Cointegration and Error Correction Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cointegration and Error Correction Models


Describe the Dickey-Fuller test for stationarity ... This test assumes that the error term (u) follows the Gauss-Markov assumptions. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cointegration and Error Correction Models

Cointegration and Error Correction Models
  • Assess the importance of stationary variables
    when running OLS regressions.
  • Describe the Dickey-Fuller test for stationarity
  • Explain the concept of Cointegration with a
    bi-variate model
  • Discuss the importance of error correction models
    and their relationship to cointegration.
  • Describe how to test for a set theory using

OLS Regression with I(1) data
  • The following results were produced when output
    was regressed against stock prices

OLS Regression with I(1) data
  • In the previous slide, the results can not be
    interpreted as there is clear evidence of
  • However the explanatory power is very high
    suggesting a very good result.
  • In this case the drift in both variables is
    related, but not explicitly modelled, causing
    autocorrelation. But as the drifts in the two
    variables is related, the explanatory power is
  • This produces the case where the R-squared
    statistic is larger than the DW statistic, often
    referred to as an indirect test for cointegration

Difference Stationary and Trend Stationary
  • The main method for inducing stationarity is to
    difference the data. For instance the random walk
    becomes stationary on differencing

Trend Stationary
  • A series is said to be trend stationary when it
    is stationary around a trend

Differenced Variables
  • If in a bi-variate model, both variables are
    difference-stationary, then one way around the
    problem is to run a model with differenced
    variables instead of level variables

Differenced Variables
  • However this option may not be acceptable as
  • - The variables in this form may not be in
    accordance with the original theory
  • - This model could be omitting important
    long-run information, differenced variables
    are usually thought of as representing the
  • - This model may not have the correct
    functional form.

Stationary data
  • One of the most important tests for stationarity
    is the Dickey-Fuller Test or Augmented
    Dickey-Fuller Test (ADF).
  • The test is based on a random walk and the fact
    that a random walk has a unit root.
  • If the variable in question follows a random
    walk, it is therefore not stationary.
  • This is why when testing to determine if a
    variable is stationary, it is said to be testing
    for a unit root.

Dickey-Fuller Test for Stationarity
  • The test is based on the following regression.
    The coefficient on the lagged level variable is
    then used to test if it equals zero, in the same
    way as a t-test

Dickey-Fuller Test
  • This test assumes that the error term (u) follows
    the Gauss-Markov assumptions.
  • The test statistic does not follow the
    t-distribution, the critical values have been
    produced specifically for this test.
  • A constant and trend could also be included in
    this test, the test statistic would still be the
    test for whether the coefficient on the lagged
    level variable equals zero
  • In this case the test is for a unit root against
    no unit root, i.e. the variable needs to be
    differenced once to induce stationarity.

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test (ADF)
  • The error term in the Dickey-Fuller test usually
    has autocorrelation, which needs to be removed if
    the result is to be valid. The main way is to add
    lagged dependent variables until the
    autocorrelation has been mopped up.
  • The test is the same as before in that it is the
    coefficient on the lagged dependent variable that
    is tested.

Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
  • The test is as follows, where the number of
    lagged dependent variables is determined by an
    information criteria

I(2) Variables
  • When a variable contains two unit roots, it is
    said to be I(2) and needs to be differenced twice
    to induce stationarity.
  • When using the ADF test, the data is first tested
    to determine if it contains a unit root, i.e. it
    is I(1) and not I(0)
  • If it is not I(0), it could be I(1), I(2) or have
    a higher order of unit roots
  • In this case the ADF test needs to be conducted
    on the differenced variable to determine if it is
    I(1) or I(2). (It is very rare to find I(3) or
    higher orders).

Dickey-Fuller Test
  • Most tests using the Dickey-Fuller (DF) and
    Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) technique are
    considered to have low power. (Accept the null of
    a unit root more often than should). The power
    depends on
  • The time span of the data rather than the number
    of observations.
  • If ? is roughly equal to one, but not exactly,
    the ADF test may indicate a non-stationary
  • These tests assume a single unit root, but many
    time series are I (2) or higher
  • The tests fail to account for structural breaks
    in the time series.

Engle-Granger Approach to Cointegration
  • This is essentially a bi-variate approach and is
    based on the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test for
  • If we have two non-stationary variables
    containing a unit root (i.e. I(1) variables),
    then we describe them as being cointegrated if
    the error term is stationary (i.e. I(0)).
  • We test for the stationarity of the error term
    using the ADF test in the same way as the
    individual variables.

