Title: Dieting, body weight and health in menopausal women
1Dieting, body weight and health in menopausal
- Professor Kerin ODea AO
- Director, Sansom Institute for Health Research,
- University of South Australia
2Energy requirements as women age
- Energy balance Intake Expenditure
- As we age
- Generally become less active
- Less Lean Body Mass (muscle, bone)
- Proportionately more Fat Mass
- Lower energy requirement
- Weight loss results in loss of both LBM and FM
- Can lead to even lower resting energy
3Pros and Cons of weight loss in older women
- Pros
- Improvement in chronic disease risk profile
- Reduction in blood pressure, dyslipidemia,
metabolic syndrome - If weight loss is maintained
- Reduction in risk of a number of age-related
conditions - Type 2 diabetes
- Cons
- Bone loss
- Loss of muscle mass
- Lower energy requirements
- Rebound weight gain
4How to optimise the outcome??
- Minimise the risk of bone and muscle mass loss
- Important role of physical activity
- Aerobic
- Resistance
- Important role of the type of diet
- Adequate Ca and protein
- Importance of adequate vitamin D
- Outdoor activities
5The big challenges in effective weight loss
- Achieving and maintaining weight loss
- How much weight loss?
- At least 5
- Which diet?
- The DPP in the US and the DPS in Finland both
focussed on reducing fat (and saturated fat) and
increasing fibre - Are other dietary approaches more sustainable?
- How much exercise?
- At least 30 mins/day
- Is this enough?
6Which diet?
- The DIRECT Study
- Dietary Intervention Randomised Controlled Trial
(DIRECT) - 322 subjects (86 men), mean age 52 yr, BMI 31
kg/m2 - High adherence
- 95.4 at 1yr, 84.6 at 2 yr
Shai et al, New Engl J Med 359229-41, 2008
7Which diet?
- The DIRECT study a comparison of 3 healthy
weight loss diets - Low Fat AHA guidelines
- 1500 kcal for women, 1800 kcal for men, lt30 fat,
lt 10 sat fat, low fat grains, legumes, fruit,
veg - Limit added fat and refined CHO
- Mediterranean
- 1500 kcal for women, 1800 kcal for men, 35 fat,
olive oil, vegetable, legumes, fruit, nuts, fish,
poultry - Low Carbohydrate non-restricted energy
- 20g/day CHO for 2 months, then gradually
increasing if weight loss maintained
Shai et al, New Engl J Med 359229-41, 2008
8Weight Changes during 2 Years According to Diet
N Engl J Med 2008359229-41.
9Which diet?
- The least satisfactory diet was the low fat
- Difficult to adhere long term, refined CHO?
- The low-carbohydrate diet
- greatest weight loss at 6 months, with some
rebound to 18 months - best lipid profile
- Mediterranean diet
- weight loss at 6 months was maintained over 2 yr
- better metabolic outcomes in the sub-set with
type 2 diabetes - Need to repeat the study in women
- Women tended to lose more weight on the
Mediterranean diet - Weight loss diets can be individualised according
to personal preference and metabolic needs
10How much exercise to maintain weight loss?
- Consensus is a minimum of 30 minutes/day most
days 150 min/week - Recent data suggests much more is needed to
maintain weight loss - People need to burn gt2000 calories (gt8.4 MJ) per
week to maintain diet-induced weight loss over
the long term - Brisk walking for 1 hour per day as a minimum
Jakicic et al. Arch Intern Med.
11Percentage weight loss by physical activity
categories (minutes per week) (n170)
Jakicic et al. Arch Intern Med.
12Percentage weight loss by physical activity
categories (kilocalories per week) (n170)
Jakicic et al. Arch Intern Med.
13Physical activity at baseline and at 6 and 24
months follow-up for categories of 24-month
weight loss (n170)
Jakicic et al. Arch Intern Med.
14Importance of diet AND exercise
- In order to lose weight
- Need to reduce energy intake
- Regular exercise is also of benefit
- gt1hr/day brisk walking
- In order to sustain weight loss
- Need to build exercise into daily routines and
expend at least 2000 kcal/wk - Change eating patterns, rather than go on a
15Physical activity used to be part of daily life!
16Key issues in relation to diet and weight loss
- Can weight loss be sustained without a low fat
diet? - Is the type of fat important?
- Does dietary protein increase satiety?
- Role of low GI
- Fructose
- Energy consumed as liquids
17Dieting for weight loss
- Must achieve negative energy balance
- No adverse health impacts
- Sustainable over the long term
- High palatability
- Satiety
18Energy density calories/gm Energy equivalents
100 g chocolate 2kg vegetables
19Energy density
- Huge amount of data indicating the importance of
energy density in regulating energy intake over
both the short and long term - Foods highest in energy density
- Refined, processed foods high in sugars, fats,
and low in fibre - Assumption that low fat low energy density
- Moderate-high fat diets can also be bulky if they
are rich in plant foods
20212 g
770 g
recipes from C. Itsiopoulos
21Can weight loss be achieved and sustained without
a low fat diet?
