and
properties for the components of a navigation
user profile - User classes are formally defined
- YoungWheelchairedUser
- ? hasAbility AutonomousWheelchairedMobility
- ? hasAge LessThan18
- Enables dynamic classification of users through
Description Logics reasoning - UNO is aligned with GUMO (where applicable)
9UNO Elements
- Personalized indoor navigation, through the
exploitation of user- and building-related
User Profile Creator
Building graph
User-compatible graph
Path Computation and Ranking
Building Blueprints
IF UNOWheelchairedUser(u) AND INOStairway(s)
THEN INOisExcludedFor(s,u)
11User Profile Creation
- Users can
- A) Choose from predefined profiles
- B) Create a custom profile through forms
- Both options demonstrate serious limitations
- A is too coarse-grained
- B is not automated and requires (substantial)
user effort - Users may be reluctant to disclose (all of) their
abilities/disabilities (AB) - Solution (challenge) User Profile Inference and
Calibration - from user movement, history, published personal
information (e.g., homepage),
- A first attempt to define an axiomatized
ontology for describing pedestrian users based on
theories and existing work - Integration of UNO with a navigation system
(i.e., Location Based Services) - Future Research Issues
- User profile inference
- Evaluation with real users
- National project on Universal Access to Indoor
13Thank You!
- Questions???
- UNO v0.1 available at
- http//p-comp.di.uoa.gr/ont/UNO.owl