Title: SNP Training Topic 1: Introduction to NCQA and HEDIS
1SNP Training - Topic 1Introduction to NCQA and
- Describe the SNP evaluation project NCQA is
executing on behalf of CMS - Give a general understanding of HEDIS
- Purpose and uses
- How are measures developed
- How are measures calculated
- How are measures audited
- How are results submitted to NCQA
3Introduction to NCQA SNP EvaluationBrett
KayDirector, SNP Assessment
4A Brief Introduction to NCQA
- Private, independent non-profit health care
quality oversight organization founded in 1990 - Committed to measurement, transparency and
accountability - Unites diverse groups around common goal
improving health care quality
5Achieving the Mission
- 3 out of 4 Americans enrolled in an HMO are in an
HMO accredited by NCQA - More than 90 percent of managed care
organizations report HEDIS quality data - 38 states and the federal government rely on NCQA
Accreditation and HEDIS - More than 8,600 physicians have earned NCQA
Recognition programs form the basis of quality
improvement programs and P4P nationwide
6Goal for SNP Evaluation Program
- Robust and comprehensive assessment strategy
- Applies to all SNPs
- Responsive to the special in SNP
- Can be implemented soon
7Three-Year Strategy
8Project Time Line Phase 1
- March 14 - Release final SP measures
- April 15 - Release ISS Data Collection Tool
- S P Measures
- April 25 - Release IDSS Data Collection Tool
- HEDIS Measures
- June 30 - HEDIS submissions and SP measures
submissions due to NCQA - Sept 30 - NCQA delivers SNP Assessment Report to
9Training Education
- Five training topic areas, focus is on content
and data submission - Introduction to NCQA HEDIS
- SNP Subset of HEDIS Measures
- Interactive Data Submission System (IDSS)
- Structure Process Measures
- Interactive Survey System (ISS)
10Additional Resources
- NCQA SNP Webpage www.ncqa.org/snp.aspx
- Training descriptions schedule
- Final HEDIS and SP measures (March 14)
- NCQA Policy Clarification Support (PCS)
- http//app04.ncqa.org/pcs/web/asp/TIL_Client
- Login.asp
- HEDIS Audit information
- http//www.ncqa.org/tabid/204/Default.aspx
11NCQA Policy Clarification Support (PCS)
- Web address
- http//app04.ncqa.org/pcs/web/asp/TIL_ClientLogin.
asp - Link from SNP Web page www.ncqa.org/snp.aspx
12PCS (contd)
- Under Standard Categories/HEDIS Domain, select
one of the following options - SNP General Reporting Guidance
- SNP Structure Process Measures
- Menu options under Standard/Measures
- If SNP General Reporting Guidance was
selected - Not Applicable
13PCS (contd)
- Menu options under Standard/Measures
- If SNP HEDIS was selected
- (COL) Colorectal Cancer Screening
- (GSO) Glaucoma Screening in Older Adults
- (SPR) Use of Spirometry Testing in the Assessment
and Diagnosis of COPD - (PCE) Pharmacotherapy of COPD Exacerbation
- (CBP) Controlling High Blood Pressure
- (PBH) Persistence of Beta Blocker Treatment After
a Heart Attack - (OMW) Osteoporosis Management in Older Women
- (AMM) Antidepressant Medication Management
- (FUH) Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental
Illness - (MPM) Annual Monitoring for Patients on
Persistent Medications - (DDE) Potentially Harmful Drug-Disease
Interactions - (DAE) Use of High Risk Medication in the Elderly
- (BCR) Board Certification
- Other
14PCS (contd)
- Menu options under Standard/Measures
- If SNP Structure Process was selected
- SNP 1 Complex Case Management
- SNP 2 Improving Member Satisfaction
- SNP 3 Clinical Quality Improvements
- Other
- Brett KayDirector, SNP Assessment202-955-1722k
ay_at_ncqa.orgCasandra MonroeAssistant Director,
SNP Assessment202-955-5136monroe_at_ncqa.org
16HEDIS 101Cindy Ottone, MHADirector, HEDIS
- Review the background for HEDIS
- Identify the components of the HEDIS collection
and submission process - Examine the measuredevelopment process
18What Is HEDIS?