  • When we have an I(0) error term, with two I(1)
    variables, in effect the drift process in the
    I(1) variables have cancelled each other out to
    produce an error term with no drift.
  • If there is evidence of cointegration between X
    and Y, we say that there is a long-run
    equilibrium relationship between X and Y

Granger Representation Theorem
  • According to Granger, if there is evidence of
    cointegration between two or more variables, then
    a valid error correction model should also exist
    between the two variables.
  • The error correction model is then a
    representation of the short-run dynamic
    relationship between X and Y, in which the error
    correction term incorporates the long-run
    information about X and Y into our model.
  • This implies that the error correction term will
    be significant, if cointegration exists.

Engle-Granger Two-Step Method
  • The method involves firstly estimating the
    cointegrating relationship and test for
  • The second stage involves forming the error
    correction model, where the error correction term
    is the residual from the cointegrating
    relationship, lagged once.

Cointegration Example
  • The following cointegrating relationship was run,
    the residual was then tested to determine if it
    was stationary and the error correction model
    (ECM) formed

Cointegration Example
  • In the previous slide, to determine if the
    variables are cointegrated, the ADF test has been
    conducted on the residual, giving a test
    statistic of (-0.78/0.24) -3.25, this is more
    negative than the -2.89 critical value so we
    reject the null hypothesis of no cointegration.
  • The ECM is then formed using the residual lagged
    one time period as the error correction term.

Error Correction Models
  • An error correction model includes only I(0)
  • This requires all our non-stationary variables to
    be first-differenced, to produce stationary
  • The error correction term is the residual from
    the cointegrating relationship, lagged one time
    period, this too will be I(0) if the variables
    are cointegrated
  • The error correction model can include a number
    of lags on both variables

Error Correction Models
  • The ECM models the short-run dynamics of the
  • As with short-run models including lags, it can
    be used for forecasting.
  • The coefficient on the error correction term can
    be used as a further test for cointegration. It
    is called the Bannerjee ECM test and requires a
    separate set of critical values to determine if
    cointegration has occurred.

Error Correction Term
  • The error correction term tells us the speed with
    which our model returns to equilibrium following
    an exogenous shock.
  • It should be negatively signed, indicating a move
    back towards equilibrium, a positive sign
    indicates movement away from equilibrium
  • The coefficient should lie between 0 and 1, 0
    suggesting no adjustment one time period later, 1
    indicates full adjustment
  • The error correction term can be either the
    difference between the dependent and explanatory
    variable (lagged once) or the error term (lagged
    once), they are in effect the same thing.

Example of ECM
  • The following ECM was formed, using 60

Example of an ECM
  • The error correction term has a t-statistic of 4,
    which is highly significant supporting the
    cointegration result.
  • The coefficient on the error correction term is
    negative, so the model is stable.
  • The coefficient of -0.32, suggests 32 movement
    back towards equilibrium following a shock to the
    model, one time period later.

Potential Problems with Cointegration
  • The ADF test often indicates acceptance of the
    null hypothesis (no cointegration), when in fact
    cointegration is present
  • The ADF test is best when we have a long time
    span of data, rather than large amounts of
    observations over a short time span. This can be
    a problem with financial data which tends to
    cover a couple of years, but with high frequency
    data (i.e. daily data)
  • It is only really used for bi-variate
    cointegration tests, although it can be used for
    multivariate models, a different set of critical
    values is required.

Multivariate Approach to Cointegration
  • A different approach to testing for cointegration
    is generally required when we have more then 2
    variables in the model
  • If we assume all the variables are endogenous, we
    can construct a VAR and then test for
  • One of the most common approaches to multivariate
    cointegration is the Johansen Maximum Likelihood
    (ML) test.
  • This test involves testing the characteristic
    roots or eigenvalues of the p matrix
    (coefficients on the lagged dependent variable).

Steps in Testing for Cointegration
  1. Test all the variables to determine if they are
    I(0), I(1) or I(2) using the ADF test.
  2. If both variables are I(1), then carry out the
    test for cointegration
  3. If there is evidence of cointegration, use the
    residual to form the error correction term in the
    corresponding ECM
  4. Add in a number of lags of both explanatory and
    dependent variables to the ECM
  5. Omit those lags that are insignificant to form a
    parsimonious model
  6. Use the ECM for dynamic forecasting of the
    dependent variable and assess the accuracy of the

  • The Dickey-Fuller or Augmented Dickey-Fuller
    tests test for stationarity, based on the test
    for a random walk.
  • The Engle-Granger approach to cointegration in a
    bi-variate model, involves testing for
    stationarity of the residual using the ADF test.
  • According to the Granger representation theorem,
    if there is cointegration between our two
    variables, we should be able to form the
    appropriate error correction model.
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