Title: CISH6960: Developing Enterprise Applications
1CISH-6960 Developing Enterprise Applications
2Enterprise JavaBeans
- Fundamentals and Session Beans
- Web-based Java applications
- Many companies currently use
- Java classes
- Model
- JavaServer Pages
- View
- Java servlets
- Controller
- JDBC to talk to databases
4J2EE Services
- This is often good enough, but what about
- Security
- Persistence
- Lifecycle management
- Transactions
- Distributed programs
- Remote access
- Concurrency
- These are collectively known as services
5Container Managed Services
- Some services
- Concurrency
- Thousands of connections per hour, accessing
limited resources - Handles threading and resource issues
- Security
- XML files declare authentication and
authorization info - Transactions
- XML files declare which methods must be in
transactions - Method-by-method control available
6Container Managed Services
- Other services
- Location transparency
- Objects accessed through a searchable registry
- Object locations can move without affecting the
client - Distributed systems
- Server operates across systems using RMI
- Persistence
- Container can provide object/relational mappings
and update them as necessary - Can even ensure referential integrity
- Can be controversial, but is getting better
7Container Managed Services
- How do we make all this happen?
- Create components, instead of classes
- Install components inside application servers
- Configure components, servers, and services using
deployment descriptors - Its no longer simple to do simple things
- Its relative easy to do complicated things
- If you dont want or need these services, you
dont need EJBs
9The EJB Architecture
- Existing technologies predating EJBs
- Transaction managers
- Distribution services
- Persistence mechanisms
- Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
- Specifications governed by the Object Management
Group (OMG) - EJBs borrow heavily from this technology, along
with RMI
10The EJB Architecture
- CORBA services incorporated into EJBs
- Naming
- Lifecycle management
- Security
- Persistence
- Distribution structures
- CORBA is language neutral, using interfaces
written in Interface Definition Language (IDL) - CORBA uses Object Request Brokers (ORBs) for
networking and data marshalling - Data marshalling between languages could be
11The EJB Architecture
- Java has Remote Method Invocations (RMI)
- Relatively easy to work with
- Requires Java on both ends
- Supports communication with the JVM
- Does not offer many enterprise services
- EJB architecture combines features of CORBA and
RMI - Tries to eliminate any weaknesses they may have
- Loses language independence
- Maintains the services
- Data marshalling handled using RMI and Java
12The EJB Architecture
- Developers must provide a way to access objects
in a remote, managed environment - The EJBs must be written in a manner the
environment understands - EJB container provides services to the beans
- Must be a well-defined relationship between the
EJB component and the EJB container - Developers take advantage of container services
13The EJB Architecture
- Object interface
- Provides client access to the bean
- Method calls execute business logic on the bean
- Specific to a given EJB
- Ensures the container is involved in every
request sent to the EJB - Home interface
- Provides lifecycle methods for the EJB
- Can create, remove, and/or find beans
- The home and object interfaces are client views
on the EJB
14The EJB Architecture
- Each of the interfaces can have two types
- Remote
- Used for accessing beans outside the JVM managing
the bean class - Restricts access to pass by value, and parameters
must be Serializable - Local
- Used by clients that share a JVM with the bean
- Do not involve networking
- Use pass by reference semantics
- Allow association with other EJBs
16Enterprise JavaBeans
- Session beans
- Stateless
- Stateful
- Entity beans
- Message-driven beans (EJB 2.0)
Enterprise JavaBeans
Message Driven Beans
Session Beans
Entity Beans
Container Managed
Bean Managed
- Session beans represent processes
- Travel Agent
- Credit card validator
- Entity beans represent business objects
- Ship
- Cruise line
- Cabin
- Message-driven beans are consumers in a
message-driven application
- Session beans
- Perform specific tasks
- Are not persistent
- Stateful session beans use lightweight
persistence, i.e., they are saved to secondary
storage - Stateless session beans are pooled by the
- Entity beans
- Represent data in a database
- Are shared among clients
- Creates, stores, and refreshes all handled by the
container - Represent business objects
- Entity beans
- Container managed
- Container generates all the required SQL
- Developer writes abstract class with only
abstract get and set methods - Container infers what attributes are required
- Bean managed
- Developer provides SQL calls as callback methods
- In either case
- The container calls load() and store()
22EJB Components
Home Interface
EJB Container
EJB Home Object
lifecycle methods
Bean Class
EJB Object
callback methods
Object Interface
objects createdby the container
business methods
23EJB Components
- All EJBs require
- A Home interface
- Contains lifecycle methods, like create() or
find() - Accessible to client through JNDI
- A Remote interface
- Contains business logic
- Acquired via the home interface
- Client uses an RMI stub to access
- A bean class
- Contains callback methods
- A deployment descriptor
- An EJB Container in which to run
24Stateless Session Bean
- Home interface
- Required create() method
package beans import java.rmi.RemoteException i
mport javax.ejb.EJBHome import
javax.ejb.CreateException public interface
SimpleSessionHome extends EJBHome // The
create method for the SimpleSession bean public
SimpleSession create() throws CreateException,
25Stateless Session Bean
- Remote interface
- Business logic
package beans import java.rmi.RemoteException i
mport javax.ejb.EJBObject public interface
SimpleSession extends EJBObject // The public
business method on the SimpleSession bean public
