Title: The VIRGO experience: Research on Vision Based Robot Navigation
1?e ta µ?t?a e??? ??µp?t... ? efa?µ??? t??
??µp?t???? te???????a? ?? ???? t??p?? p??sßas??
se p???t?st????? ??????
G?????? ?aµa?????, ?daµa?t?a ??????
2TOURBOT?????ep?d?ast??? t??e-pa???s?a se
???se?a µ?s? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
S?µµet????te? f??e??
- ?d??µa ?e???????a? ?a? ??e??a? - ????da
- ?d??µa ?e?????? ??????sµ?? - ????da
- ???a?t??? ?a? ???st?a???? ???se?? ?????? -????da
- THEON Mobile Platforms SA - ????da
- ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? Freiburg - Ge?µa??a
- ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? ?????? - Ge?µa??a
- Ge?µa???? ???se?? ?????? - Ge?µa??a
3S?ed????aµµa pa???s?as??
- ??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
- S?µpe??sµata
4??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
???e-pa???s?a se µ??se?a µ?s? ??µp?t????
???p? µe ta µ?t?a t?? ??µp?t ?a? t? e????? ap?
5??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
???e-pa???s?a se µ??se?a µ?s? ??µp?t????
- ?????µe?e? ??µp?t???? p?atf??µe? e??p??sµ??e? µe
a?s??t??e? ?a? s??dedeµ??e? st? ??ad??t?? - ??e???? µ?s? ??ad??t???
- ??a??t?ta ??a a?t???µ? ?a? asfa?? ????s?
- ?et?d?s? ?pt???a???st???? ded?µ???? st? ???st?
6??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ???pt??? d?ad?ast???? ??µp?t-?e?a??? ??a??? ?a
pa???e? e?at?µ??e?µ??? p??sßas? se µ??se?a??
e???µata ?a? st?? p???t?st??? ???????µ?? µ?s?
??ad??t??? - ?e?t?????a ?? e?p??s?p?? t?? ???st? st? µ??se??
de??µe??? e?t???? µ?s? ??ad??t??? p?? t? ?d?????
st? ?a ???e?ta? µ?s? st? ???? p?? ß??s?eta? ?a?
?a ep?s??pteta? s???e???µ??a e???µata - ???s? ?? e?????t??, ep?t?p??? ?e?a???
7??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ???pt??? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p?? µe e?e???µ??e?
d??at?t?te? p?????s?? p?? ?a µp????? ?a ??????ta?
?µ?-a?t???µa st? ???? t?? µ??se???. - ???pt??? ?at?????a s?ed?asµ???? se??d?? st?
d?ad??t?? µe s??p? ?a e??p??et??? t??
t??e-pa???s?a t?? ???st? e? ap?st?se??, d??ad? ?a
d?e????????? t?? pa?at???s? e??? ????? µ?sa ap?
ta µ?t?a t?? ??µp?t???? p?atf??µa?
8??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
?p?s?e?? µ?s? d?ad??t???
?p?t?p?a ?e????s?
9S?ed????aµµa pa???s?as??
- ??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
- S?µpe??sµata
10??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
11??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
St???e?a t?? ??µp?t???? ??atf??µa?
- ??????? s??µa
- ?p?????st??
- ??s??t??e? (sonars, laser scanner, IRs)
- ?????? ???? t?? s?µat?? µe tactile sensors
- Ste?e?s??p??? ?efa??
- ?s??µat? ep????????a
- ???s?µ???s? e?f??se??
12??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
- ???s?µ???s? e?f??se?? µe
- ???a???? st?µa
- ??t?a
- F??d?a
13??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
- ???te? ????? (a?t???µ? ?a?t????f?s?)
- ??s??t??e? (ranging systems - laser scanners,
sonars) - ?e?????? e?t?p?sµ??
- ???f?? ?????
- S?????s? ?a? ta???asµa st? ????
14??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
?d??µa ?e?????? ??????sµ??
???a?t??? ???se??
