Title: P1254413666NHeDI
1Women's Worlds 2005 9th International
Interdisciplinary Congress on Women
Mapping Out New Policy Directions for Young
Women in Korea
Won, Mi-Hye Seoul Resource Center for Young
21. What are 'policies for young women'?
-The policies for young women are based on
gender/age sensitivity in order to reflect
gendered ageism -The policies for young women
are not limited to teenage women only but
widely directed to every issue that concerns
gender/ageism, adopting integrated approaches of
WID (Women in Development) and GAD(Gender
And Development)
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
3What are policies for young women?
- Target Differs from the policies of different
countries - -The definition of youth in general
- 15 to 24 years old (35 at the most)
- -In case of Korea
- The Youth Law 9 - 24
- The Civil Law Under 20
- The Youth Protection Law Under 19
- The Labor Standard Act Under 18
- --gt Policies for young women mainly are for
the women - of the age from 13 to 18 who are
not eligible to - attain the rights to work and vote
- ("Teenage Women" )
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
42. The Background The Establishment of
Policies for Young Women and the Youth
International spotlight on the importance of the
youth and young women's rights Policies for the
youth operate in the context of modern history
which identified the group of pre-adults as
youth. This notion has become reinforced in
21st century.
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
5Realization of the idea that all women and the
youth are significant human resources of the
-Primary attention has been given to human
resources development in the age of low birth
rate and ageing society -The stress has been put
on the role of the youth in high-tech
information society -Marginalized women and the
youth as sexual minority have been brought
into the center gt Importance of the rights
and social participation of the youth has
been highlighted
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
6International standards
- -"Convention on the Rights of the Child"
- -International efforts to eradicate
- 'Commercial sexual exploitation of children'
(the Stockholm - Declaration and Agenda for Action of the 1st
World Congress - Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of
Children in 1996, - and the Yokohama Global Commitment 2001
- of the 2nd Conference)
- "The government, NGO, the organizations for
development, - local, international, and governmental
organizations should - improve and ensure the rights of young women,
- the youth and child" (2004, Beijing 10)
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
7Focus on the Importance of the Policies for
Young Women in Korea
The discourse and the policies that deal with the
importance of young women are closely related to
the changes in the view of the society on young
women 1/ Pre-sexualization 1/ The changes and
crisis in traditional family structure 1/ The
urgent call to regard sex industry, violence in
school and sexual violence as problematic 1/
The importance of the Youth?s rights and
social responsibility 1/ The importance of the
idea that all women and the youth are
significant human resources
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
83. Recent Discourse on Teenage Women in Korea
- The absence of concern for
- teenage women in general
- ltTable-1gt Percentage of young women dealt
in - news paper articles about women and the
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
Women The Youth Young Women
Total 127,661 36,088 669
Percentage 0.5 1.9
The source of the articles 72 published
materials including daily news papers, local
news papers, and journals
92) Issues on Teenage Women Perspectives
Concentrated Only on Present Events
ltTable-2gt Percentage of the subjects dealt in
news paper articles about young women
Total Sextrad Violence Runaways /Family issues School /Education Sports Cultural issues Smoking problem Total
Printed 669 208 175 160 141 39 29 9 1,392
- 31 26 23 21 5.8 4.3 0.01
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
The number of total articles printed in 2004 /
The checked articles overlap in this research
103) The Dual Messages on Teenage Women's
Sexuality They are seen as asexual and
seductive at the same time
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
114. The limitations of the Existing Policies
for Young Women
The policies for young women have become
significant initiatives since the late 90s when
the intense attention was given to the teenage
womens sex trade, and have been implemented as a
part of the protection for the youth. The
policies for young women coincide with the
protection laws for women such as
Anti-Prostitution Law enacted from 1961 gt
Policies for the youth and women are concentrated
in protecting the sexuality of teenagers
from a patronizing perspective
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
12The limitations of the Existing Policies for
Young Women
1/ Protecting and regulating sexuality
protectionist perspective 1/ Causal determinism
on family crisis 1/ Negative policies fail
to reflect on the needs of teenagers 1/ The
absence of integrated approach the lack of
gender perspective in policies for the youth
as well as the lack of the youth perspective in
policies for women
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
13Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
5. The New Policies for Young Women
The need to recognize the idea that young
women have different needs and experience from
young men leads us to develop the policies
from a gender perspective 1) Integrated approach
on the youth and womens policies
Analysis and the alternatives on the interlocking
oppression that derives from gendered
ageism elimination of gendered ageism or
gender discrimination according to the
age difference (separate statistics that
reflect on and represent teenage womens
condition are required)
142) Elimination of hierarchical ageism
-Alternatives for the existing tradition that
has determined our order, behaviors and
decision-making are in need -Approaches based on
human rights including sexual self-
determination, labor rights, and the rights to
participate -The need to attain an understanding
of the youth as a complex, plural agent
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
153) Sensitivity to various discriminations and
differences -Sensitivity to the interlocking
discrimination and oppression based on
various properties such as gender, looks,
sexual identity, ethnicity, and
race -Understandings of the differences between
the difference age groups of different
socio-cultural context 4) Primary support for
alienated, neglected and vulnerable groups
5) The importance of building the sensitivity
to gender equality in youth
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
16Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
6. The major agendas directed to developing
the policies for young women
1/ Building the safety net 1/ Eliminating all
forms of discriminations against young
women 1/ Empowerment of young women 1/
Encouragement of the youth in participating in
and sharing the information of every process
of decision-making
17The detailed agendas of the policies for young
women approaches and the contents
1) Building the safety net -Rethinking and
rebuilding a youth perspective on womens
policies and a gendered perspective on the
policies for youth -Enacting various
institutional apparatuses to build the safety
net to prevent domestic violence, sexual
violence, and sex trade -Gender equality training
programs directed to the personnel of related
organizations and the youth -Establishing the
resource network in regional level
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
182) Eliminating all forms of discriminations
against young women -The rights to eliminate all
forms of gender bias and prejudice -The
rights to ensure her sexual self-determination
rights and to benefit from health care
services (NAPY) -The rights to be treated
equally regardless of gender and sexual
identity -The rights to maintain various forms
of family and relationships
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
19Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
3) Empowerment of young women reflecting
on the needs and condition of young
women -Gender equality and leadership programs
including media monitoring programs -Health-ca
re services Consciousness raising programs
for body images, diet, and drug
abuse -Empowerment programs promoting and
providing economical literacy, job
opportunities, mentoring, and economical
independence for starting her own business
20Seoul Resource Center for Young Women
-Cultural capital to enhance and expand the
access of young women to the activities such
as sports and travel -Safe place expanding
time and places that are safer and more
friendly to women -Sexuality sexuality
education, pregnancy, and delivery
214) Encouragement of the youth in participating in
and sharing the information of every process
of decision-making Let Her Speak Up!
-Participation of young women in a decision
making process establishment of committees
and policy monitoring programs -Support
and empowerment of young womens own activities
and organizations
Seoul Resource Center for Young Women