Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields


... Ching Fok, Trevor Garner, and Jerry Goldstein) ... Example Trevor Garner's RCM simulation of June, 1991 storm ... (Garner, Ph.D. Thesis, Rice Univ., 2000) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields

Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields
  • R. A. Wolf
  • Rice University
  • (Unpublished results provided by Stanislav
    Sazykin, Mei-Ching Fok, Trevor Garner, and Jerry

Introduction and Outline
  • Introduction/Outline
  • Neutral Wind Effects
  • What Laws Govern Magnetospheric Generators of
    Inner Magnetospheric E?
  • Shielding of the Inner MagnetosphereBasic
  • OvershieldingTheory and Observations
  • UndershieldingTheory and Observations
  • Asymmetry of Main-Phase Ring Current
  • Large Eastward Electric Fields in Post-Dusk
    Equatorial Ionosphere
  • Subauroral Polarization Streams and SAID Events
  • Summary

Inner Magnetospheric Electric Fields
  • Limitations
  • By inner magnetosphere, I mean the region
    earthward and equatorward of the electron plasma
  • Maps to the subauroral ionosphere
  • This talk emphasizes potential electric fields,
    not induction.
  • Consider time scales gt a few minutes. No waves.
  • I assume that E??? in ionosphere, for these time
  • Also assume that F is constant along field lines.
    (Were talking about the subauroral ionosphere
  • Im going to offer only a very quick summary of
    neutral-wind effects.
  • Why are inner magnetospheric potential electric
    fields important?
  • They control plasmasphere and ring-current
    dynamics. We wont understand ring current
    injection until we understand the associated
    electric fields.
  • They affect the radiation belts somewhat (though
    induction electric fields, and waves are probably
    more important).
  • They drive much of the dynamics of the low- and
    mid-latitude ionosphere
  • They seem to be the most unknown element in
    modern ionospheric modeling of the subauroral
  • Disruptions of the mid- and low-latitude
    ionosphere seem to be the most important aspects
    of space weather at present, particularly for the

Quick Summary of Neutral-Wind-Driven
Inner-Magnetospheric E Fields
  • Fields driven by winds resulting from solar
    heating of the day side. These drive the Solar
    Quiet (Sq) currents and are pretty well
    understood, quantitatively.
  • Dynamic processes are only partly understood
  • Disturbance dynamo winds are equatorward and
    westward winds driven by heating of the auroral
    zone in storms. They propagate to equatorial
    region in 1 day. There still isnt convincing
    agreement between the best models and
  • Tidal winds propagate up from lower atmosphere.
  • Traveling ionospheric disturbances are gravity
    waves that propagate equatorward, driven by
    auroral zone heating.
  • Neutral-wind effects probably dominate
    inner-magnetospheric E fields in times of
    geomagnetic quiet and they are significant in
    active times.
  • See tutorial reviews by Richmond (in
    Solar-Terrestrial Physics, ed. Carovillano and
    Forbes, Reidel, 1983) and (in Handbook of
    Atmospheric Electrodynamics, Vol. II., Ed. H.
    Volland, CRC Press, 1995)

Magnetospherically Driven Inner-Magnetospheric
Electric Fields
  • The large-scale electric field in the
    magnetosphere is that of magnetospheric
  • Simplest approximation

Uniform dawn-dusk field
  • Next simplest approximationStern-Volland and
  • Neither of these simple models captures the
    complexity of the real system. This talk will
    concern effects that are not captured by these
    simple models.

What Determines the Inner Magnetospheric E?
Governing Equations
  • Vasyliunas equation in MHD form (comes from
    neglecting inertial term in momentum equation and
    assuming ??J0)

  • where in and is mean northern and southern
    ionosphere, we have assumed the magnetic field
    strength is the same at either end of the field
  • and the right side of (1) can be evaluated
    anywhere on a field line.
  • The form (1) assumes isotropic pressure, but it
    can be generalized.

  • Ohms law for ionosphere

Field-line-integrated current (includes both
Field-line integrals of products of Hall and
Pedersen conductivities and neutral winds
Field-line-integrated Conductivity (both
  • Conservation of ionospheric current

  • Substituting (2) and (3) in (1), and neglecting
    winds, gives the Fundamental equation of
    ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling
  • In the plasma sheet and storm-time ring current,
    the right side of this equation is typically
  • The ring current strongly affects the electric
    field in storm times, as Liemohn and Ridley have
    recently demonstrated. To calculate the electric
    field properly, ring-current effects must be
    taken into account.
  • Conductance non-uniformities are also important,
    particularly the day-night effect.

