Title: Dynamic UserOptimal Departure TimeRoute Choice Model
1 Trail course Dynamic Travel Choice Models
- Chapter 6
- Dynamic User-Optimal Departure Time/Route Choice
Model - Karel Lindveld
- Delft University of Technology
- Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geo Sciences
- Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering
- Conceptual background
- Follow the book
- Combined choice of route and departure time
- (without schedule delay)
- Departure time choice in the time/space network
- Formulation as a VI problem
- Equivalence theorem
- Extension to Chen
- Critique of Chens concept of departure time
choice - Schedule delay penalties
- Reformulation
- Summary, errata, discussion
3Conceptual background (I) 1-person case
- Think of 1 individual (on holiday, so no time
constraints), who - Chooses a time of day k for an activity
- Morning (early morning (6-8), morning peak
(8-10), late morning (10-12)) - Afternoon (3 periods)
- Evening (3 periods)
- Given a time period k, choose least-cost route p
- Minimises travel cost C(p,k) depending on t.o.d.
k and route p
4Conceptual background (II) critique
- Only 1 person has a choice
- no account of how consequences of peoples
decisions affect others - Long (2-hour) periods
- no interaction between route- and departure time
5Conceptual (III) background solution
- 1-person chooses / many persons simultaneously
choose is similar to ordinary assignment - Therefore
- Use formulation of user-optimality conditions and
work out result for simultaneous choices - As dynamic assignment requires VIP formulation,
need to incorporate departure time choice into
VIP framework - Tea-kettle principle
- we already know how to deal with route choice
within assignment - therefore formulate combined dep. time / route
choice as a route choice problem - Will now follow the book
6The least-cost departure time problem
Each individual traveller seeks to minimise the
total path cost
If departure time is prescribed, path cost is
minimised over routes p
If departure time is free, path cost is minimised
over routes p and departure times k
7Departure time choice in the time/space network
- Recapitulate
- DUO (Chen 4) deals only with route choice
- Problem
- how to incorporate departure time choice into a
route-choice framework ? - Tea-kettle principle
- formulate new problem in terms of known problem
(DUO) - Application
- extend the network with special zero cost links
for departure times and arrival times - departure time choice to be modelled as a form of
route choice
8Departure time choice in the time/space network
Physical network
STEN (Space/Time Extended Network)
9Departure time choice in the time/space network
Physical network
STEN (Space/Time Extended Network)
10Departure time choice in the time/space network
- Constraints for the DUO problem (see (3.1))
- where is the total flow between r and s
leaving in period k (given) - Constraints for the DUO departure time choice
model - where is the total flow between r and s
(given) - (see (3.2), (3.3))
- Note by limiting the summation in (3.3) to
we can ensure that all travellers
leave in this time period
11Formulation as a VI problem
12The equivalence theorem relationships (1)
13The equivalence theorem structure (2)
- The equivalence theorems (4.2) and (6.2) have the
following structure - with the set of all path flows that
correspond to the definitional constraints (4.11)
-(4.12) / (6.9)-(6.10)
14The equivalence theorem proof outline (3)
- Sum equivalence conditions over r,s,p,k,
eliminate term with minimum path cost - Assume feasible solution satisfies VIP, retrieve
optimality conditions by considering 2 possible
cases for any 2 routes - substitute definitional constraint
- and use additivity of link cost
- note that derivation of is reversible
15Done are we?
16Critique of Chens concept of departure time
- In real life, people have schedules filled with
activities - activities often require people to be in the same
location at the same time - this imposes constraints on the starting time
(and duration) of activities - Travel is used to get from one activity to
another - therefore travel must allow one to be in time
at a certain location - if people want to be in time, they will be
willing to pay a price for this (cost, time,
discomfort) - For these reasons Chens concept of free
departure time choice is unrealistic - Remedy
- account for penalty cost of being late (or early)
- add this cost to travel cost
- then find minimum cost path
17Extension schedule delay penalties (1)
- Problem
- Chens modelling framework only considers travel
cost. - how to incorporate preferred arrival time (
)? - How to incorporate preferred departure time (
)? - Solution
- add schedule delay penalty on arrival to path
cost - define schedule delay penalty (for arrival) as
18Extension schedule delay penalties (2)
STEN (Space/Time Extended Network
19Extension schedule delay penalties (3)
- Split cost function into time and others
- Add schedule delay to cost function
(deterministic) - 1 PAT and 1 PDT per user-class
(route travel time)
(route travel cost)
20Extension integration into framework (4)
- Use VIP in theorem (6.2) proof still holds with
extended cost functions - upper part in proof of (6.2) continues to hold
because only deals with path costs - additivity of link cost remains intact, so
equivalence in lower part of proof of (6.2)/(4.2)
between path-based and link-based VIP continues
to hold - Existence
- Extended cost function c(u) is continuous, so at
least 1 solution to VIP exists
21Extension schedule delay penalties (5)
- Uniqueness depends on the situation
- Example marginal traveller on pre-loaded network
- Time-dependent travel time
- Schedule delay penalty
- resulting total cost for marginal traveller as a
function of departure time (
(assumed fixed)
- Same as in 4, except minimum cost problem solved
w.r.t. extended network
- Comparison of tables (6.7) and (6.8) shows that
people will decrease their travel time by
spreading out. - This continues until free-flow conditions are
reached throughout. - After that, multiple solutions for u are
- Modelling framework
- Original modelling framework does not include
departure time choice, only route choice - Departure time choice can be accommodated as
route choice when network is extended to a STEN - Indifference w.r.t. arrival times presented in
Chen is very unrealistic remedy by including
schedule delay penalties - Typos
- (6.3.1) t?k
- add transpose sign to (6.3.2) after last