Title: Working with Youth with Co-Occurring Disorders
1Working with Youth with Co-Occurring Disorders
- Sharon Hunt, TA Partnership Interim Substance
Abuse Resource Specialist - Rachel Freed, Research Associate for the TA
Partnership - Rebecca Spotts, Research Assistant for the TA
Partnership - Cathy Ciano, Executive Director, Parent Support
Network of Rhode Island - Nick Vaske, youth presenter from Families First
- Sharon R. Hunt
- 202-403-6914
- shunt_at_air.org
3(No Transcript)
4Prevalence Chronicity
- Co-occurring mental disorders are common and
serious (prevalence rates 20 - 80, depending on
sample pool). - Research indicates the onset of the mental
disorder often precedes the addictive disorder.
(Temporal order) - The likelihood of adolescent substance use and
dependence is strongly associated with younger
age of onset, severity of emotional and
behavioral problems, true across age and gender. - Initially use is voluntary, thus the earlier the
intervention the greater the impact on offsetting
what later becomes a chronic, relapsing disease
in which brain chemistry is altered.
5(No Transcript)
6Most Common Presenting Problems
- Verbal/physical Aggressiveness
- Academic Difficulties
- Impulsivity
- Hyperactivity
- Depressed Mood
- Poor Social Skills
7Substance Use History at Intake by Age Category
Have you ever used
11 to 14 Years Old Number of children varied
from 2,440 to 2,452. 15 to 18 Years Old Number
of children varied from 1,571 to 1,575.
Substance use information was based on self
reports from youth 11 years or older.
8Multiple Co-occurring Problems Are the Norm and
Increase with Level of Care
Source CSATs Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT),
Adolescent Treatment Model (ATM), and Persistent
Effects of Treatment Study of Adolescents
(PETS-A) studies
9Multiple Co-occurring Problems By Lifetime
Dependence Diagnosis
Source CSATs Cannabis Youth Treatment (CYT),
Adolescent Treatment Model (ATM), and Persistent
Effects of Treatment Study of Adolescents
(PETS-A) studies
10Adolescents in TreatmentSubstance Use Disorders
- 40 90 Report Victimization
- 20 25 Report Victimization in last 90 days, or
current concern regarding reoccurrence - Source Dennis, Stevens Chaffin, in press
11Clinical Diagnosis on any Axis at Intake by
Comorbidity Status
Clinical Diagnoses
No Comorbidity n 4,855. Comorbidity w/o
Substance Use n 4,633. Comorbidity w/
Substance Use n 697.
Because children may have more than one
diagnosis, the diagnosis variable may add to more
than 100. V Code refers to Relational
Problems, Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect,
and additional conditions that may be a focus of
clinical attention.
12Treatment Prognosis
- Prognosis is worse for youth with co-occurring
disorders for many reasons motivation academic,
family, and behavior problems and limited coping
and social skills. - May lag in important adolescent development tasks
individuation, moral development and
conceptualization of future family, vocational
and educational goals.
13Cumulative Recovery Pattern at 30 months(The
majority vacillate in and out of recovery)
5 Sustained
37 Sustained
19 Intermittent,
currently in
39 Intermittent,
currently not in
Source Dennis et al, in press forthcoming,
14Adapting Treatment for Adolescents
- Examples need to be altered to relevant
substances, situations, and triggers - Consequences have to be altered to things of
concern to adolescents - Most adolescents do not recognize their substance
use as a problem and are being mandated to
treatment - All materials need to be converted from abstract
to concrete concepts
- Comorbid problems (mental, trauma, legal) are the
norm and often predate substance use - Treatment has to take into account the multiple
systems (family, school, welfare, criminal
justice) - Less control of life and recovery environment
- Less aftercare and social support
- Complicated staffing needs
16Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Drug Prevalence
among Youth
- Rebecca Spotts
- rspotts_at_air.org
- 202-403-5847
17Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Drug Prevalence
among Youth
- Prevalence
- The role of culture
- Equal access to treatment
18Prevalence by Race/Ethnicity
- Evidence shows a significantly greater prevalence
of substance abuse among Hispanics and Caucasian
youth than African American youth at every grade
level (National Institutes for Health) - American Indian/Alaska Native youth had the
highest rate of illicit drug use among youth age
12-17 at 19.6, compared to 10.9 for Caucasian
youth and 10.7 for African American youth(1999
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse)
19Estimated Lifetime Prevalence of Selected Drugs
by Race/Ethnicity for Students in Grade 12 ()
