Ignatian Spirituality - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ignatian Spirituality


Catholics cross differently then Eastern Orthodox Christians ... The LeBron James of the Efche. 27 November 2006. Elder Paisios ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ignatian Spirituality

Ignatian Spirituality
  • By Calin Radoi, Andrew Trares

Eastern Orthodox Hesychasm Prayer
By Theodore Cherpas
By Ted Cherpas
Catholicism 102
  • katholikos - (Greek) universal
  • kath' holou - on the whole
  • Term was first used by St. Ignatius of Antioch in
    his Letter to the Smyrnæans "Where the bishop is
    to be seen, there let all his people be just as
    wherever Jesus Christ is present, we have the
    catholic Church
  • katholike ekklesia - Catholic Church

Catholicism 102
  • John Carroll First bishop of the hierarchy of
    the United States of America, first Bishop and
    Archbishop of Baltimore
  • Catholics cross differently then Eastern Orthodox
  • Over 10,000 beatified saints out of which 5271
    are Patron Saints

What Is Eastern Orthodoxy?
  • Isnt that like Jewish or something?
  • Well, no.
  • A brief history lesson

I BelieveIn One Holy Catholic And Apostolic
  • In the beginning, there was one Christian Church.
  • Over the years, sectional rifts grew in the
  • Latin Western Catholicism vs. Greek/Byzantine
    Eastern Orthodoxy

I BelieveIn One Holy Catholic And Apostolic
  • Disputes arose over papal authority and the
    content of the Nicene Creed
  • Trinity Doctrine Questions Does the Holy Spirit
    proceed from the Father and the Son or just the
  • Other causes involved were cultural/political
    tensions growing in the church
  • The Bottom Line The Church spilt in 1054. (Ware

Who is Ignatius Loyola?
(Ignacio (Íñigo) López de Loyola)
  • December 24 1491 July 31, 1556
  • Basque
  • Founder and first Superior General of the Society
    Of Jesus
  • Compiler of the Spiritual Exercises
  • Patron saint of Guipúzoca as well as of the
    Society Of Jesus.

Life of Loyola
  • Born at the castle of Loyola near Azpeitia, 16
    miles southwest of San Sebastian in the Basque
    province of Guipúzcoa, Spain.
  • In 1506, Íñigo became a page in the service of a
    relative, Juan Velázquez de Cuéllar, treasurer
    (contador mayor) of the kingdom of Castile.

Life of Loyola
  • In 1517, Íñigo took service in the army,
    defending the small town of Pamplona against the
    recently expelled (1512) Navarrese monarchy
  • One leg wounded, the other broken by a
    cannonball, Ignatius was returned to his castle
    by the Navarrese.

  • Now that we have an idea of where St. Ignatius
    came from, lets talk about the spiritual
    practices of the Orthodox Church

The Efche (The Prayer)
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon me
    a sinner.
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon us
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy upon
    that guy over there.
  • -Now Repeat-
  • -A lot-
  • -Thats the whole thing-

Are You Serious?
  • In a wordyes.
  • To the average person, Hesychasm prayer may seem
    dull, tedious, and pointless to put it politely.
  • Yet the Orthodox Church firmly believes that
    continuous recitation of this prayer leads to
    powerful spiritual development (Rossi Online).
  • For all you non-believers, lets talk about
    Kyriacos Markides

Kyriacos Markides
  • Markides was a Greek Orthodox believer who came
    to the U.S. to become a sociologist.
  • During his studies, he eventually renounced his
    religion and became an agnostic.
  • Later on, a colleague exposed him to Indian
    traditions of yoga.

Kyriacos Markides
  • After experiencing the power of yoga, he returned
    to Greece to see if his previous conclusions
    about Eastern Orthodoxy were wrong too (Markides
  • He was allowed to spend time on Mount Athos, a
    holy mountain of Orthodox monks who devote their
    lives to finding God (Markides 5).
  • While on Mt. Athos, he learned about Elder

Elder Paisios The LeBron James of the Efche

Elder Paisios
  • Elder Paisios was a modern living saint.
  • In The Mountain of Silence, Markides recorded
    many accounts of Elder Paisios abilities
    including healing terminally ill people without
    ever seeing them.
  • Paisios was said to have the ability of
    bi-location (be at two places at once) although
    Paisios himself denied this.
  • Paisios was able to communicate with animals and
    even befriend them.

Elder Paisios
  • Paisios reported to frequently be subject to
    visits from other saints who had already passed
    on, the Mother of God, and Christ himself
    appeared to Paisios on occasion (and spoke to
  • During Desert Storm, Paisios locked himself in
    his cell and prayed so the conflict would not
    escalate out of control. Markides asked if
    Paisios prayer really affected the outcome of
    the war. Markides spiritual advisor (not
    Paisios) scolded Markides for asking such a
    stupid question. Do you really think Paisios
    would waste his time if it didnt work?

