Title: Gloeocapsin
Created By Kerri Styne and Mary Biltz
2Gloeocapsin is a molecule that comes from the
biochemical group of Scytonemin. The role that
gloeocapsin plays is UV screening. Gloeocapsins
pigment acts as a protector from UV rays and
shields the cyanobacteria it lives in.
These tubes are exposed to a UV light. The middle
tube has more Gloeocapsin in it and reflects more
3Gloeocapsins physical characteristics include
its color, which is violet-reddish. However,
when the gloeocapsin is treated with acids it
becomes a dark red color.
Gloeocapsins structure includes a chain of
double bonds that alternate on a 11 ratio with
single bonds.
4- The use of gloeocapsin in sunscreen is currently
being studied, so that humans may be protected
from UV rays given off by the sun.
- Humans also benefit from this molecule by
testing samples taken from Mars. If gloeocapsin
is present in these samples, it may lead to a
conclusion of life on Mars.
- No problems have been found with the molecule
gloeocapsin so far.
5The molecule of gloeocapsin lives inside of
cyanobacteria. It screens out the UV rays that
fall on the cyanobacteria, therefore protecting
the biofilm it lives in from the sun.
The biofilm that gloeocapsin lives in such as
Gloeocapsa sanguinea or Gloeocapsa atrata, are
mostly found on rock surfaces or in similar
6Works Cited
- Websites
- -http//www.colbud.hu/esa/publications/28CBC8ESASP
-545pp265-266.pdf - -http//www.cyanodb.cz/taxodetail/gloeocapsa/
- -http//taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/media/np330
yhe6.pdf - -http//www.aoml.noaa.gov/general/lib/CREWS/Cleo/E
xuma/RG_exu34.pdf - -http//www.glerl.noaa.gov/seagrant/GLWL/Algae/Cya
nophyta/Images/Gloeocapsa2.jpg - -http//www.nyu.edu/pages/mathmol/library/lipids/o
leic.gif - -http//www.vcbio.science.ru.nl/public/Final-Image
ryoteDetail.jpg - -http//www.teacherbridge.org/public/users/cjervis
Personal Communications Mr. Jervis (Chemistry
and Biology teacher of Auburn High School.)