Title: European fish farming: The current position
1European fish farmingThe current position
- Courtney Hough
- General Secretary
2Role of FEAP within European Aquaculture
- 31 National Aquaculture Associations from 22
European States a unique forum for European
fish farming - Member of the EU Advisory Committee on
Fisheries and Aquaculture (ACFA) - Liaison status with the FAO EIFAC, GFCM and
Global sub-Committee on Aquaculture of the COFI - Participant in important EU RTD projects and
actions - First International Association to develop a
Code of Conduct for aquaculture - Active in public communication Aquamedia
3Global Fish Farming Development
Rest of the World 98 (1999)APR 10.4
EU-15 2 APR 7.9
4Production of European Fish Farming
5EU Fish Farming DevelopmentProduction and Value
57,000 tons in 1970 125,000 tons in 1980 300,000
tons in 1990 520,000 tons in 2000 10 of EU
fisheries landings 23 of value of EU fisheries
6Major Producer States in EU
United Kingdom 30 - 161,000 tons
Greece 12 - 67,000 tons
Italy 12 - 65,000 tons
France 11 - 60,000 tons
Spain 9 - 48,000 tons
Denmark 7 - 40,000 tons
Germany 7 - 36,000 tons
7EU Fish Farming Major Species
- Principal species in EU is Trout
- Largest growth in mariculture
- Salmon, Seabream, Seabass,Turbot
- Recent diversification has been of low production
and economic importance
8EU Fish Farming Development trends
9Conclusions for EU aquaculture
- EU fish farming is an important contributor to
the fisheries sector, supplying processors and
the consumer with a variety of high quality, safe
food products at a reasonable price - EU fish farming has become an important
pan-European economic sector, providing jobs in
rural and coastal areas and supporting important
upstream and downstream activities and services - Overall production growth 6.3 APR, 5.5 less
than the global trend over the same period - Overall price trend is negative (-0.5 APR) vs
positive global development
10Conclusions for EU aquaculture markets
- Marine sectors developing quickest but hardest
hit on prices - Freshwater sector prices more stable but very
slow growth or stagnation - Ex-EU High quality and processed products
exports targeting the developed markets of EU - Market competition is very high supermarkets
increasingly control the major market share and
concentrate demand
11Conclusions for EU aquaculture markets
- Development (growth) problems
- Rapid growth ?Increased supply from a fragmented
SME sector ?prolonged price instability (e.g.
Mediterranean sector) - Discrediting food production has affected
aquaculture and prices - The offer must be concentrated, focusing on
Producer Organisations - Increased consumer awareness and education on
nutrition, quality and health issues are required
12Observations on EU aquaculture
- European fishfarming technology management
are world leaders - European Universities lead global aquaculture
research and training requirements - European companies lead supply and consultancy
sectors - But
- Little recognition of the contribution of fish
farming in previous Common Fisheries Policies - No specific budget for focused improvement in
the 6th Framework Programme - Will the Reformed CFP provide adequate
13EU Legislative  FrameworkÂ
- Major issues affecting aquaculture and its
development - Food safety
- Feed components (post BSE, dioxin/PCB)
- Processing conditions (hygiene, materials)
- Contaminants (Diseases, Hg,Cd, residues)
- Fish Health
- Treatment (chemicals, therapeutic agents)
- Movement of live fish (zoning, categories)
- Welfare (live transport, slaughter)
- Land Water use
- Water Framework Directive
- Integrated (Coastal) Zone Management
- Habitat Birds Directives, Natura 2000
14Key issues raised by the profession
- Sustainable and responsible development of
aquaculture must be encouraged - Market stability of prime concern for ALL
sectors - Operate within a clear, enabling legislative
structure (National) or Policy (European CFP) - Development based on science as opposed to
reaction to hearsay and scare-mongering - Moves towards self-governance and sectoral
responsibility should be encouraged - A level playing field within the EU is required
for equitable development
15Key Issues for now and the future
- Economic Viability
- Stability needed for (re)investment
- Sectoral access to marketing and promotion
actions - Equitable competition within EU and with imports
16Key Issues for now and the future
- Food Safety
- A guarantee for the consumer
- Input quality by suppliers
- Traceability (vs. labelling)
- Sustainability
- Input/Resource issues (water, feeds)
- Other environmental issues
- Human Resources (training, technology)
- Governance Responsibility
- Sectoral acceptability
- Market will determine success but market
stability is the urgent requirement - European Fish Farming (suppliers, producers,
processors) assumes its responsibilities as - a major food supplier
- a developing sector in a competitive market
- a guardian of the environment
- an important employer
- Sustainability will only be obtained by the
satisfaction of multiple criteria vs. Short term
actions - Coherent European actions are needed for
- Improved marketing structures and promotional
efforts - Simplified legislation
- Simplified licensing procedures
- Support for generational change/entry
19More information on European fish farming.