Title: Greece November 2003
1Greece November 2003
- The Focus to Work Trust and KCA Transnational
visit to Athens and Thessaloniki to share ideas
and experiences of drug rehabilitation,
employment and training services within KETHEA
2Gatwick 5.30am Sunday 2nd November 2003
3 Exploring one of the quieter streets in Athens
4Our first meal as a group in Athens
5On the way to our first meeting on Monday 3rd
6Gemma listened intently to presentation at
Strofi, Ketheas Young Persons Project
7Jacqui, Darrell and Caroll also listening
8Touching down at Makedonia airport, Thessaloniki
9Schema Chroma printing works, Thessaloniki
10Schema Chroma, Ketheas Printing Works
11Steve and Gemma say Let the presses roll
12Steve, Caroll and George, Schema Chromas
Managing Director with the KETHEA annual report,
literally hot of the press
13Awaiting the flight from Makedonia to Athens at
The flight from hell at the end of a very long
14Meeting at one of Ketheas residential units in
15Director of Off Club Ketheas outreach
initiative in Athens
16View from the top of the Acropolis
The sprawling metropolis that is Athens
17Olive groves on the path up to the Acropolis
18If Focus to Work Constructiv had tendered for the
building of the Acropolis it would have been
finished by now!
19The second residential unit we visited, this was
the only occasion when Steve refused the offer
of more food
20After a long week some of us were tired and some
of us were just plain silly