Title: Welcome to the International Baptist Church of Prague
1Welcome to the International Baptist Churchof
December 25, 2006
2O Come All Ye Faithful(SF 408)
Joyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to
Bethlehem.Come and behold Him,Born the King of
AngelsO come, let us adore Him,O come, let us
adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the
3God of God, Light of light, Lo, He abhors not the
virgins womb Very God, Begotten, not created O
come, let us adore Him,O come, let us adore
Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the Lord.
4O Sing, choirs of angels,Sing in
exultation,Sing all that hear in heaven God's
holy word.Give to our Father glory in the
HighestO come, let us adore Him,O come, let us
adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ the
5All Hail! Lord, we greet Thee,Born this happy
morning,O Jesus! for evermore be Thy name
adored.Word of the Father, now in flesh
appearingO come, let us adore Him,O come, let
us adore Him,O come, let us adore Him,Christ
the Lord.
6The Christmas Candle John 11-4
- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. He was with God
in the beginning. - Through him all things were made without him
nothing was made that has been made. - In him was life, that life was the light of men.
7We three kings of Orient are(BH 113)
We three kings of Orient areBearing gifts we
traverse afarField and fountain, moor and
mountainFollowing yonder star O Star of
wonder, star of nightStar with royal beauty
brightWestward leading, still proceedingGuide
us to thy Perfect Light
8 Born a King on Bethlehem's plainGold I bring to
crown Him againKing forever, ceasing neverOver
us all to rein O Star of wonder, star of
nightStar with royal beauty brightWestward
leading, still proceedingGuide us to Thy perfect
9 Frankincense to offer have IIncense owns a
Deity nighPray'r and praising, all men
raisingWorship Him, God most highO Star of
wonder, star of nightStar with royal beauty
brightWestward leading, still proceedingGuide
us to Thy perfect light
10 Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfumeBreathes of
life of gathering gloomSorrowing, sighing,
bleeding, dyingSealed in the stone-cold tombO
Star of wonder, star of nightStar with royal
beauty brightWestward leading, still
proceedingGuide us to Thy perfect light
11 Glorious now behold Him ariseKing and God and
SacrificeAlleluia, AlleluiaEarth to heav'n
repliesO Star of wonder, star of nightStar
with royal beauty brightWestward leading, still
proceedingGuide us to Thy perfect light
12Once in Royal Davids city(SF 438)
Once in royal Davids city,Stood a lowly cattle
shed,Where a mother laid her Baby,In a manger
for His bedMary was that mother mild,Jesus
Christ, her little Child.
13He came down to earth from heaven,Who is God and
Lord of all,And His shelter was a stable,And
His cradle was a stallWith the poor, and mean,
and lowly,Lived on earth our Saviour holy.
14For He is our childhood's patternDay by day,
like us, He grewHe was little, weak, and
helpless,Tears and smiles, like us He knewAnd
He cares when we are sad,And he shares when we
are glad.
15And our eyes at last shall see Him,Through His
own redeeming loveFor that Child so dear and
gentle,Is our Lord in heaven aboveAnd He leads
His children on,To the place where He is gone.
16(No Transcript)
- Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
- Praise Him, all creatures here below,
- Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
- Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- Amen
18As with gladness, men of old(SF 31)
As with gladness, men of oldDid the guiding star
beholdAs with joy they hailed its lightLeading
onward, beaming brightSo, most glorious Lord,
may weEvermore be led to Thee.
19As with joyful steps they spedTo that lowly
manger bed There to bend the knee beforeHim Whom
heaven and earth adore So may we with willing
feetEver seek Thy mercy seat
20As they offered gifts most rareAt that manger
rude and bareSo may we with holy joy,Pure and
free from sin's alloy,All our costliest
treasures bring,Christ, to Thee, our heavenly
21Holy Jesus, every dayKeep us in the narrow
wayAnd, when earthly things are past,Bring our
ransomed souls at lastWhere they need no star to
guide,Where no clouds Thy glory hide.
22In the heavenly country bright,Need they no
created lightThou its light, its joy, its
crown,Thou its sun which goes not downThere
forever may we singAlleluias to our King!
23Matthew 21-12
24Matthew 21-3
- After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea,
during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east
came to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who
has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star
in the east and have come to worship him. - When King Herod heard this he was disturbed,
and all Jerusalem with him. -
25Matthew 24-6
- When he had called together all the people's
chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked
them where the Christ was to be born. - In Bethlehem in Judea, they replied, for
this is what the prophet has written 'But you,
Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means
least among the rulers of Judah for out of you
will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my
people Israel.'
26Matthew 27-9
- Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found
out from them the exact time the star had
appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, Go
and make a careful search for the child. As soon
as you find him, report to me, so that I too may
go and worship him. After they had heard the
king, they went on their way, and the star they
had seen in the east went ahead of them until it
stopped over the place where the child was. -
27Matthew 210-12
- When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.
On coming to the house, they saw the child with
his mother Mary, and they bowed down and
worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures
and presented him with gifts of gold and of
incense and of myrrh. And having been warned in a
dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to
their country by another route.
28Matthew 21-12 Worship the King
29Matthew 21-12 Worship the King
- The Magi who were they?
- Were they three?
- Were they kings?
- Where did they come from?
30Matthew 21-12 Worship the King
- They were searching for the truth
- They found the extraordinary in the familiar
- They were looking for direction
- They made progress by faith
- They worshipped Jesus as King
31Matthew 21-12 Worship the King
- Wise men still seek
- The fear of the Lord is
- the beginning of knowledge
32Joy to the World
Joy to the world! the Lord has come Let earth
receive her King.Let every heart prepare Him
room,And heaven and nature sing,And heaven and
nature sing,And heaven, and heaven and nature
33Joy to the world, the Savior reigns!Let men
their songs employWhile fields and floods,
rocks, hills and plainsRepeat the sounding
joy,Repeat the sounding joy,Repeat, repeat, the
sounding joy.
34No more let sins and sorrows grow,Nor thorns
infest the groundHe comes to make His blessings
flowFar as the curse is found,Far as the curse
is found,Far as, far as, the curse is found.
35He rules the world with truth and grace,And
makes the nations prove The glories of His
righteousness,The wonders of His love,The
wonders of His love,The wonders, the wonders of
His love.
36 Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noël!
Veselé Vánoce! Ffrohe Weihnachten! Fröhliche
Weihnachten! Vrolijk Kerstfeest! Geseënde
Kersfees! Sretan Boic! Un Craciun fericit!
Boldog Karácsonyt! Buon Natale! Wesolych Swiat!
C P?????????! Vesele vianoce! God jul! M?ng
Chúa Giáng Sinh! Shèng dàn kuài lè!