Title: Sandeep marwah honored at rolling stone film festival
1Sandeep Marwah Honored at Rolling Stone Film
Bangalore The father of Cellphone Cinema, five
World record holder in Media, Founder of Noida
Film City, Teacher to 12000 media professionals a
veteran journalist, film maker, educator Sandeep
Marwah is chairing more than 30 National and
International organizations in media including
the President of International Chamber of Media
And Entertainment Industry, an introduction and a
citation was read and Marwah was honored by
Harsha Setty G.R. the festival Director of 3rd
Rolling Frames Film Festival at Bangalore.
Addressing a huge audience at a Manpho Convention
Centre, Bengaluru Sandeep Marwah in his Master
Class won the hearts of short filmmakers present
there from all over India. Marwah Studio is
ready to offer all its resources free of cost to
all those who are keen in making short films with
social subjects. We will go out of way to promote
those films on our Radio Station-radionoida fm,
Television Station marwahstudios tv and
Newspaper-Country Politics. The films will be
screened in many festivals and will be part of
competitions too said Sandeep Marwah Producer of
largest number of short films in the World.