Title: sa st a
1??S?GOG? S??? ??????G??
2S?µa?t???? ?µe??µ???e? ?a? ???s?pa st?? ?st???a
t?? ????????a?
- 320 p.?.
- 350 p.?
- 400 µ.?.-
- 1500 µ.?.
- 1650 µ.?.
- 1651 µ.?.
- ? ???t?? p????e? t?? ?????a t?? ?µf?t?? ?de?? ?a?
p??te??e? t?? e?d?s??p?s?, ?? µ???d? ap??t?s??
???s??. - ? ???st?t???? ß??e? t?? ß?se?? t?? s?st?µat????
?a? a?t??e?µe????? pa?at???s?? t?? s?µpe??f????
?a? p??te??e? t?e?? a???? p?? d??p??? t? s??e??µ?
t?? ?de??. - ?a ???t??? fa???µe?a s??d???ta? µe t?? ???? ?
?p??a ?e??e?ta? ?? ????, a?e???t?t? ?a? a????a
(?????st????, T?µ?? ??????t??, ??p). - ? René Descartes d?at?p??e? t? ?e???a t?? d??sµ??
s?µat?? ?????. ???pe? t? s?µa ?? µ?a µ??a?? ?
?p??a ?µ?? e?e???p??e?ta? ap? ta p?e?µata t??
????? p?? ed?????ta? st?? ep?f?s?. - ? Thomas Hobbes a??e?ta? t?? ?pa??? t?? ????? p??
de? ßas??eta? st?? ???.
3???t?? (427-347 ?.?.)
- ? ???t?? ?e????se ?t? ? ??sµ?? t?? ?de?? p??
ap?te?e? t?? a?????? ???s?, ap??t?ta? µ??? µ?s?
t?? ??? (????st???) ?a? ??? µ?s? t??
a?s??se??.?a?? µe t?? ???st?t??? ß????? t??
ß?se?? t?? f???s?f???? p??s????s?? t??
??????????? fa???µ????
4? µ??a??sµ?? t?? a?ta?a??ast???? t???? s?µf??a µe
t?? Descartes
- ? Descartes ef???e t?? ?????????? ?e???a t??
??ta?a??ast???? t????. S?µf??a µe a?t? t? e?d???
t?? t???? ?p?? fa??eta? st?? e????a 1 µetaf??eta?
µ?s? t?? a?s??t????? ??????? ?a? t?? ?pt????
?e???? st?? e???fa??. ??e? t? a?test?aµµ???
e?d??? epa?ast??feta? µ?sa st? ?pt??? ??asµa ?a?
µet? µetaf??eta? st?? ep?f?s?. ?? ?e????e? t??
????t???? s?st?µat?? d????ta? "p?e?µata" ap? t??
ep?f?s? ? ??tas? t?? ?p???? e?a?t?ta? ap? t??
??tas? t?? ?pt???? e?e??sµat??. ? Descartes
?e????se p?? ? µ??a??sµ?? e?e???p???s?? t??
?e?????? µ?s? t?? "p?e?µ?t??" ?ta? a?e?????ast??.
5S?µa?t???? ?µe??µ???e? ?a? ???s?pa st?? ?st???a
t?? ????????a?
? John Locke p??te??e? ?t? t? a????p??? µ?a??
e??a? ??a? ?e???? ???t?? ?at? t? ?????s? ?a?
?t? ??? ? ???s? p??s?aµß??eta? µ?s? t??
a?s??se??. O Charles Darwin d?µ?s?e?e? t?
ß?ß??? t?? Origin of Species, st? ?p???
pe?????feta? ? ?e???a t?? e??????? µ?s? t??
µ??a??sµ?? t?? f?s???? ep??????. ? ?e???a a?t?
e??e ?a? s??e???e? ?a ??e? µ?a µe???? ep?d?as?
st? d?aµ??f?s? ?e????? ??a ta ??????????
fa???µe?a. ? Wilhem Wund ?d??e? t? p??t?
?????????? ???ast???? st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? t??
?e???a?, st? Ge?µa??a. ? Hermann Ebbinghaus
a????e? t?? p??te? s?st?µat???? pe??aµat????
µe??te? t?? µ??µ??, a??????ta? ap? t?? ea?t? t???
?? ?p??e?µe?? µe??t??. ? William James
pe?????fe? t?? ß?se?? t?? ?e?t?????sµ?? st?
ß?ß??? t?? Principles of Psychology st?? ???.
- 1690 µ.?.
- 1859 µ.?.
- 1885
- 1890
6Wilhem Wundt (1832-1920)
- ? Wilhelm Wundt (st? ???t??) ?a? ?? s??e???te?
t?? st? e??ast????.
7William James (1842-1910)
- ? William James, ?d??t?? t?? ?e?t?????sµ??.
8S?µa?t???? Te???t???? S????? st?? ????????a
- Wilhelm Wundt
- William James
- Max Wertheimer
- Kurt Köfka
- Wolfgang Kohler
- Sigmud Freud
- John Watson
- Burrhus F. Skinner
- George Miller
- Gerome Bruner
- Alan Newell
- Herb Simon
- Noam Chomsky
- 1832 - 1920
- 1842 - 1910
- 1880 - 1943
- 1886 - 1941
- 1897 - 1967
- 1856 - 1939
- 1878 - 1958
- 1904 - 1990
- 1956 ?a? µet?
