... stricture reduction in rebleeding with Octreotide infusion + endoscopic banding Endoscopic band ligation Failure of endoscopic therapy Within 48 hrs from ...
Manejo Endosc pico y Farmacol gico de la Hemorragia Digestiva Alta no Variceal Drs. Jos Ignacio Fern ndez Juan Francisco Guerra Departamento de Cirug a ...
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Dr Bernard Stacey Consultant Gastroenterologist Upper GI bleeding Variceal Known varices Signs of chronic liver disease Prolonged INR ...
Tratamiento Endosc pico del Episodio Agudo de Sangramiento Digestivo Alto de origen variceal. Dra. Mirtha Infante Vel zquez Sangrado agudo por V rices: Tratamiento ...
... heavy alcohol use presents with UGIB and hypovolemia Anemia and Hypoalbuminemia Clinical and radiographic evidence of portal hypertension: variceal bleed, ...
The venous blood from the GI tract drains into the superior and inferior ... damage to the variceal wall by acid reflux into the esophagus appear not to play ...
Title: Cirrhosis - Portal Hypertension - AGA Author: Garcia-Tsao Last modified by: Atif Zaman Created Date: 1/16/1995 1:17:28 PM Document presentation format
PORTAL HYPERTENSION Jose Macario V. Faylona, MD, FPCS Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery Department of Surgery Philippine General Hospital PREVENTION OF RECURRENT ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Mi PC Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla Other titles
Hemorragia DigestivaClasificaci n. Topogr fica: Hem. Digestiva Alta: Hemorragia intraluminal del T.D. cuyo origen se encuentra entre el EES y el ngulo de Treitz.
Patients with ulcers requiring endoscopic therapy should receive PPI gtt x 72 hours Significantly reduces 30 day rebleeding rate vs placebo (6.7% vs. 22.5%) ...
occlusion, or complete blockage, of the stent and rapid recurrence of symptoms ... infection of the stent. intra-abdominal bleeding. heart arrhythmias or ...
1- Pesquisar activamente la Cirrosis Hep tica en los niveles de atenci n ... esofagof stricas (tipo 2): N-butyl-cyanoacrylate (1b;A), TIPS (2b;B) o B-B (2b;B) ...
LIVER CIRRHOSIS DEFINITION: pathological condition with the development of fibrosis to the point that there is architectural distorsion with formation of regenerative ...
Learning objectives Discuss the general principles and the role of the GI nurse in thermal coagulation procedures and methods, including monopolar and bipolar ...
... Surgical intervention If endoscopic therapy unsuccessful In rebleed it is advisable to repeat endoscopy to confirm bleed and also try offer one more time of ...
PegIntron Maintenance Therapy in Cirrhotic (METAVIR F4) HCV Patients Who Failed to Respond to Interferon/Ribavirin (IR) Therapy: Final Results of the EPIC3 Cirrhosis ...
HEMORRAGIA TRACTO DIGESTIVO SUPERIOR. Jorge Alberto Ochoa Gaviria ... Incidencia 50-150 por 100.000 hab/a o. 6% hosp en EEUU. 5 7% de las endoscopias. H:M 2:1 ...
Combinaci n de factores pron sticos para mejorar la predicci n. ... Misma importancia a cada variable ... Bleeding esophageal varices 0.001. 4.78. 3.11-7.11. ...
UPPER GI BLEEDING Ayaz Chaudhary ... Endoscopy 80%-90% Active/massive GI bleeding stops spontaneously Goal is to identify lesions continuing to bleed, ...
The affected nails have a nail bed that is white or light pink with a distal transverse band measuring 0.5 to 3.0 mm in width that is pink to brown in color.
GI bleeds: what s old, what s new? Grand Rounds, Department of Emergency Medicine April 15, 2004 Christine Hall MSc MD FRCPC Outline Upper GI bleeds overall ...
Liver Cirrhosis Professor Niazy Abu Farsakh Liver cirrhosis Chronic progressive liver disease leading to : Necroinflammatory reaction Fibrosis Loss of the lobular and ...
Goal of preparation should be to make possible a safe, comfortable, ... 50:50 viscous lidocaine/water gargle. Best in younger patients; those with high anxiety ...
Gastro-Intestinal Bleeding Hashmi UGIB The incidence of upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is approximately 100 cases per 100,000 population per year.
Liver Review Vic Vernenkar, D.O. St. Barnabas Hospital Bronx, NY Major Structures and Landmarks Glisson s capsule: the peritoneal lining that surrounds the liver.