- Healthcare
- Effectiveness
- Data
- Information
- Set
HEDIS is an evolving set of standard
specifications for measuring health plan
19Where Did HEDIS Come From?
- Originally developed by employers and the HMO
group in 1991 NCQA took charge of HEDIS in 1992 - Expanded in 1996 to cover all three product
lines commercial, Medicare and Medicaid - Addresses the leading causesof death
- Includes information on quality, utilization and
20How Are HEDIS Data Used?
- Federal, state and other regulatory requirements
- State of Health Care Quality report
- Performance-based accreditation
- MCOs use for RFP/RFI preparation
- Quality improvement activities and health plan
operations - Quality Compass, Quality Dividend Calculator
- US News and World Report - Ranking of Health Plans
21From Idea to Measure
22From an Idea to a Measure...
- Idea or concept is proposed by the Measure
Advisory Panel (MAP) - Develop the basics of the measure with the
Technical Advisory Group (TAG) - Draft technical specifications and measure
work-up - Conduct field-test
23From an Idea to a Measure...
- Evaluate field-test results and revise measure,
if necessary - Send to Committee on Performance Measurement
(CPM) - Public Comment process
- Final decision by CPM
24Desirable Attributes
Scientific soundness
25Desirable Attributes
- Relevance Meaningfulness, health importance,
financial importance, cost effectiveness,
strategic importance, controllability, variance
among systems, potential for improvement - Scientific soundness Clinical evidence,
reproducible, valid, accurate, case mix
adjustment/risk adjustment
26Desirable Attributes
- Feasibility Precise specification, reasonable
cost (emphasis on administrative measures),
confidentiality, logistical feasibility,
auditability - Standardization All plans conducting the same
specification allows for comparability across
27HEDIS Measure Life Cycle
28HEDIS Data, Domains, Measures and Submission
29Data Reporting
- Data are reported to NCQA in June of the
reporting year - Data reflect events that occurred during
themeasurement year(calendar year)
30Data Reporting
- Example
- HEDIS 2008 data are reported in June 2008
- Data reflects events that occurred
JanuaryDecember 2007 (per specs) - HEDIS 2008 2007 data
31SNP HEDIS Measures
- Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Glaucoma Screening in Older Adults
- Use of Spirometry Testing in the Assessment and
Diagnosis of COPD - Pharmacotherapy Management of COPD Exacerbation
- Controlling High Blood Pressure
- Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment After a
Heart Attack - Osteoporosis Management in Women Who Had a
32SNP HEDIS Measures
- Antidepressant Medication Management
- Follow-up After Hospitalizationfor Mental
Illness - Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent
Medications - Potentially Harmful Drug-Disease Interactions in
the Elderly - Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly
- Board Certification
33Effectiveness of Care Measures
- Clinical quality of care
- Focus
- Preventive care
- Up-to-date treatments for acute episodes of
illness - Chronic disease care
- Appropriate medication treatment
34EOC Measures- Prevention and Screening
- Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Glaucoma Screening in Older Adults
35EOC Measures- Respiratory and Cardiovascular
- Respiratory Conditions-
- Use of Spirometry Testing in the Assessment and
Diagnosis of COPD - Pharmacotherapy Management of COPD Exacerbation
- Cardiovascular Conditions
- Controlling High Blood Pressure
- Persistence of Beta-Blocker Treatment
36EOC Measures- Musculoskeletal
- Musculoskeletal
- Osteoporosis Management in Women Who Had a
37EOC Measures- Behavioral Health
- Antidepressant Medication Management
- Follow-up After Hospitalizationfor Mental
38EOC Measures- Medication Management
- Annual Monitoring for Patients on Persistent
Medications - Potentially Harmful Drug-Disease Interactions in