Cartoon of I-M Coupling Equation
Blob of plasma in a dipole magnetic field
Evolution of Magnetospheric Particle Population
  • For simplicity, assume that the particle
    distribution is isotropic
  • Amounts to assuming strong elastic pitch-angle
  • Chaotic ion motion in the plasma sheet works in
    this direction..
  • Not really valid in inner magnetosphere.
  • There is a version of the RCM (called
    Comprehensive Ring Current Model, CRCM),
    developed in collaboration with Mei-Ching Fok,
    that conserves the first and second adiabatic
    invariants, and uses different version of
    Vasyliunas equation.
  • Isotropic energy invariant ? is conserved
  • where WKkinetic energy

Evolution of Magnetospheric Particle Population
  • Equation for evolution of the particle
  • where hs number of particles per unit magnetic
    flux with certain chemical species and certain
    range in l. S and L are sources and losses.
  • hs is proportional to the distribution function.
  • Bounce-averaged drift equation
  • Reference Wolf, in Solar-Terrestrial Physics,
    ed. Carovillano and Forbes, 1983.

Magnetospheric Effects Shielding
  • Top diagram shows equilibrium condition no
    convection, with plasma-sheet edge aligned with
    contours of constant V.
  • Particles gradient/curvature drift along contours
    of constant V
  • Effect of applying cross-tail E (bottom) is to
    move edge sunward
  • Causes a partial westward ring across night side
  • Dusk side of edge charges , dawn side -.
  • Charging occurs near eq. plane and in ionosphere
  • Currents flow up from dawnside ionosphere near
    inner edge, down to dusk side.
  • Those are the region-2 currents.
  • They tend to shield the near-Earth region from
    the dawn-dusk E. Dusk-dawn polarization E opposes
    convection in the inner magnetosphere.

How Good is the Shielding in Steady State, for
Typical Conditions?
  • Answer Its not clear.
  • Shielding is often pretty good in Rice Convection
    Model simulations, but it is also often marginal.
  • Observational uncertainty Its hard to
    distinguish steady-state magnetospheric
    penetration field from neutral-wind effects.
  • Theoretical uncertainties
  • Because of the pressure balance inconsistency
    (Erickson and Wolf, 1980), its hard to know what
    value to place on pV5/3 at the tailward boundary
    of the RCM calculation (middle plasma sheet). I
    dont think we will eliminate this uncertainty
    until we solve the substorm problem.
  • In RCM, efficiency of shielding is sensitive to
    plasma-sheet temperature, with higher temperature
    giving weaker shielding. Reason
  • The Alfvén layer lies further from Earth for more
    energetic particles.
  • If the layer lies too far from Earth for most
    plasma-sheet particles, the partial rings arent
    strong enough to shield.

Overshielding The Idea
  • If the shielding layer is configured to shield
    the inner magnetosphere from a strong convection
    field, and that convection field suddenly
    decreases, due to a northward turning of the IMF,
    the result will be a backwards E field (dusk to
    dawn) in the inner magnetosphere, until the
    shielding layer readjusts.
  • Originally seen in Jicamarca data by Kelley et
    al. (GRL, 6, 301, 1977)
  • Observations were interpreted in terms of
    overshielding picture

Overshielding Pattern Detail
  • RCM (Spiro et al., Ann. Geophys., 6, 39, 1988)
    indicated that the eastward penetration field was
    not spread uniformly across the night side but
    was concentrated in the midnight-dawn sector,
    particularly at low L. Senior and Blanc model
    (JGR, 89, 261, 1984) also showed that feature.
  • Agreed with earlier observations of equatorial E
    in response to northward turning of IMF (Fejer,
    in Solar-Wind Magnetosphere Coupling, 1986)

