Title: SBI PHASE 2
USCG Base, Seattle, WashingtonDecember
3-5, 2003
Base, Seattle, Washington December 3-5, 2003
The goal of this meeting is to plan the 2004
process and mooring field cruises in the context
of recent SBI field results. Please bring summary
science slides to support planning for the final
field cruises of SBI Phase 2. We will have an
overall talk on the multi-cruise, multi-year
hydrography for the SBI region as well as a
bio-physical coupled modeling talk, then 10 min
individual PI talks to show results relevant to
2004 cruise planning input for science objectives
on all process and mooring cruises. Also, I'll
give an overview of the coastal community
outreach that we've been doing in Alaska related
to the spring and fall SBI cruises during bowhead
whaling season. The USCG representatives will
outline overall Healy operations and dry-dock
upgrades. Healy MSTs will discuss the key
components of the SBI projects ship needs, and
ship set up for the cruises. Andy Heiberg will
be at the meeting, too, as we will discuss
on/offloading cargo issues, shipment of
chemicals, van loading, etc.
3- Wednesday, 3 December Chinook Room, USCG base
- 0830-0900 Opening Statements/SBI updates
(Grebmeier, Healy Capt. Dan Oliver, Dave
Forcucci) - 0900-1000 Hydrography in the SBI study area 2002
and 2003 (Swift, Codispoti, Flagg, Stockwell) - 1000-1020 Walsh coupled physical-biological SBI
model results, assumptions, and implied SBI
midcourse corrections - 1020-1030 Maslowski coupled physical-biological
SBI model results, SBI 2004 planning - 1030-1050 Break
- 1050-1200 Science talks relevant to 2004 field
planning - ? Hansell, Kadko and Bates, Terrigenous DOC
- 1200-1300 Lunch USCG base cafeteria
- 1300 Continuation of science talks, then
discussion of options for 2004 field sampling
4- Wednesday, 3 December 2004
- 1300-1540 Continuation of science talks, then
discussion of options for 2004 field sampling - Kadko, Dave and Robin Muench, Use of
Short-Lived Radium Isotopes - ? Gradinger Sea ice and carbon cycling
- ? Ashjian zooplankton/VPR
- Christensen winter SBI component (Christensen
and Melling) - Christensen and Devol
- Cooper and Grebmeier
- Woodgate
- Pickart
- 1540-1600 Break
- 1600-1730 Continue 2004 field plans, poster
session - 1730 Dinner on own
5 - Thursday, 4 December 2003
- 0830-1000 USCG Healy Updates and JOSS Field
Catalog - LCDR Gregory Stanclik Healy Seawater refit EO on
Healy, - MST introduction
- JOSS Field Catalog, data plans
- 1000-1030 Break
- 1030-1200 2004 field program discussions/SBI
logistics (Grebmeier) - ? Andy Heiberg, SBI Logistics Coordinator Update
- ? Timing for cargo shipment to Healy
- ? Van needs, equipment needs
- ? Loading schedule for Healy in spring, departure
to Arctic (USCG) - ? Logistics for shipping chemicals, gear (USCG)
- ? Medical forms (USCG)
- 1200-1330 Lunch (Pyramid Pub subgroup to Healy)
- 1330-1500 Field Program 2004 (Grebmeier)
6- Friday, 5 December 2003
- 0830-1000 Final 2004 field discussions
- space on ship
- Smith (spring and summer), same as summer 2002
- Gradinger/Eicken in same space
Christensen/Devol spring only - Sherr/Benner location of fluorometer
- 1000-1020 Break
- 1020-1200 Open Discussion
- Special issue Deep-Sea Research/papers/timetable
(Grebmeier, Harvey, Smith) - Special session Feb. 2004 ASLO and/or AGU
(Whitledge/Grebmeier) - Results 3rd SBI Pan-Arctic Meeting, 3-7 Nov
2003, Cadiz, Spain (Grebmeier) - 1200 Meeting ends SBI AC group lunch in USCG
cafeteria - 1300-1500 SBI AC meeting in Bear Room (agenda
sent separately from Lou Codispoti)