Title: Abused Youth: Identifying
1Abused Youth Identifying Intervening in Schools
- By Syndia Limon, Lorette Avanessian, Esther Park
and Alice Cheung
2Activity Role Play 1
- Interaction between Coach and Counselor
- I dont have time for it.
3Discussion Question
- What should Counselor Alice do in this
4Abuse Statistics for physical abuse
Figure 4-1 Age of Child Fatalities, 2006Child
Maltreatment 2006
6What is Abuse?
7Physical Abuse
- Most noticeable form of abuse
- Caused by Unrealistic expectations, Stress,
Poverty, Environment (history of family
8Signs of Physical Abuse
- Bruises
- Cuts
- Burns
- Fractures
- Strap marks swellings
- Loss of teeth
- Wear clothing such as long sleeves to purposely
cover up injuries
- Afraid of parents
9Location of Injuries can be a sign of whether or
not the child is being physically abused
10Accidental vs. Intentional
- Children often fall and bruise areas of the skin
such as shins, knees, hands, elbows, nose, and
- Child Abuse
- Injuries on the body buttocks, thighs, torso,
ears, and neck
- Injuries are usually untreated
- Older kids cover up injuries with lies, where as
younger kids usually tell the truth
11Role Play 2
- Spanking When is it too much?
12Discussion Question
- What should Counselor Syndia do in this
13Sexual Abuse
- What is Sexual Abuse?
- ? APA describes it as fondling of childs
genitals, masturbation, oral-sexual activity,
digital penetration, and vaginal and anal
intercourse - Also includes rape, incest, child pornography,
molestation, exploitation
- REVICTIMIZATION Victims of rape are more likely
to be involved in physically abusive
relationships as adults.
14Physical signs and symptoms
- Insomnia or nightmares
- Difficulty walking or sitting
- Pain, itching, or bleeding in the genitalia
- Sexually Transmitted disease, or Venereal
- Frequent urinary tract or yeast infections
- Pregnancy
- Self-mutilation cutting, substance abuse,
attempted suicide
15Behavioral Warning Signs
- Delinquent and aggressive behavior, depression,
low self-esteem, shame and guilt
- Detailed and sophisticated understanding of
sexual behavior
- Regressing to signs of bedwetting or speech loss
- Unwillingness to change clothes or participate in
physical education
- Poor interpersonal relationships with peers
16Emotional Abuse
- What is it?
- Abusers constantly reject, ignore, belittle,
dominate, and criticize the victims.
- Usual overlap with other types of abuse
17Examples of Emotional Abuse
- Excessive demands on a childs performance
- Penalizing a child for positive, normal behavior
- Discouraging caregiver and infant attachment
- Penalizing a child for using interpersonal skills
needed for adequate performance in school and
peer groups
18Examples of Emotional Abuse (Continued)
- Frequently exposing children to family violence
- Unwillingness or inability to provide affection
or stimulation for the child in the course of
daily care
19Case Example
- Story of Michelle Myers-Walters
- No one clear definition of neglect
- The failure of the primary caretaker to provide
an adequate level of care and be responsible for
the childs basic need
- -APA
21Cases of Neglect
- Not meeting a childs BASIC needs for food,
clothing, or shelter
- Leaving a young child alone
- Not having a child attend school
- Leaving a child in an unsafe place
- Not seeking necessary medical attention
22Physical symptoms of Neglect
- Personal hygiene
- Badly nourished
- Inadequately clothed
- In obvious need of medical and/or dental
23Behavioral Symptoms of Neglect
- Inattentive in class
- Anxious
- Overly dependent on teachers for approval,
encouragement, and assistance
- Initiate fewer interactions with peers
- Low self-esteem
- Stealing
24Cycle of Violence
25Cultural Perspectives
- Inconsistent results in studies of cultural
differences and abuse
- Child Welfare System shows that African American,
Latino, and Native American children are
overrepresented in the foster care system
- However, Asian American children have highest
rates of physical abuse most likely due to
corporal punishment
- White children have most abuse-related
26Table 4-4 Race and Ethnicity of Child Fatalities,
2006Child Maltreatment 2006
27Cultural Perspectives (cont)
- More research is needed
- Look at types of abuse and cultural factors
- Look at factors that affect disclosing,
reporting, and seeking help for abuse in
particular culture
28Gender Differences
29Mandated Reporting
- Mandated reporters have absolute immunity wont
be civilly or criminally liable for filing any
abuse report
- If fail to report suspected abuse
- Can get 6 months in jail
- May get fined up to 1000
- Can be held civilly responsible for damages
resulting from any injury to the child after a
failure to report
- Person who suspects abuse MUST be the one to
- Identity of mandated reporter will remain
30Reporting Procedures
- If suspect abuse or neglect, must report to the
principal (or principals designee)
- Call the local child protective agency
- Los Angeles County Department of Children and
Family Services ? 800-540-4000 (24 hours)
- May call law enforcement if child is unfit or
unsafe to return home
- Must fill out Child Abuse report - form SS8572
within 36 hours
- For childrens centers and preschools, reports
must also be made to the Department of Social
31Filling out a Suspected Child Abuse Report Form
- YOU are a mandated reporter
- Number to call within 24 hours (800) 540-4000
- Online website mandreptla.org
- Must be filed online, faxed, or mailed within 36
32Mandated Reporters Should NEVER.