Equatorial equipotentials. Corotation not
Physical Reason for Overshielding Eastward Field
Being Concentrated Midnight-Dawn
Ionospheric equipotentials for overshielding,
with no distortion. Heavy arrows are E, and
light arrows are Hall currents. In
overshielding, low latitudes have antisunward E?B
drift, corresponding to sunward Hall currents.
Hall currents are stronger on day side than on
night side.
Hall currents remove charge from terminators,
causing them to charge negative and distorting
the equipotentials as shown. Dawnside
equipotentials are pushed to lower latitudes,
while duskside contours are squeezed against the
duskside auroral zone. Penetration to low
latitudes is concentrated on dawn side.
Equatorial view of the effect. Dawnside
equipotentials are Pushed to the Earth, while
duskside equipotentials get pushed toward the
plasma sheet. Gives characteristic V-shaped
equipotentials in inner magnetospehre
Recent Evidence of Overshielding From IMAGE
Data from IMAGE EUV imager. Sun is to lower
right, 704 UT, May 24, 2000, after northward
turning of IMF.
MSM simulation for same time.
From Goldstein et al., accepted for GRL, 2002
  • Undershielding is temporary penetration of
    dawn-dusk electric field in times of increasing
  • Pattern at low L is much the same as for
    overshielding, but the field is reversed
    westward penetration electric field
  • The main physical reason is the same as the one
    given for the concentration of eastward E field
    in that sector in overshielding

Equatorial ionospheric E from Fejer and
Scherliess (JGR, 102, 24047, 1997).
From Sazykin Ph.D thesis, Utah State, 2000.
Ring Current Injection
  • The injection of the ring current in the main
    phase of a major magnetic storm involves massive
  • A westward electric field on the night side
    injects the ring current deep into the
  • The new ring current forms a partial ring early
    in the main phase, but forms a complete ring
  • According to the conventional wisdom, the partial
    ring is centered near local dusk, because that is
    where the ion Alfvén layer comes closest to Earth
    if the convection field is dawn-dusk.

Ring Current Injection Conflicting Cartoons
  • The magnetic field decrease observed in the early
    main phase at low latitudes on the Earths
    surface has a clear dawn-dusk asymmetry the
    depression is much greater on the dusk side.
  • Conventional wisdom associates this with an
    asymmetric ring current, centered near dusk.
  • Picture of region-2 currents and shielding, which
    had the plasma sheet coming closest to Earth near
    local midnight.
  • Suggests partial ring centered near midnight.
  • The dawn-dusk asymmetry in the ground magnetic
    signature was interpreted in terms of the sum of
    region-1 and region-2 currents being down on the
    day side, up on the night side, with connection
    through antisunward Hall currents in the auroral
    zone (Wolf et al., JGR, 86, 2242, 1981 Crooker
    and Siscoe, JGR, 86, 11201, 1981 Chen et al.,
    JGR, 87, 6137,1982)

IMAGE Observations of Ring Current Injection
CRCM Model, 8 UT, 32 keV
IMAGE ENA, 27-39 keV
  • Observations and CRCM model fluxes for 12 August
    2000, at the peak of the main phase of a storm.
    Ring current peaks between midnight and dawn in
    both observation and model. From Fok et al.
    (submitted to Space Sci. Rev., 2002)

CRCM Equipotentials
Note the extreme twisting of the CRCM
equipotentials, with the westward electric field
centered near dawn. From Fok et al. (submitted to
Space Sci. Rev., 2002)
  • In the spirit of full disclosure
  • Most RCM runs show pressure peaks near local
    midnight in ring-current injection. The degree of
    potential twisting and the location of the
    pressure peak vary among different RCM storm runs
    and we havent figured out what controls them.
    Some possibilities
  • strength of convection
  • plasma sheet ion temperature
  • background conductance (including sunspot number
    and dipole tilt)
  • auroral conductance enhancement

Effect of Strong Penetration on Equatorial
  • Basu et al. (GRL, 28, 3577, 2001) showed dropout
    of the equatorial ionosphere at 840 km altitude
    in main phase of the Bastille Day storm. They
    interpreted that as the result of upward drift of
    the F-layer above that altitude.
  • This uplift was accompanied by strong
  • Eastward electric field causes a downward drag
    that acts like increased gravity and encourages
    the Rayleigh-Taylor instability that causes
    spread F.
  • Note Massive rearrangements of the low-latitude
    ionosphere imply massive changes in conductance.
    Proper modeling of something like this requires
    active coupling of ionosphere and magnetosphere
    modelshavent done that yet.

RCM Simulation of Bastille Day Storm
  • Source Stanislav Sazykin
  • Movie shows potential in equatorial plane
  • Top panel shows polar-cap potential (blue) and
    Dst (white)
  • This simulation was done with IRI model of
    sunlight-driven ionosphere, with auroral
  • Notice
  • Skewing of equipotentials
  • Strong westward flow at low L from dusk to past
    midnight (Subauroral Polarization Stream,
    discussed shortly).
  • Outward flow on dusk side near Earth

Movie is file 0700_Veq_iri_short.avi
RCM for Bastille Day Storm Plots of Ionospheric
  • At low latitude, strong westward E in
    post-midnight sector, eastward E across night
  • Snapshot shows an example of local time
    dependence of ionospheric electric fields, for
    latitudes of 15, 40, and 55 at 2220 UT on 15
    July, late in the main phase.