String getEchoString(String clientString) throws
26Stateless Session Bean
package beans import javax.ejb.SessionBean impo
rt javax.ejb.SessionContext public class
SimpleSessionBean implements SessionBean
public String getEchoString(String
clientString) return clientString " - from
session bean" public void ejbActivate()
public void ejbPassivate() public void
ejbRemove() public void ejbCreate()
public void setSessionContext(SessionContext
27Stateless Session Bean
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt!DOCTYPE
ejb-jar PUBLIC '-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD
Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0//EN' 'http//java.sun.com
/dtd/ejb-jar_2_0.dtd'gt ltejb-jargt
ltenterprise-beansgt ltsessiongt
ltsecurity-identitygt ltdescriptiongtlt/descrip
tiongt ltuse-caller-identitygtlt/use-caller-id
entitygt lt/security-identitygt
lt/sessiongt lt/enterprise-beansgtlt/ejb-jargt
28Session Beans
- Components that provide a transactional,
distributed, managed resource without persistence - Session beans may have state, but the values will
not be persisted by the container - Session beans are frequently task processors or
flow controllers - Session beans represent the ability to perform a
task - Drive-up teller at a bank
- Travel agent
- Session beans use other, persistent objects to
get the job done, but are not persistent
29The Role of Session Beans
- Usually serves as a gateway, or process handler
- Encapsulates actions with the business logic
- Serves as transaction boundaries
- Groups operations
30Stateless Session Bean
- Everything needs to be installed
- jar file to contain classes
- war file to contain JSPs, servlets,
- Presentation logic
- Often use servlet test clients
- ear file to contain everything else
- Add XML deployment descriptors
- Usually contains app server specific info as well
- Enterprise JavaBeans require an act of faith on
the part of the developer - Developer provides interfaces
- Developer provides some callback methods
- Developer trusts that the container will
automatically create the actual bean classes and
call everything at the right time
32Stateless Session Beans
- No state
- Beans may have attributes
- Values are not assumed to be preserved between
calls - Beans are pooled
33Stateless Session Bean
34Stateless Session Bean
35Stateless Session Beans
- Most common and most simple type
- Managed by the container as if they have no state
- Class can declare variables, but container
assumes that all stateless session beans are
identical - Allows instance pooling
- Any instance can be used to satisfy a request
36Stateful Session Beans
- Additional callback methods
- ejbActivate()
- Called by the container when restoring a session
bean from temporary storage - ejbPassivate()
- Called by the container when saving a session
bean to temporary storage
37Stateful Session Beans
38Stateful Session Beans
39Stateful Session Beans
- State is assumed to be client specific, even
though it isnt persisted - Maintains a conversation with the client
- Each client has its own instance
- Cannot be pooled
- Application server can manage the lifecycle to
help efficiency
40Session Bean Lifecycle
- Does Not Exist
- Bean unavailable for service
- The ejbCreate() method instantiates it, ties it
to the container, and initializes it - Pooled
- Available for service
- For stateless session beans, all method calls are
matched to available instances - Home interface has a create() method
- Container may use available instance rather than
instantiate a new one
41Session Bean Lifecycle
- For stateful session beans
- Instances will be passivated and activated as
necessary - Essentially switches clients state in and out of
instances on demand - Instances are serialized to a disk location
- Known a lightweight persistence
- Object references are unique and can be saved by
the client
- Context classes are used by the beans to
communicate with the container - SessionContext
- EntityContext
- MessageDrivenContext
43SessionBean Interface
44Session Beans
- Developer must create a session bean that
implements the javax.ejb.SessionBean interface - Defines most of the lifecycle methods
- Provided methods are called by the container
- Known as callback methods, can do additional work
to the standard lifecycle management provided by
the container - Note absence of a creation method
- Stateless session beans are pooled and identical
- Stateful session beans define their own create
45Creating Session Beans
- All lifecycle methods begin with the prefix ejb
- The promoted methods will automatically remove it
- Stateless session beans have a single create
method - public void ejbCreate() throws javax.ejb.CreateExc
eption - Promoting this to the home interface generates
the appropriate create() method there - Stateful session beans may have multiple creation
methods, using parameters to set attributes - public void createAtValue( String value ) throws
46Proxy Pattern
47The Proxy Design Pattern
- The Proxy design pattern described in the
so-called Gang of Four book - Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides, Design
Patterns Elements of Reusable, Object Oriented
Software, 1995 - EJB implementation of Proxy pattern
- Two classes implement the same interface
- Proxy class does networking to reach Subject
class, along with marshalling arguments and
unmarshalling return values - Subject class does actual behavior
48The Proxy Design Pattern
49The Proxy Design Pattern
- Developers create interfaces
- Container generates Proxy/Subject pairs
- Subject has a reference to developers
implementation class - Proxy instances retrieved via JNDI registry
- Enables the container to intercept all EJB method
calls and apply required services
- jar and war files are platform and server
independent, ear files are not - Assembling an ear file is usually done through a
wizard - Creating the deployment descriptor is usually
done through a wizard - Deployment descriptor settings affect application
server - Declarative programming
- Nothing needs to be recompiled