the Elderly - Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly
39Health Plan Descriptive Information
40Collecting HEDIS Data
41Three HEDIS Data Sources
Claims Encounter Eligibility Provider
Medical records
42Data Flow Chain Breaks ? Inaccurate HEDIS Data
Service documented
Service provided
Data entered into health plan systems
43Data Sources
- Administrative
- Membership data
- Provider data
- Claims/encounter data
- Hospital discharge data
- Pharmacy data
- Carve-out data
44Selecting an Eligible Population
- Member ID
- Age (DOB)
- Enrollment date and type
- Dates of service
- Diagnosis and procedure codes
- Provider specialty
- Pharmacy
45Clinical MeasuresData Collection
- Defining the denominator is critical
- Administrative Claims and encounter data
- Denominator Based on all eligible members of the
46Calculating a Typical HEDIS Rate
The first step for both methods is the same
Step 1. Identify the eligible population
Identify the eligible population based on patient
N Denominator (1,000 members)
47Administrative Method
Step 2. Did the care event occur?
Number of patients in the denominator that
satisfy the measure (340 patients)
Entire eligible population (1,000 patients)
48Denominator Identification
- For administrative method, STOP
- The eligible population Denominator
- For hybrid method, CONTINUE
- The denominator is a sample drawn from the
eligible population
49Hybrid Method
Step 2. Draw sample (n 411)
Step 3. Did the event occur?
- Use administrative data to determine if the event
occurred in sample population a number of
events found with administrative data 140) - Audit charts only for members who do not satisfy
criteria per administrative data (411 140
271) - Identify members who satisfy criteria in the
chart audit (b 205)
50Hybrid Method
Step 4. Calculate rate
ab n
140 205 411
345 411
51Example of A Measure- Glaucoma Screening
52HEDIS Compliance Audit
53NCQA HEDIS Compliance Audit
- A standardized audit methodology for verifying
the reliability of HEDIS data collection and rate
calculation processes - Outcome is whether or not a measure is reportable
54Why a Standardized HEDIS Audit?
- Data collection and calculation methods can vary
across plans - A standardized audit identifies, quantifies and
converts errors - The audit reduces bias
55Interactive Data Submission System (IDSS)
- Web-based tool for HEDIS 2008 Corresponds to
Volume 2 Technical Specifications - Special project codes help identify specific uses
for the IDSS
57IDSS Timeline
- IDSS available to the plans in April
- Include validations error and warning
- Completed IDSS (submissions) due from plans
- June 15 commercial and Medicaid
- June 30 Medicare (including SNPs)
58HEDIS Account Management Function
- Provide technical assistance to plans throughout
the data submission process - Ensure that plans are collecting data according
to Volume 2 Technical Specifications
59And now
60Additional Information
- HEDIS 2008 Volume 2 Publication Purchase
- http//www.ncqa.org/tabid/78/Default.aspx
- October Specifications Update
- http//www.ncqa.org/Portals/0/PolicyUpdates/HEDIS
61Additional SNP Seminars
- SNP Subset of HEDIS Measures
- March 18th (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - March 19th 100 - 230,
- March 20th 1230 - 200,
- March 25th100 - 230,
- March 26th 100 - 230
- Interactive Data Submission System (IDSS)
- April 8th 100 - 230,
- April 9th (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - April 14th (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - April 16th 100 - 230
62Additional SNP Seminars
- Structure and Process Measures (SP)
- March 27th (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - April 1st 100 - 230,
- April 2nd (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - April 3rd 100 - 230
- Interactive Survey System (ISS)
- April 15th (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - April 17th 100 - 230,
- April 22nd (2 sessions) 1100 - 1230 and 200 -
330, - April 24th 100 - 230