Title: Enthalpy vs. Composition
1Enthalpy vs. Composition Ponchon-Savarit
- We have begun to employ mass balances, both total
and component. - We will also need to employ energy balances,
based on enthalpy, for certain separation
problems. - We can use the Enthalpy vs. composition plot to
obtain this information.
2Enthalpy vs. Composition Ponchon-Savarit Plot
3Enthalpy vs. Composition Ponchon-Savarit
- 3 phases are shown on the plot solid, liquid,
and vapor. - Temperature is represented by isothermal tie
lines between the saturated liquid (boiling) line
and the saturated vapor (dew) line. - Points between the saturated liquid line and the
saturated vapor line represent a two-phase,
liquid-vapor system. - An azeotrope is indicated by the composition at
which the isotherm becomes vertical. Why? - Why are the boiling point temperatures of the
pure components different than those determined
from the y vs. x and T vs. x,y plots for
ethanol-water? - The azeotrope for ethanol-water is indicated as T
77.65 oC and a concentration of 0.955. Why is
this different than that determined from the y
vs. x and T vs. x,y plots for ethanol-water?
4Enthalpy vs. Composition Ponchon-Savarit
- Note the boiling temperatures of the pure
components, water and ethanol, and the
temperature of the azeotrope are different due to
the pressure at which the data was taken - P 1 kg/cm2 (0.97 atm) 1 atm
- Water 99.1 oC 100 oC
- Ethanol 77.8 78.30
- Azeotrope 77.65 78.15
5Mole Fraction vs. Weight Fraction
- Note that the enthalpy- composition plot is
presented in terms of weight fractions we will
typically use mole fractions so one must convert
between the two. - For ethanol-water, this can be readily done using
the molecular weights, MWEtOH 46.07 and MWw
6Azetrope Composition Mole Fraction
vs. Weight Fraction
- Converting from wt fraction of the azeotrope to
mole fraction - Thus, the azeotropic mole fraction is greater at
P 1 Kg/cm2 than at 1 atm 0.902 vs. 0.8943. - Although slight, one can begin to see the effect
of pressure on the azeotropic point.
7Converting Weight Fraction to Mole Fraction In
- For a binary mixture
- For a mixture of C components
8Enthalpy vs. Composition Ponchon-Savarit
- The bubble point temperature and dew point
temperatures can be determined from the enthalpy
vs. composition plot. - The compositions of the 1st bubble formed and the
last liquid drop can be determined from the
enthalpy vs. composition plot. - An auxiliary line is used to assist in these
9Enthalpy vs. Composition Bubble Point
10Enthalpy vs. Composition 1st Bubble
11Enthalpy vs. Composition Dew Point
12Enthalpy vs. Composition Last Liquid Drop
13Enthalpy vs. Composition Enthalpy
- The major purpose of an enthalpy diagram is to
determine enthalpies. - We will use enthalpies in energy balances later.
- For example, if one were given a feed mixture of
35 ethanol (weight ) at T 92oC and P 1
kg/cm2 and the mixture was allowed to separate
into vapor and liquid, what would be the
enthalpies of the feed, vapor, and liquid?
14Enthalpy vs. Composition Enthalpy
15Equilibrium Data How to Handle?
- Tabular Data
- Generate graphical plots
- Generate analytical expressions (curve fit)
- Graphical
- y vs. x (P constant) McCabe-Theile Pot
- T vs. x,y (P constant) Saturated Liquid, Vapor
Plot - Enthalpy vs. composition (P constant, T)
Ponchon-Savarit Plot - Analytical expressions
- Thermodynamics Equations of state/Gibbs free
energy models - Distribution coefficients, K values
- Relative volatility
- DePreister charts
- Curve fit of data
16Analytical Expressions for Equilibrium
- To date, we have looked at various ways to
represent equilibrium behavior of binary systems
graphically. - There are several disadvantages to using
graphical techniques - One cannot readily plot multi-component systems
graphically (maximum is typically three). - Separator design often has to be done using
numerical methods thus, analytical expressions
for equilibrium behavior are needed. - We will now look at other representations for
handling equilibrium data analytically
17Other Equilibrium Relationships
Distribution Coefficient
18Other Equilibrium Relationships DePriester
- One convenient source of K values for
hydrocarbons, as a function of temperature and
pressure (watch units), are the DePriester charts
(Figs. 2-11 and 2-12, pp. 24-25, Wankat). - The DePriester plots are presented over two
different temperature ranges.
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21Using DePriester Charts Boiling Temperatures
of Pure Components
- One can determine the boiling point for a given
component and pressure directly from the
DePriester Charts one can then determine which
component in a mixture is the more volatile the
lower the boiling point, the more volatile a
component is. - For a pure component, K 1.0.
- Assume one wishes to determine the boiling point
temperature of ethylene at a pressure of P 3000
22Tbp - 9.5 oC
23Question DePriester Charts
- What are the equilibrium distribution
coefficients, K, for a mixture containing - Ethylene
- n-Pentane
- n-Heptane
- at T 120 oC and P 1500 kPa?
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25Answer DePriester Charts
- The equilibrium distribution coefficients, K,
are - K
- Ethylene 8.5
- n-Pentane 0.64
- n-Heptane 0.17
- at T 120 oC and P 1500 kPa.
26Question Volatility
- What can one say about the volatility of each
component from the K values? - K
- Ethylene 8.5
- n-Pentane 0.64
- n-Heptane 0.17
27Answer Volatility
- What can one say about the volatility of each
component from the K values? - K T boiling
- Ethylene 8.5 -35.5 oC
- n-Pentane 0.64 153 oC
- n-Heptane 0.17 gt200 oC
- The boiling point temperatures of the pure
components at P 1500 kPa have also been
determined from the DePriester charts for K 1.0
for each component (n-heptanes is off the
chart). - From the K values and the boiling point
temperature of each pure component, one can say
that the volatility follows the trend that
28Other Equilibrium Relationships DePriester
29Other Equilibrium Relationships Mole Fraction
Vapor Pressure Relationship
30Other Equilibrium Relationships Distribution
Coefficient Vapor Pressure Relationship
31Other Equilibrium Relationships Relative
32Other Equilibrium Relationships Relative