Our Sheffield travel clinic offers a free pre-travel risk assessment where our team can work out which vaccinations and anti-malarial medication would be most appropriate for each individual’s trip. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
The service is ideal for last-minute travellers. We see lots of university students, gap year students, intrepid explorers and business travellers who need sensible advice and vaccinations at short notice, especially when the NHS is unable to help. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
We offer the full range of travel vaccinations in Sheffield, including yellow fever, rabies, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, cholera, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, tick-borne encephalitis as well as malaria medication. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
Our Sheffield travel clinic offers a free pre-travel risk assessment where our team can work out which vaccinations and anti-malarial medication would be most appropriate for each individual’s trip. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
Japanese encephalitis can be a serious illness causing inflammation of the brain. You should consider being immunised against Japanese encephalitis before you travel to certain countries in Southeast Asia and the Far East. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/japanese-encephalitis/
Our Sheffield travel clinic offers a free pre-travel risk assessment where our team can work out which vaccinations and anti-malarial medication would be most appropriate for each individual’s trip. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
TravelDoc™ clinics are easy to access travel vaccination clinics and are a subsidiary medical service offered by Regent Street Clinic™. We offer travel vaccinations in Nottingham, Sheffield, Leicester, Derby, Liverpool, Norwich, Lincoln, Wakefield & Newcastle. See more: https://www.travel-doc.com/
We offer the full range of travel vaccinations in Sheffield, including yellow fever, rabies, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, cholera, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, tick-borne encephalitis as well as malaria medication. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
We offer the full range of travel vaccinations in Sheffield, including yellow fever, rabies, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, cholera, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, tick-borne encephalitis as well as malaria medication. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
TravelDoc™ clinics are easy access travel vaccination clinics and are a subsidiary medical service offered by Regent Street Clinic™. With multiple locations around the UK, we offer travel vaccinations in Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds and Watford. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com
TravelDoc™ clinics are easy access travel vaccination clinics and are a subsidiary medical service offered by Regent Street Clinic™. With multiple locations around the UK, we offer travel vaccinations in Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds and Watford. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/
Our Sheffield travel clinic | TravelDoc™ Sheffield is a private travel vaccination service located in Sheffield city centre, at the junction between Rockingham Street and West Street. See more: https://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
Rabies is a fatal viral disease from animal bites and scratches, that claims 60,000 – 100,000 lives per year worldwide.Every year 15-20 million people need treatment following an animal exposure (bite, scratch or lick) that could have a rabies risk.Less than a handful of people have ever survived rabies as far as we know. It is almost always fatal (Rabies Travel Vaccinations) Know More: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/rabies/
We offer the full range of travel vaccinations in Derby, including yellow fever, rabies, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, meningitis, cholera, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, tick-borne encephalitis as well as malaria medication. TravelDoc™ is also an official Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre (YFVC), approved by NaTHNaC. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/derby-travel-vaccination-clinic/
Our aim is very simple: To protect the health of overseas travellers by reducing the risk of problems abroad and to generally promote a safe, healthy and enjoyable travel experience. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/vaccinations/
Rabies is a fatal viral disease from animal bites and scratches, that claims 60,000 – 100,000 lives per year worldwide. Every year 15-20 million people need treatment following an animal exposure (bite, scratch or lick) that could have a rabies risk. Less than a handful of people have ever survived rabies as far as we know. Know More: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/rabies/
Travel Vaccination Clinics are very important and provide some protection. You should still take care with food, drink and personal hygiene when aborad. When you have your check-up at your local surgery, it’s a good idea to review your medical history, present state of health, medications and any allergies. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/vaccinations/
Yellow Fever is a serious viral infection that’s usually spread by a type of daytime biting mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti. It can be prevented with a vaccination. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
The disease is caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A, B or C. Typhoid is transmitted by food and drink that has been contaminated with human faeces or urine (faecal-oral route). Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/typhoid/
