Title: Participatory Workshop
1Participatory Workshop Business Meet on
Strategies and preparedness for Trade and
Globalization in India for Handloom Sector Dated
Rural Non Farm Development Agency (RUDA)
2- Textile is a generic term derived from the Latin
word Texture which means to weave. But now a
days it is used for fiber manufacturing, yarn
manufacturing, fabrics/ cloths production and
finishing processes. - Textiles include weaving or interlacement of warp
and weft yarns which may be of two categories - HANDLOOM WEAVING
- When mill spun yarn is used to produce a grey
cloth on manually operated machines/Looms the
process is technically known as Handloom
3Roadmap for Handloom Weaver
Recommendation of DIC for Registration as
Cooperative Society
Recommendation of DIC for membership of RHDC
Artisan Registration in DIC
Membership of Bunkar Sangh on DIC s
4Process Flow chart
Procurement of Warp
Procurement of Weft
Bobbin preparation
Preparation of Warp
Insertion of bobbin in Shuttle
Interlacement of wrap weft Grey Cloth
5Handloom Clusters of Rajasthan
6Handloom Clusters of Rajasthan
7Handloom Clusters of Rajasthan
8Handloom Clusters of Rajasthan
9Handloom Clusters of Rajasthan
10Handloom Clusters of Rajasthan
11Welfare Schemes for Handloom Weavers
- Deen Dayal Hathkarga Protshan Yojana
- Kargha Ghar Scheme
- New Insurance Schemes
- a. Mahatma Gandhi Bunka Beema Yojna
- b. Swasthya Beema Yojna
- Thrift Fund Scheme
- Mill Gate Price Scheme
- Technology Upgradation Fund
- Marketing promotion program
- Integrated Handloom Training Programme
- Handloom Export Scheme
- Handloom CENVET Scheme
- National Handloom Expo
- State level award scheme
12Handloom Weaver in the State
13Handloom Weaver in the State
14Problems and suggested solutions of Handloom
15Problems and suggested solutions of Handloom
16Various departments for the Handloom Weavers
- Office of the Commissioner of the Industries
Govt. of Rajasthan, Udyog Bhawan, Jaipur - Rajasthan State Handloom Development Corporation
Chomu House, Jaipur - Rural Non Farm Development Agency (RUDA) Yojana
Bhawan, Jaipur - Registrar Cooperative, Sahakar Bhawan, Jaipur.
- Weavers Service Centers, Ajmer Road, Jaipur.
- Indian Institute of Handloom Technology, Jodhpur.
- National Handloom Development Corporation,
Lucknow. - Wool Development Board of India, Jodhpur.
- National Cooperative Development Corporation,
Jaipur. - Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industries,