- If low fat diets result in reduced energy intake
they lead to weight loss - Low energy density is the critical factor
- ED increased by refined sugars
- Not all higher fat diets have high ED
- Mediterranean diet 40 fat, but bulky
- Not all low fat diets have a low ED
- Low fat diets rich in processed foods
22Low fat foods
- Low fat fast foods are frequently high in
refined carbohydrates - Sucrose, high fructose corn syrup
- Frequently marketed as health foods
- Muesli bars, fruit bars
- May have more energy and higher energy density
than unsweetened full fat versions - Yoghurt
23(No Transcript)
24How important is the type of fat?
- Numerous studies in animals and humans indicate
that dietary fats differ in how they are handled
by the body - Saturated fats are more likely to be stored (ie,
deposited as fat) - Unsaturated fats are more likely to be oxidised
(ie used as an energy source) - Oleic acid (monounsaturated) is most likely to be
oxidised (used as an energy source) - Polyunsaturated fats tend to be oxidised, or used
functionally (eg, membranes, eicosanoids)
25Do high protein/low carb diets increase satiety?
- Numerous studies support this
- Skov et al, Internat J Obesity, 23 528-536,
1999 - RCT comparing 2 low fat (30 en)
- HC, 12 protein
- HP, 25 protein
- Food provided in modules in a shop, consumed ad
lib - After 6 months, weight loss on both diets
- HC, 5.1 kg, 9 lost gt10 kg
- HP, 8.9 kg, 35 lost gt10 kg
- Other studies have shown meal provision, or
detailed menu provision (as in CSIRO Diet) aids
26How important is GI?
- Variable results, but generally positive
- Reduced postprandial insulin levels
- Association with fibre content of foods
- Reduced energy density
- Impact of refined carbohydrate?
- Sucrose and fructose have low GI
- Impact of fat in meals?
- Slows gastric emptying
27Should we be concerned about fructose?
- Unlike glucose, fructose is taken up only by the
liver - Efficiently converted into fatty acids and
triglycerides - Fructose feeding is an excellent animal model of
insulin resistance - Fatty liver in association with increased
inflammation - Obesity
- Human studies
- Linked to insulin resistance, elevated TG, weight
gain, hypertension - Fructose may be a particular problem for those
with, or predisposed to, insulin resistance
28Does fructose get under the satiety radar?
- Fructose has been actively promoted because of
its low GI - What about its other effects metabolically?
- Short term
- Little impact on insulin or leptin
- May have little impact on satiety centrally
- Longer term
- Increase in insulin resistance
- Weight gain, dyslipidemia
- Impaired central satiety mechanisms
- Increased hunger
29Fructose as a natural sugar
- In fruit and vegetables yes
- Diluted by fibre/water
- presence of other nutrients
- Mg, K, bioactive phytochemicals
- What about fruit juice?
- Image as healthy
- Many fruit juices are very high in fructose
30Energy consumed as liquids
- When caloric beverages are consumed with meals
they add to energy intake and do not affect
perception of satiety (Della Valle et al,
Appetite 44 187-93, 2005) - Prospective studies in children have linked soft
drink consumption to eight gain dose-dependently
(Ludwig et al, Lancet, 357505-508, 2001) - Caloric beverages do not appear to impact on
satiety signals
31Coca Cola is fighting back!
32The Mediterranean-style dietprotects against
vascular disease and major cancers and possibly
also obesity and diabetes
- Rich in a wide range of plant foods green leafy
vegetables, wild greens, herbs, nuts, pulses - Rich in bioactive phytochemicals
- anti oxidant and anti-inflammatory
- High intake of fresh fruit
- Low intake of red meat
- Low intake of saturated fat
- Regular intake of fish and other seafood
- Low ratio of n-6/n-3 fat
- Actively challenge the obesogenic environment
- Change dietary habits
- Minimise caloric beverages
- Read food labels and minimise refined CHO, as
well as saturated fats - Eat mostly plant foods and unrefined (bulky)
- fresh fruit, fresh and cooked vegetables,
legumes, nuts, fish, olive oil - Less red meat (except kangaroo!)
- Build physical activity into daily routines
- Walking, cycling, weight training
34Are humans programmed to conserve energy??
35Maybe higher energy prices will get us out of our
- Dr Sunil Piers
- Dr Laima Brazionis
- Dr Karen Walker
- Dr Catherine Itsiopoulos