Title: The 3 Ps of Control
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2Do we really need to treat Pediatric pain and
3 Treat the disease ?
patient ?
4Children are not just the people of tomorrow,
they are people today (Janusch Korchak)
5There is no ethical justification to withhold
analgesia when a child is clearly in pain
6- The Ethics of pain control in Infants and
children. Walco GA, Cassidy RC, Schechter NL,
NEJM, 1994331(8)541-43 - The assessment and treatment of pain in
children are important parts of Pediatric
practice, and failure to provide adequate control
of pain amounts to substandard and unethical
medical practice
7AAP APS policy statement, 09/2001
- The concepts of pain and suffering go well
beyond that of a simple sensory experience. It
has emotional, cognitive, and behavioral
components as well as developmental,
environmental and sociocultural aspects - It is important that Pediatricians expand
their knowledge and advocate for the use of
effective pain management in children
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13 ???? 2003
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9 Pain is an Emergency
are an ED task!!
(todays standard of
10We create pain (Procedural pain)
11Myths related to Pediatric pain
- Myth 1 Babies dont feel pain
- Myth 2 Babies dont remember
- Myth 3
My son doesnt
need pain killers
No pain
no gain,
Pain is character building
12Myth 1 Neonates dont feel pain...
Neonates do experience pain!
13- By 29 wks of gestation, pain pathways and
cortical sub-cortical centers involved in the
perception of pain are well developed, as are the
Neurological systems for the transmission and
modulation of pain sensation - Pain sensitivity in neonates may be more profound
that that of older individuals their nervous
system may be less effective at blocking painful
stimuli than those of adults
14Myth 2 They dont remember...
Babies do remember pain!
15- Effect of neonatal circumcision on pain response
during subsequent routine vaccination. 1997,
Lancet. Taddio, Kats, Ilersich, Koren - Does neonatal circumcision alter pain response at
4-month or 6-month vaccination compared with the
response of uncircumcised infants? - Prospective. cohort design. 87 patients.
- 3 groups uncircumcised infants, circumcised
infants who had randomly pretreated with either
EMLA cream or Placebo for circumcision in a
previous clinical trial
16- All infants were videotaped during vaccination in
a primary care clinic. Videotapes were blindly
scored by a trained research assistant. The score
measured 3 behavioral pain measures facial
action, cry duration and visual analogue scale
3 specific facial actions brow bulge,
nasolabial furrow, and eyes squeezed shut -
present or absent for each 1 s period of the 20 s
before the vaccination (baseline), and the first
20s during and after the vaccination
(expressed in ). Cry duration, VAS
- The pain itself may not be consciously remembered
but the painful experience does
18Myth 3 Pain is character building
Pain is not character building, it has a
negative influence on children !
19- This statement is unfair. It legitimizes pain and
takes away the childs right for pain relief - Children younger than 8 years are not able to
understand that short term pain may have long
term benefit - Adolescents who had poorly managed pain
procedures show increased level of anxiety in
subsequent pain situations - Pain is a subjective experience and is
incomparable. There is no direct relationship
between pain experience and pain intensity or
between physical pathology and pain intensity
20Anxiety decreases pain threshold (Fear makes
every pain greater)
21????? ??? ?????? ???? ?? ????
22- Sedation reduces the state of awareness
- Analgesia reduces or eliminates the
perception of pain - Amnesia Inability to remember an event or
experience (babies do remember the painful
23Children are different
24????? ?? ???????
- Parental distraction techniques
- Quite environment
Hei Doc, tell me whats going on.Hei, dont
take my mom away
25Indications for sedation in children
- Painful procedures (lac. Repair, BMA)
- (I dont want you to feel pain)
- Prolonged procedures (bone scan, CT scan)
- (Id like you to sleep)
- Unpleasant procedures (VCUG)
- (I need you to lie down without moving)
26PSA - Medications
Dissociative agent
Inhalational agent
Analgesic agents
Etomidate Propofol
Nitrous Oxide
Nurofen Advil
Monitoring devices
Topical Analgesia
Tramadol (Atypical opioid)
Emla, AmetopGel, LET, TAC
27- Safe environment
resuscitation space, resuscitation equipment
Trained Personnel
PALS Pediatric sedation course
trained, at least 2 personnel - one is
responsible for sedation only
Documented accepted hospital protocol Recording
Informed consent
28You are going to do what to my penis?