Elder Paisios
  • The most extreme display of Paisios power came
    upon the death of a young, sinful monk. The
    monks elder begged Paisios to pray with him for
    the salvation of his pupils condemned soul.
    Paisios agreed and together they prayed for the
    pupils salvation. Hearing their prayers, God
    gave them ability to pull the monk out of Hell
    and send him to Heaven (which they did). The
    monks elder praised Paisios for his spiritual
    ability, although Paisios demanded that all
    credit be given to God.

JesuitsWho are they, what do they do?
  • Society created to fight the Reformation with
  • Regimini militantis ecclesiae - was the papal
    bull promulgated by Pope Paul III on September
    27, 1540, which gave final approval to the
    formation of the Society of Jesus.
  • Ignatius Loyola had made his way to Rome in
    October, 1538, to have the pope approve the
    constitution of his new order.

Jesuits Who are they, what do they do?
  • Saint Francis Borgia, depicted performing an
    exorcism, served as the third Superior General.

How Does The Prayer Work?
  • The concept comes from St. Pauls command for
    incessant prayer.
  • The power of the prayer rests on the actual name
    of Christ. In Biblical times, to know someone
    name was to have power over them. Through the
    Incarnation, Jesus gave us access to the divine
    by taking on a name.
  • The sacred time of the prayer transforms every
    other moment of the day into sacred time as well.

Practice of Hesychasm
  • The Key is repetition with meaning (Savin
  • Meaning is defined as spiritual humility which
    is defined as making sure you focus on Christ and
    not on your own spiritual condition.
  • Prayer should be continuous, as automatic as
    breathing, but simultaneously as meaningful as
    any other kind of meditation. It will eventually
    lead a person to peace and inner grace (Rossi

Practice of Hesychasm
  • Beginners usually consult a spiritual father and
    set aside special times for prayer.
  • Generally, a komboschini, or prayer rope, is used
    to maintain consistency. However, it is by no
    means required (Markides 201).
  • Ideally, reciting of the prayer will eventually
    be internalized so it becomes second nature
    (Markides 194).
  • The key is saying the prayer sincerely (Tsichils

Principles and Foundations
  • Human beings are created to praise, reverence and
    serve God our Lord, and by means of this to save
    their souls.
  • The other things on the face of the earth are
    created for human beings, to help them toward the
    end for which they are created.
  • From this it follows that I should use these
    things to the extent that they help me toward my
    end, and rid myself of them to the extent that
    they hinder me.

Principles and Foundations Part 2
  • To do this, I must make myself indifferent to
    all created things, in regard to everything that
    is left to my freedom of will and is not
    forbidden. Consequently, on my own part, I ought
    not to seek health rather than sickness, wealth
    rather than poverty, honor rather than dishonor,
    a long life rather than a short one, and so on in
    all other matters.
  • I ought to desire and elect only the thing which
    is more conducive to the end for which I am

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
  • Start every time with a prayer thanking God for
    your inspiration.
  • Read a passage from the Holy Bible.
  • Reflect on that passage, but think on it as
    though it was not religious, but a part of your
    daily life.
  • Spend some time thinking about it.
  • Close with a prayer thanking God for giving you
    the time to do the exercise.

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises(The Director)
  • Much like other religious practices, the
    exercises are supposed to be not led, but shared
    with a certain person.
  • A spiritual director is someone who you talk to
    after reflecting on a weeks worth of exercises.

  • http//www.bc.edu/offices/mission/exploring/cathol
  • http//bogners.typepad.com/church/2004/05/principl
  • http//www.catholic-forum.com/SAINTS/indexsnt.htm
  • http//images.google.com/imgres?imgurlhttp//imag

  • Markides, Kyriacos. The Mountain of Silence. New
    York Image, 2002.
  • Rossi, Albert. Saying the Jesus Prayer. 2006.
    Accessed 12 October 2006. ndex.php?optioncom_contenttaskviewid140Itemi
  • Savin, Olga. The Way of the Pilgrim. Boston
    Shambhala Publications, 2001.
  • Tsichils, Steven. The Jesus Prayer. 2003.
    Accessed 12 October 2006. org/print/en/ourfaith/article7104.ASP2
  • Ware, Timothy. The Orthodox Church. London,
    England Penguin Books, 1997.
  • 1 Doctor Rossi is a professor at St.
    Vladimirs Seminary.
  • 2 Steven Tsichils is involved with the Greek
    Orthodox Archdiocese of Pittsburgh.
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