- ??µ?sµ??
- ?e?t?????sµ??
- ???f??????? ????????a
- ???a????s?
- S?µpe??f???sµ??
- G??st??? ????????a /
- G??s?a?? ?p?st?µ?
9??s? p??ß??µ?t?? sta p?a?s?a t?? µ??f????????
- S' a?t? t?? e????a ape????????ta? t??a
e?t?p?s?a?? pa?ade??µata ep???s?? p??ß??µ?t?? ap?
??µpat??de?. St?? e????a (?) t? ??? ste???se ??a
???t??? ????? de?ap??te p?d??? st? ?daf??,
s?a?f???se st?? ????f? ?a? ?at?ß??e ??t? af??
??pa?e t? f???t?. St?? e????a (?) st??ßa?e d??
???t?? ap? d?af??et???? pe?????? t?? ?????,
s?a?f???se st?? ????f? ?a? ???s?µ?p???se ??a
???t??? ??a ?a ???e? ??t? t? f???t?. St?? e????a
(G) ? ??µpat??? st??ßa?e t??a ???t?? ?a?
s?a?f???se ??a ?a ft?se? t? f???t?.
10S?µa?t???? ?µe??µ???e? ?a? ???s?pa st?? ?st???a
t?? ????????a?
- ? Edward Thorndike pa???s???e? ta p??ta pe???µata
s?et??? µe t? µ???s? sta ??a ?a? d?at?p??e? t?
??µ? t?? ap?te??sµat??. - ? Sigmund Freud e?d?de? t? ß?ß??? t?? "The
Interpretation of Dreams" ?a? pa???s???e? t??
?d?e? t?? s?et??? µe t?? ???a????s?. - ? Alfred Binet ?a? ? Theodore Simon
?atas?e?????? t?? p??te? d???µas?e?
???µ?s????.? ?van Pavlov d?µ?s?e?e? ta p??ta
ap?te??sµata t?? µe?et?? t?? s?et??? µe t??
e?a?t?µ??? µ???s? (??as??? e???t?s?). - O Max Wertheimer e?s??e? t? µ??f???????
????????a (Gestalt psychologer). - O Karl Lashley d?µ?s?e?e? t? ß?ß??? "Brain
Mechanisms and Intelligence".
- 1898
- 1900
- 1905
- 1906
- 1912
- 1929
11Sigmud Freud
12S?µa?t???? ?µe??µ???e? ?a? ???s?pa st?? ?st???a
t?? ????????a?
- O B.F. Skinner d?µ?s?e?e? t? ß?ß??? t?? "Operant
Conditioning", st? ?p??? pa???s???e? t?? ??e??e?
t?? s?et??? µe t? ?e?t??????? e???t?s?. - ? Donald Hebb st? ß?ß??? t?? "Organization of
Behaviour" pa???s???e? µ?a ?e???a, ? ?p??a
??e??e? t? ??sµa a??µesa st? ?e???f?s??????a ?a?
t?? ????????a. - ? ??ßet?? ????????? Jean Piaget d?µ?s?e?e? t?
ß?ß??? t?? "The Construction of Reality in the
Child" ß????ta? ?ts? t?? ß?se?? t?? µe??t?? t??
???st???? a??pt????.
13S?µa?t???? ?µe??µ???e? ?a? ???s?pa st?? ?st???a
t?? ????????a?
- ? Noam Chomsky d?µ?s?e?e? t? ???ss??????? t??
?e???a st? ß?ß??? "Syntectic Structures",
a??????ta? µ?a epa??stas? st? p??s????s? ?a?
µe??t? t?? ???ssa? ?a? t?? ???????ss?????a?. - ? Herbert Simon d?µ?s?e?e? t? ß?ß??? "Elements of
a Theory of Human Problem Solving" ?a? ß??e? t??
ß?se?? ??a t?? a??pt??? t?? G??s?a??? ?p?st?µ??
?a? ?e???t?? ???µ?s????. - ?? pe???d??? Cognitive Science ?a? ? ?ta???a
Cognitive Science ?d????ta?, ?a? p????e?ta? ?
??e??a s?et??? µe t?? a?apa?astas?a??? ?a?
?p?????st???? ??a??t?te? t?? a????p???? ???.
- ? ???a????s? ????se ed? st? ??afe?? t?? Sigmund
Freud. G?a ?a ß????se? t??? as?e?e?? t?? ?a
??eµ?s???, ? Freud t??? ??p???e se a?t? t??
?a?ap? ?a? µ????sa? ??a t?? ea?t? t??? ?a? ta
s??a?s??µat? t??? e?? e?e???? ?a??ta? se ??p???
s?µe?? t?? d?µat??? ?ts? ?ste ?a µ?? t?? ß??p???
15John Watson (1878-1958)
- ? Watson, ? ?d??t?? t?? µp??eß????sµ??.
16B. F. Skinner (1904-1990)
- O Skinner ?atas?e???e? t? µ??t??? e??? ???t???
t?? Skinner.