So, you’re planning a sojourn overseas? Great! You have your passport sorted, you have packed your bags and checked them multiple times, you have transport to and from the airport, and you have your vaccinations covered… wait, are you sure you are ready? For more details visit: http://www.travel-doc.com/derby-travel-vaccination-clinic/
We offer a full range of services including all travel vaccinations and anti-malarials, including yellow fever vaccine, hepatitis A and B, rabies, japanese encephalitis, meningitis ACWY, cholera, typhoid, tick-borne encephalitis, tetanus, polio and diptheria.We also offer free sterile medical kits, advice on reducing the risk of diseases for which there are no vaccinations (such as dengue fever and Zika virus) and treatment of conditions such as travellers' diarrhoea and altitude sickness. Our clinics are especially popular with last-minute travellers. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/
The hepatitis B virus is transmitted through contact with blood or body fluids from an infected person. It is a sexually transmitted disease and also a disease transmitted by contaminated needles and medical equipment. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/hepatitis-b/
You cannot get ill from a vaccine since the bacteria or viruses used are severely weakened or dead. After getting vaccinated, your body produces antibodies that will protect you if exposed to the disease in the future. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/vaccinations/
Travel Vaccination Clinics are very important and provide some protection. You should still take care with food, drink and personal hygiene when aborad.When you have your check-up at your local surgery, it’s a good idea to review your medical history, present state of health, medications and any allergies. Keep your immunisation certificates (and list of current medication) with your passport for use during your travels and as a record for the future. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/vaccinations/
Severe hay fever is an unpleasant allergic condition that can be a real problem for extreme sufferers, especially in certain parts of the UK where the allergen count tends to be high – whether it is flower pollen (such as rapeseed) or tree pollen (such as silver birch). Apparently, there are 3 billion trees in the UK, that’s 47 for every Briton. Treatment for severe hay fever is with a corticosteroid injection similar to the treatment given for joint problems and inflammatory conditions such as tennis elbow and frozen shoulder. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
Yellow Fever is a serious viral infection that’s usually spread by a type of daytime biting mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti. It can be prevented with a vaccination. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
Hepatitis B Travel Vaccination affects up to 10% of people in SE Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and South America. Know More: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/hepatitis-b/
We will try our best as we can to get your test processed as quickly as possible. We are confident that the timelines we have advised as above are achievable in almost all cases. Know more: https://www.regentstreetclinic.co.uk/coronavirus-covid-19-pcr-swab-testing/sheffield/
Vaccination is recommended for travellers to high risk areas where food and water may be contaminated. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/typhoid/
The disease is caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi and Salmonella Paratyphi A, B or C. Typhoid is transmitted by food and drink that has been contaminated with human faeces or urine (faecal-oral route). See more: http://www.travel-doc.com/service/typhoid/
You must have a yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before you travel. This will allow enough time for your body to develop protective antibodies against the yellow fever infection. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
Upon arrival at the TravelDoc™ , you will be offered a free consultation to discuss the mechanics of your impending travels. The doctors and nurses who staff the clinic are also seasoned travellers, so they’ll know exactly what you will need. In addition, these healthcare professionals are fully qualified to administer the appropriate vaccines or protection that may be necessary; many of them completed their medical training at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Glasgow. For more details visit us: http://www.travel-doc.com
Hay fever is a common condition that affects many people during the pollen season. While over-the-counter medications and avoidance of allergens can help manage symptoms, hay fever injections, also known as allergen immunotherapy, can be an effective way to reduce or eliminate hay fever symptoms in some individuals. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/hayfever-treatment/
Severe hay fever is an unpleasant allergic condition that can be a real problem for extreme sufferers, especially in certain parts of the UK where the allergen count tends to be high – whether it is flower pollen (such as rapeseed) or tree pollen (such as silver birch). Apparently, there are 3 billion trees in the UK, that’s 47 for every Briton. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/hayfever-treatment/
Severe hay fever is an unpleasant allergic condition that can be a real problem for extreme sufferers, especially in certain parts of the UK where the allergen count tends to be high – whether it is flower pollen (such as rapeseed) or tree pollen (such as silver birch). See more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/hayfever-treatment/