15??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
?d??µa ?e?????? ??????sµ??
?p?t??esµa ?a?t????f?s??
???a?t??? ???se??
???se?? ??????
16??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
- ?pt???a???st???? p????f???e? s?et???? µe ta
?d??µa ?e?????? ??????sµ??
???a?t??? ?a? ???st?a???? ???se?? ??????
Ge?µa???? ???se?? ??????
17??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p??
?pe?e??as?a ?ed?µ????
- ??a??t?te? p?????s?? (asfa???, ap?te?esµat???)
- ??ad?ast??? p?????s?
- ?p?f??? eµp?d???
- ????s? ???? ap? ???eµa
- ????s? p??? s???e???µ??? s?µe?? st? ped??
pa?at???s?? t?? ???st? - ??????s? µe s???e???µ??? st???
- ?e????s?
- ????s? p??? e???µata (d?µ??????a d?ad??µ??)
18??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p?? ??ad?ast???
??t??? ep?t?ep?µe??? ????s??
Robot Model
Sonars Laser
19??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? ??p??s?p?? ??????s? µe
s???e???µ??? st???
- ????s? p??? e???µata
- S?ed?as? p??e?a?
- S??e??as?a µe t? s?st?µa ap?f???? eµp?d???
- G?????? d?????s? p??e?a? se pe??pt?s? d??aµ????
eµp?d??? (p.?. ?p?s??pte? µ??se???)
20S?ed????aµµa pa???s?as??
- ??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
- S?µpe??sµata
21???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? ta µ?t?a e??? ??µp?t
- ?et?d?s? ???te?
- ??µp?t ?e?t????? sta?µ??
- ??a?????? µet?d?s?
- ?s??µat? Ethernet
- ??p?µp? s?µat?? ß??te? st? ???st?
- ?a?t?????? µet?d?s? µ?s? d?ad??t??? se p??????
22???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ??p?µp? s?µat?? ß??te? µ?s? d?ad??t???
- ?p?????
- Webcam32
- http//surveyorcorp.com/webcam32/
- ?µes? a?aµet?d?s? ?a??
- ?e??µ???? a???µ?? ?a?? p?? a?aµetad?d??ta?
- ?e??s? p???t?ta? e????a? ?a??
23S?ed????aµµa pa???s?as??
- ??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
- S?µpe??sµata
24?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ????e? ??a a????ep?d?as? µe t? ???st?
- Se??de? st?? ????? t?? ?p?????st? p??? st? ??µp?t
- ???s? ?????? af?? LCD
- Se??de? d?ad??t???
- ?e???????a browser
?a??µ??e? a???? s?ed?as??
25 ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- S?ed?asµ?? ?????? ??a
- a????ep?d?as? µe t? ???st?
TOURBOT Kick-off Meeting
Navigation SW
Data Link
Mobile Platform
Platform bus
Processing Control Unit
On-site User
- TOURBOT System
- Technical point of view
Wireless Link
System Administrator
Information and Data Base
Off-board Workstation
Remote User
27S?ed????aµµa pa???s?as??
- ??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
- S?µpe??sµata
28St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
29S?ed????aµµa pa???s?as??
- ??t??e?µe?? ??e??a?
- ??t???µ?? ??µp?t???? e?p??s?p??
- ???p? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- ?????? µ?sa ap? t? d?ad??t??
- St?d?? e??????? t?? p?????µµat??
- S?µpe??sµata
- ???e-pa???s?a / t??e-pa?at???s?
- ??at?µ??e?µ??? p??sßas? ap? ap?stas? st? ????
e??? µ??se??? - ??e???? ap? ap?stas? µ?s? d?ad??t???
- ?p?t?p?a ?e????s?
31?e ta µ?t?a e??? ??µp?t... ? efa?µ??? t??
??µp?t???? te???????a? ?? ???? t??p?? p??sßas??
se p???t?st????? ??????
G?????? ?aµa?????, ?daµa?t?a ??????