Bastille Day with SUPIM Conductance Model
  • Plot shows E fields for 1240 UT on July 15.
  • This conductance model has sharper conductance
    jump at terminator. Note eastward E concentrated
  • Overall conclusion
  • A huge storm like this can result in strong
    eastward electric fields on the dusk side.
  • The local-time distribution of this eastward
    field depends strongly on the details of the
    ionospheric model.
  • To treat this properly, really need a model
    with an active ionosphere, because conductance is
    clearly affected by the dramatic
    magnetosphere-caused layer motions. The
    conductance acts back on the electric field.

SubAuroral Polarization Streams (SAPS)
  • RCM simulations of active conditions frequently
    show strong flows in the subauroral region
  • ExampleTrevor Garners RCM simulation of June,
    1991 storm
  • Rapid flow is just earthward and equatorward of
    the electron plasma sheet
  • That flow occurs in the dusk-midnight sector,
    sometimes extending past midnight.
  • Note that there are stronger electric fields in
    the inner magnetosphere than in the tail the
    opposite of shielding.
  • This feature has been observed in strong storms
    by CRRES (RowlandWygant, JGR, 103, 14959, 1998),
    Burke et al. (JGR, 103, 29399, 1998) (see bottom
  • Also observed very convincingly from Millstone
    Hill (Foster and Burke, subm. EOS). They coined
    the name.

(Garner, Ph.D. Thesis, Rice Univ., 2000)
Physical Interpretation of SAPS
  • In the pre-midnight sector, plasma-sheet ions
    penetrate closer to Earth than electrons.
  • Electrons mostly control ionospheric conductance.
  • Therefore, in the premidnight sector, the inner
    edge of the plasma-sheet ions lies at lower L
    than the auroral conductance enhancement.
  • Most of the shielding (region-2) current is
    driven by ions, because they carry most of the
  • Therefore, some region-2 current flows into
    low-conductance, subauroral ionospheric region in
    the pre-midnight sector. That is what causes SAPS
    in the RCM.

Physical Interpretation of SAPS
  • The obvious interpretation of SAPS is that they
    are the strong E field region between inner edge
    of region 2 and the equatorward edge of the
    auroral electrons.
  • This gap between these two regions becomes larger
    in great storms, because precipitation erodes the
    electron inner edge.
  • A peak in sunward flow velocity just equatorward
    of the duskside auroral is a usual feature of RCM
    simulations for active conditions.

Physical Interpretation of SAPS
  • This is essentially the same interpretation as
    Southwood and Wolf (JGR, 83, 5227, 1978) for
    SubAuroral Ion Drift events (SAIDs).
  • SAID events (also called polarization jets) were
    discovered by Galperin (Kosm.Issled.,11,273,1973)
    and by Spiro et al. (JGR, 83, 4255, 1978).
  • SAID events are narrow (1º wide) and occur
  • Banks and Yasuhara (GRL, 5, 1047, 1978) suggested
    a mechanism involving conductivity reduction due
    to the very fast drift. This was essentially an
    ionospheric instability.
  • Both types of mechanisms probably operate. Foster
    has suggested that the broad fast-flow region
    (SAPS) and the superposed narrow features (SAID)
    are different phenomea. That is an appealing
    interpretation SAPS are essentially a
    magnetospheric phenomenon and SAIDS are due to
    ionospheric instability.

  • Rice Convection Model and similar models that
    self-consistently calculate inner-magnetospheric
    electric fields and display features that agree
    with observed features, some of which only
    recently have been clearly identified.
  • Overshielding equatorial radar, new IMAGE
    plasmapause measurements
  • Undershielding equatorial radar, IMAGE
    ring-current injections
  • SAPS and SAIDs magnetospheric and ionospheric E
  • Models are less good at getting quantitatively
    accurate electric fields at any given time.
  • Many details are not worked out what controls
    degree of skewing of undershielded penetration
    field in large storms, relationship between SAPS
    and SAIDs. We cant reliably calculate how good
    shielding should be in steady state.
  • We really need a coupled global-magnetosphere/ring
    -current/thermosphere/ionosphere model. Such big
    coupled models should result from the big
    Michigan and Boston University modeling efforts.
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