TravelDoc™ is a subsidiary medical service offered by Regent Street Clinic™, private medical clinics across the UK with centres in Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, Sheffield, Leeds and Watford.TravelDoc™ clinics are run by a team of specialist travel health doctors and nurses who have undergone postgraduate training in travel medicine.Our aim is very simple: to protect the health of overseas travellers by reducing the risk of problems abroad and to generally promote a safe, healthy and enjoyable travel experience. For more details visit us: http://www.travel-doc.com/leeds-travel-vaccination-clinic/
It is given in the top of the buttock and starts working almost immediately and typically ‘kicks in’ anywhere from one to forty-eight hours after administration. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
Severe hay fever is an unpleasant allergic condition that can be a real problem for extreme sufferers, especially in certain parts of the UK where the allergen count tends to be high – whether it is flower pollen (such as rapeseed) or tree pollen (such as silver birch). Apparently, there are 3 billion trees in the UK, that’s 47 for every Briton. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/hayfever-treatment/
Like all injections and treatments, a thorough risk assessment is undertaken by our doctors and nurses to consider the person’s suitability for treatment but for those that are good candidates, the relief of the symptoms can be dramatically superior to taking oral anti-histamine tablets or nasal sprays and eye drops. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
Like all injections and treatments, a thorough risk assessment is undertaken by our doctors and nurses to consider the person’s suitability for treatment but for those that are good candidates, the relief of the symptoms can be dramatically superior to taking oral anti-histamine tablets or nasal sprays and eye drops. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
The dose required to control severe symptoms is partly related to body weight, and heavier subjects will require a larger dose to ease their symptoms. We have found that the therapeutic dose for most effective relief is 1mg per kg of body weight, therefore our standard doses administered are 40mg-80mg per patient per season. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
Travel vaccinations clinic in Sheffield | TravelDoc™ travel clinic is a private travel vaccination service provided by Regent Street Clinic, housed in a stunning Georgian property in Sheffield city centre. For more details visit: http://www.travel-doc.com/sheffield-travel-vaccination-clinic/
The dose required to control severe symptoms is partly related to body weight, and heavier subjects will require a larger dose to ease their symptoms. We have found that the therapeutic dose for most effective relief is 1mg per kg of body weight, therefore our standard doses administered are 40mg-80mg per patient per season. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
Severe hay fever is an unpleasant allergic condition that can be a real problem for extreme sufferers, especially in certain parts of the UK where the allergen count tends to be high – whether it is flower pollen (such as rapeseed) or tree pollen (such as silver birch). Apparently, there are 3 billion trees in the UK, that’s 47 for every Briton. Treatment for severe hay fever is with a corticosteroid injection similar to the treatment given for joint problems and inflammatory conditions such as tennis elbow and frozen shoulder. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/vaccinations/kenalog-hayfever-injection/
You should have the yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before your travel. This will allow enough time for your body to develop protective antibodies against the yellow fever infection. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
Vaccination should be considered under the following circumstances and is dependent on the individual risk assessment. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/typhoid/
Ideally, you should have the yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before your travel. This will allow enough time for your body to develop protective antibodies against the yellow fever infection. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
Cholera is usually transmitted via infected water that has been contaminated by faeces and less commonly via food. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/cholera/
You should have the yellow fever vaccination at least 10 days before your travel. This will allow enough time for your body to develop protective antibodies against the yellow fever infection. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
Japanese encephalitis can be a serious illness causing inflammation of the brain. You should consider being immunised against Japanese encephalitis before you travel to certain countries in Southeast Asia and the Far East. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/japanese-encephalitis/
Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal illness caused by a bacteria. The disease infects the small bowel and causes painless, watery diarrhea. It is known to infect only humans. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/cholera/
Yellow Fever is a serious viral infection that’s usually spread by a type of daytime biting mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti. It can be prevented with a vaccination. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/
Hepatitis A occurs worldwide, mostly in countries where sanitation is poor. It is now rare in Western Europe, Scandinavia, North America, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. Most cases imported into Britain have been contracted in the Indian sub-continent. Know more: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/hepatitis-a/
Yellow Fever is a serious viral infection that’s usually spread by a type of daytime biting mosquito known as the Aedes aegypti. It can be prevented with a vaccination. Know More: https://www.travel-doc.com/service/yellowfever/