Title: Dias nummer 1
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2The Learning Effects from Global Conflicts
6. October 2006, Athens Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen A
ssistant Professor ITU Copenhagen
Tasha Buch Research assistant ITU Copenhagen
What is a serious game? What is Global Conflicts
Palestine? What do other people think?
4What is a serious game?
Definition serious games
In principal, any game Games with an
agenda Educating, enlightening.. Not only
- Edutainment
- Advertainment
- Business games
- Military games
- Political games
- Satirical games
5What is a serious game?
Problems with edutainment
Little intrinsic motivation Extrinsic motivation
through rewards, rather than intrinsic
motivation. No integrated learning experience
Lacks integration of the learning experience with
playing experience - learning subordinated play
experience. Drill-and-practice learning
principles Rely on drill-and-practice rather
than understanding training above learning.
No teacher presence No demands on teachers or
parents. Simple gameplay Built on a simple
gameplay from classic titles. Small budgets
Produced on limited budgets with limited
6What is a serious game?
Edutainment lacks balance
Most of what goes under the name "edutainment"
reminds me of George Bernard Shaw's response to a
famous beauty who speculated on the marvelous
child they could have together "With your brains
and my looks ..." He retorted, "But what if the
child had my looks and your brains?" (Papert,
1998 88)
7What is Global Conflicts Palestine
Create the worlds best computer games with an
agenda beyond entertainment
8What is Global Conflicts Palestine
The game
Global Conflict Feel and understand the tense
atmosphere and problems in Palestine You as
freelance journalist will draft a way out of the
9What is Global Conflicts Palestine
Target groups
- Private market People that are intellectual
curious not afraid to try new things. - Educational market 13-19 years social studies in
Western world
10What is Global Conflicts Palestine
Play trailer
I learned more history in one day than the last
6 months Student, 16 years
11What is Global Conflicts Palestine
Freelance journalist Get the best article Find
informants Gain their trust Get their story Dig
out best quotes Put together article Highest
journalist level
You Goal Means Winning
12What is Global Conflicts Palestine
What problems did we try to solve
- Perspective Provide different perspectives on a
topic - Involvement Provide involvement in a topic
- Engagement Make the player feel they make a
difference - Realism atmosphere Develop realistic
atmosphere - Curriculum ties Fit it in with some curriculum
13Empirical study?
Sample 51 Danish High school low-middle class
students (16-20 years) after a one-week course
Survey Video observation Interviews Test
Traditional lecturing 4 weeks on theme
Play missions 2 students (note taking) Group
discussion 4 students (Poster w. timeline) Plenum
discussion all students
14Empirical study?
Qualitative feedback
Global Conflicts Palestine is a fun and
different way to receive learning (Female
student, 18 years) You had a greater desire to
learn about the topic from Global Conflicts
Palestine (Male student, 16 years) You learn
a lot about how Israelis and Palestinians
respectively look at the conflict, because you
talk to different persons... I think it is good
that the stories derive from reality, providing
the stories with a realistic tone. (Female
student, 18 years)
15Empirical study?
Students want more...
- 90 students find it the be an interesting course
- 88 Students find it to be an interesting
educational material - 59 of students find they learned more
- 90 of students wants to try a similar course
16Empirical study?
Different rooms for learning styles
- Kolbs cycle covered with different teaching
forms in the course. - The teacher is crucial to facilitate a full
learning experience.
- Engaging intellectual stimulating game are
possible - A lot of people are looking for new games
- Like any other media computer games have a
critical potential - A strong market for serious games is still years
away - Distribution and financing remains a challenge
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