Title: The Community College of Baltimore County
1The Community College of Baltimore
County Strategic Planning Retreat January 19, 2007
Creating a Climate and Culture of
Student Success at CCBC
What we need.
What we do
Who we are
Where were going.
2Direction 2007 to 2010 Mission Vision Values Str
ategic Direction Completion goal June 2007
3Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
CCBC is Student centered Community focused
Everything we do is workforce development.
4 Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Education agenda Economic agenda
5Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Vision To create a technologically literate yet
humane citizenry, able to thrive - not just
survive - in the world as a global village.
6Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
CCBC Mission Affordability Accessibility Quality T
ransfer Career Lifelong learning
7Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Three key institutional premises The classroom
is the most important place on campus. Enrollment
services continuum Operational quality and
8Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Baltimore County, Maryland Population 786,650 3rd
largest population 612 square miles 33 college
degrees 15.7 of individuals
25 years do not have
a high school diploma
9Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Our students Nearly 70,000 annually
average age 29 45 female 62 54 minority 38 21
county residents 74 60 Full/part-time
36 / 63
10Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Over 100 programs of study 200 certificates
Automotive technology
Computer Science
Mass Communications
Multimedia Technology
Teacher Education
Criminal Justice
Health Professions
Business Management
Associate Degree Certificate
Workplace Training
11Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Student outcomes 1,721 graduates in 2006 4000
certificates awarded Within one year of
graduation 48 of students transfer to another
institution to pursue advanced
degrees. 78 of students are employed.
91 of our graduates live and work in the
Baltimore region.
12Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Organization flat responsive agile flexible
13 Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Curriculum Transformation Quality Mission
Congruence Market Viability
14 Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Curriculum Delivery
15Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
Our challenges Geography Resources Enrollment Infr
astructure Facilities Community outreach Campus
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18Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
CCBC 2010 One college High tech High touch
High quality
19Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
CCBCs Strategic Directions Curriculum
transformation state of the art, market
viable Enrollment services user friendly,
student centered, efficient, college-wide Facili
ties upgrade big, visible difference renovation/
construction aesthetics
20Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
CCBCs Strategic Directions Technology cutting
edge, work smarter, not harder Human
resources recruitment, retention,
development, culture and work environment Work
force development integrated credit and
non-credit menu
21Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
CCBCs Strategic Directions Community and
corporate outreach Institutional/operational
effectiveness Enrollment management
22Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
The simple formula for a creating a climate and
culture of student success Quality
programs Quality service Quality support
23Who we are What we do Where were going What we
need to address
What we need to address Diversity/global
awareness Operational efficiency Climate New
definition of Learning First Effective
performance measurements Tenure/Tenure-like
resolution Resource distribution Communication Leg
islative agenda Consultancies
Thank you.