2000.Source U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services National Institutes of Health
report Drug Use Among Racial/Ethnic Minorities
20- Dr. Gayle Porter, TA Partnership
21- Dr. Gayle Porter, TA Partnership
22What puts youth at risk for drug abuse? The role
of culture
- The cultures from which people hail affect all
aspects of mental health and illness, including
the types of stresses that they confront, whether
they seek help, what type of help they seekand
what types of coping styles and social supports
they possess. - (U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, 2001)
23Sources of Risk for Substance Abuse(www.safeyouth
- Three sources
- Individual child factors - biology, behavior and
personality - Youth with emotional and psychological problems
are at greater risk for substance use and abuse
(www.safeyouth.org) - Family factors
- Do not perceive a strong parental disapproval for
drug use - Environmental factors
- Youth do not perceive appropriate risk involved
with substance abuse
24Increased Risk Environmental Factors(www.safeyou
- Community disorganization
- Lack of community bonding
- Community attitudes toward favorable drug use
- Inadequate services and opportunities for youth
- Pro-drug messages in the media
25Disparities for Children of Diverse Racial and
Ethnic Groups
- African American and Hispanic/Latino youth
identified/referred at same rates as general
population, but less likely to receive mental
health or meds (Kelleher, 2000) - Minority children tend to receive mental health
services through juvenile justice and child
welfare systems more often that through schools
or mental health settings (Allegria, 2000) - African American and Hispanic/Latino children
have the highest rates of unmet need (Strum,
26How do youth get access to substance abuse
- Primary referral source by Racial and Ethnic
Group in 1998-99 Funded SOC communities
(Guilford, 2004 ORC Macro)
American Indian/Alaska Native Caregiver/Self (44.7)
African American Juvenile Justice (24.9)
White Non-Hispanic Education (20.1)
Hispanic/Latino Juvenile Justice (28.4)
Asian Juvenile Justice (28.2)
Native Hawaiian Child Welfare (22.2)
Multi-Race Mental Health (32.5)
Other Mental Health (22.4)
27Access to Services and Treatment
- SOC communities must develop a culturally
competent strategy to reach out to at-risk youth
in their area to combat substance abuse before it
begins. - www.preventioncurriculum.com/handbook/Chapter5Full
28Nick VaskeFamilies First Foremost
- 402-441-3803 (Number for Families First
Foremost) - nvaske_at_neb.rr.com
29Ecstasy and Club Drugs
- Rachel Freed
- 202-403-5389
- rfreed_at_air.org
30- I remember the feeling I had the first time I
did Ecstasy complete and utter bliss. I could
feel the pulse of the universe I let every
breath, touch and molecule move my soul. It was
as if I had unlocked some sort of secret world
it was as if I'd found heaven. And I have to
admit, I wondered how anything that made you feel
so good could possibly be bad. - Lynn Smith
31What Are Club Drugs?
The most widely used club drugs are GHB,
Rohypnol, Ketamine, and MDMA
Drug Street Name
GHB G, liquid ecstasy, Grievous Bodily Harm, gib, soap, scoop, nitro
Rohypnol Mexican valium, circles, roofies, la rocha, roche, rophies, R2, rope, forget-me pill
Ketamine K, special K, super K, vitamin K, kit-kat, keets, super acid, jet, cat valiums
MDMA Ecstasy, X, M, E, XTC, rolls, beans, Clarity, Adam, lover's speed, hug drug
32What Are Club Drugs?
- GHB is usually abused either for its
properties, or for its growth hormone-releasing
effects - Overdose may result in seizures, coma, and death
- May also produce withdrawal effects, including
insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating - Ketamine
- Large doses cause reactions similar to those
associated with use of PCP, such as dream-like
states and altered perceptions or
hallucinations. - At higher doses, can cause delirium, amnesia,
impaired motor function, high blood pressure,
depression, and potentially fatal respiratory
problems - Rohypnol
- Produces sensations of floating outside the body,
visual hallucinations, and a dream-like state - When mixed with alcohol, it can incapacitate
victims and prevent them from resisting sexual
assault - Often produces anterograde amnesia
- May be lethal when mixed with alcohol and/or
other depressants.
33What is Ecstasy?The Facts
- An illegal psychoactive drug
- Produces effects similar to hallucinogens and
stimulants - energizing effect
- distortions in time and sensory perceptions
- feelings of peace and happiness and empathy for
others - suppresses the desire to eat, drink, or sleep
- Popular at raves and other all-night party scenes
34Myths and inaccurate information about the
effects and long-term consequences of Ecstasy are
widespread among its users . . .