- Contact the childs home or alleged abuser prior
to making a report
- Conduct an investigation
- Report abuse or neglect to School Police
- Law states that School Police is not a child
protective agency
33What happens next?
- Child Protective Services
- Investigate situation
- Foster Care System
- Does it work?
- Restraining orders
- Help give some sense of security
34Similar Behaviors within ALL Types of Abuse
- Learning disorders
- Depression
- Low self worth/esteem
- Guilt
- Shame
- Withdrawal
- Higher levels of anger, aggression hostility
- Aggressive hostile behavior
- Low academic achievement
- Teen pregnancy
- Substance abuse
- Criminal behavior
- Self-mutilation
- Perfectionist tendencies
35Internal External Behaviors (cont.)
36Role Play 3
- Abused Child and Counselor
- Promise not to tell?
37Discussion Question
- What should Counselor Alice do?
38Counselor Roles
- Serve as leaders and ADVOCATES
- Be aware informed of laws and policies
regarding abuse
- Protect students by disclosing abuse information
with or without consent
- Recognize that counseling alone cannot help
- Should seek consultation, supervision or even
treatment for themselves when overwhelmed with
39Counselors SHOULD
- Listen carefully
- Express to the student that you believe in
- Tell student that abuse is NOT their fault
- Let student know that making the report is
necessary to help stop abuse
40Counselors SHOULD NOT
- Make promises to the student that they cant keep
(i.e., not telling anyone)
- Push student to give details about abuse
(counselor is there to listen to what the student
wants to share)
- Disclose the information to others who are not
involved in helping with the situation
- Community Interventions
- Invite local organizations to become involved in
- Increase social cohesion or community
- Enhance availability, coordination, and
integration of social services needed by families
and children
- Should require little effort from recipients
42Interventions (cont)
- School Based Interventions
- Inform children and provide access to information
and resources
- Student groups stress and anger management,
healthy dating, life skills workshops
- Use curriculum that teaches issues on abuse
- Teacher workshops on how to identify and handle
abuse disclosures by students
- Parent informative workshops regarding abuse
43 Abuse in the Movies
- Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) Julia Roberts
plays an abused wife who fakes her death and
moves to a different state. Her husband figures
it out and stalks her. - Whats Love Got to do With It? (1993) How Tina
Turner rose to stardom with her abusive husband
and how she gains the courage to break free.
- Enough (2002) As Jennifer Lopez runs from an
abusive husband, she learns how to fight back
44Abuse in Music
- Date Rape by Sublime
- Polly by Nirvana
- Rape Me by Nirvana
- Because of You by Kelly Clarkson
- Im Okay by Christina Aguilera
- Alive by Pearl Jam
- Rain on Me by Ashanti
- Department of Children and Family Services
- ? 1-800-540-4000 (L.A. County)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- ? 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
- ? www.ndvh.org/materials
- Local, community based programs
- CalWORKs Healthy Families, WIC
- Domestic Violence Awareness Month of October
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