35Physical Effects
- In low doses . . .
- faintness
- dehydration
- muscle tension
- involuntary teeth clenching
- nausea
- blurred vision
- chills or sweating
- hypertension
- increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and
- In high doses . . .
- liver, kidney, and heart failure
- strokes
- seizures
36Psychological Effects
- depression
- delusions
- mood swings
- lapses in memory
- anxiety
- panic attacks
- confusion
- disorientation
Research on animals suggests that Ecstasy use
can cause long-term damage to the parts of the
brain that use serotonin (NIDA, 2005).
37Other Risks
- There is no control over the pill ingredients
- The ingredients are difficult to obtain, so
manufacturers often substitute ingredients - ephedrine
- dextromethorphan
- caffeine
- Other, more dangerous drugs are sometimes sold as
- ketamine
- cocaine
- methamphetamine
38Mental Health and Ecstasy
- Strong correlation between Ecstasy use and
depression - 2 possible reasons
- Some users may be more vulnerable to the adverse
effects of Ecstasy - Users may have pre-existing mental health
problems for which they self-medicate by using
ecstasy - Some ex-users experience a mental health
impairment that persists for years after they
stop using this drug. Verheyden SL, Maidment R,
Curran HV (2003) Quitting ecstasy an
investigation of why people stop taking the drug
and their subsequent mental health. J
Psychopharmacol., 17(4), 371-378.
39Mental Health and Ecstasy (cont.)
A study by Lieb and colleagues (2002) followed
the same 2,500 14-24 year olds for four years,
tracking changes in drug use and mental health
- Lieb R, Schuetz CG, Pfister H, von Sydow K,
Wittchen H "Mental disorders in ecstasy users a
prospective-longitudinal investigation." Drug
Alcohol Depend 2002 68 195-207
40Mental Health and Ecstasy (cont.)
- The same study found that although most Ecstasy
users had some form of mental illness during the
study, in the vast majority of cases, the problem
emerged before they began using Ecstasy.
Lieb R, Schuetz CG, Pfister H, von Sydow K,
Wittchen H "Mental disorders in ecstasy users a
prospective-longitudinal investigation." Drug
Alcohol Depend 2002 68 195-207
41Why is it Important to Get the Facts Out?
- Almost half of all parents in America (48) do
not know the effects of Ecstasy - 79 of parents do not know what is in Ecstasy
- Ecstasy is the least likely drug to be discussed
when parents discuss specific drugs with their
Partnership for a Drug Free America (2003). 2003
Partnership Attitude Tracking Study. Retrieved
July 2005 from http//demo.pdfav3.somethingdigital
42Why is it Important to Get the Facts Out?
3 of parents of teens think their teen has tried Ecstasy 11 of teens report trying Ecstasy
13 of parents of teens believe that Ecstasy would be very easy for their teen to get. 22 of teens say Ecstasy is very easy for them to get.
5 of parents of teens believe their teen has friends who have tried Ecstasy. 34 say they have close friends who use Ecstasy.
Partnership for a Drug Free America (2003). 2003
Partnership Attitude Tracking Study. Retrieved
July 2005 from http//demo.pdfav3.somethingdigital
43Treatment Options
- There are currently no evidence-based treatments
designed specifically for Ecstasy abuse. - The most effective treatments for drug abuse and
addiction in general are cognitive behavioral
interventions. - Substance abuse recovery support groups can also
be effective in combination with behavioral
interventions to support long-term, drug-free
recovery. - In addition, antidepressant medications might be
helpful in treating the symptoms of depression
and anxiety seen in Ecstasy users.
44- I hear people say Ecstasy is a harmless, happy
drug. There's nothing happy about the way that
"harmless" drug chipped away at my life. Ecstasy
took my strength, my motivation, my dreams, my
friends, my apartment, my money and most of all,
my sanity. I worry about my future and my health
every day. - Lynn Smith
45Internet Resources
- http//www.clubdrugs.org/
- http//www.drugabuse.com/
- http//www.drugabuse.gov/drugpages/clubdrugs.html
- http//www.drugdigest.org/
- http//www.drugid.org/
- http//www.erowid.org/
- http//www.streetdrugs.org/
46Cathy CianoExecutive DirectorParent Support
Network of Rhode Island
- 401-467-6855
- CathyCiano_at_aol.com