Prototrophic: microbes that live on a minimal growth medium inorganic salts energy source. ... Prototrophic: Only dividing cells in minimal media. Killed by ...
A mixture of bacterial cells containing prototrophs, leu- auxotrophs and Lac ... experiment an Hfr E. coli prototrophic strain transfers three of its genes ...
Mutation is created to fit a specific environment condition. Luria & Delbr ck Experiment ... Auxotrophic mutants (v.s. prototrophic wild type) Examples: ... l ... Meiosis I. Meiosis II. from 'Getting Started with Yeast' by Fred Sherman ...
... A codon for one amino acid is replaced by another Synonymous substitution: ... Loss of function mutations: Gain of function mutations: Less common than loss Why?
Can survive and multiply in brackish water by infecting copepods ... Pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains. 206 serogroups. Strains Causing Epidemics ...
The need of deuteration. Why is necessary to enrich the protein with 2H? Deuteriation reduces the relaxation rates of NMR-active ... of aliphatic amino acids ...
is conjugation contain tra region that facilitates this function ... Conjugation between F- and Hfr cell will lead to donor chromosomal genes to be ...
Rapid growth (E. coli 20 minutes per generation; therefore, 1 ... Bioluminescence in Vibrio fischeri. LuxS/AI-2 quorum-sensing system. Quorum sensing in EHEC ...
The speed and magnitude of this genetic change is profound in many ... Remember Beadle & Tatum? Auxotrophic arg- mutants? Procedure requires: Replica plating ...
Molecular Genetics First step: DNA is the genetic material DNA, NOT protein of the chromosomes/chromatin PROVEN WITH TRANSFORMATION AND TRANSDUCTION, THAT WE JUST ...
LA SALMONELLOSE I. PATHOGENICITE DES SALMONELLES 1. Caract ristiques principales I. 1. Les salmonelles: caract ristiques principales Bacilles droits Gram ...
Microbial Nutrition & Growth Nutrient Requirements Nutrient Transport Processes Culture Media Growth in Batch Culture Mean Generation Time and Growth Rate
Title: Pr sentation PowerPoint Author: Stephanie Mas Last modified by: MAS Created Date: 12/16/2006 8:30:11 AM Document presentation format: Affichage l' cran
... Reliance on pedigrees Possible to determine sex linkage, ... Mutation rate depends on species and on gene Generally, mutations are random Hot spot: ...
Microbial Genetics Mutation Genetic Recombination Model organism E. coli Molecular Cloning Bioinformatics Golden Rice Genetic Word List 4 Transduction ...
fix' or synthesize a huge range of molecules, break down almost anything, ... a circular molecule of double helical DNA, ... resistance to bactericidal agents, ...
Principles of industrial fermentation. Chris Brown, Marcelo Vinces & Kevin Verstrepen ... Chris Brown, Marcelo Vinces & Kevin Verstrepen. FAS Center for ...
Ch #8: Microbial Genetics Genetics: The study of what genes are, how they carry information, how information is expressed, and how genes are replicated
Growth & Culture of Bacteria Binary Division 1 to 2 to 4 to 8 to ? Phases of Growth Lag Adapt to nutrients Log Active growth Stationary Death = Growth rate Death ...
Microbial Nutrition & Growth Nutrient Requirements Nutrient Transport Processes Culture Media Growth in Batch Culture Mean Generation Time and Growth Rate
I. The Common Nutrient Requirements of Microbial Cells 95% of dry weight of bacterial cells is made up of 10 major components g/l used for carbohydrates ...
Seminar IV: Fermentation. Chris Brown, Marcelo Vinces & Kevin Verstrepen ... Chris Brown. Theodore Pak. Bianca Calderon. Scott Smukalla. Bena Chan. Chen Yan ...
... of Pennsylvania. Jafa Armagost. Alexis Snow. Laura Egli. William J. ... Mackay et. al 2000; Texas Journal of Science 52 (3): 223-229 (August 2000)/ 53(3) ...
Metabolism the sum of all chemical reactions occurring within a cell ... Amphibolic pathways function both catabolically and anabolically, and sometimes ...
Consist of single bp substitution, deletion or insertion of ... Function is unknown apparently useless or junk' DNA. Transposition. 15.9.1 Insertion sequences ...
process in which one or more nucleic acid molecules are rearranged or combined ... represented as BOB', where B and B' represent the bacterial DNA on either side ...
Integration of DNA (from another organism or genetic element) into ... Replication and transfer of F plasmid by rolling circle replication (semiconservative) ...
Can be grown both in liquid and agar medium, colony = visible cluster of cells ... On rare occasions, the F plasmid is integrated into the circular chromosome, and ...
ATP-binding cassette transporters (ABC transporters): The target binds to a ... The target-cassette complex then binds to an integral membrane ATPase pump that ...
Complementation analysis of a large number of mutants defines genes ... Temperature sensitive ch mutation in Siamese cats. About 3 months. About 4.5 months ...
Genetic techniques in microorganisms were used to determine the fine ... the T4 gene rIIA (causes rapid cell lysis but phage do not grow on E. coli K12) ...
unable to synthesize raw materials from minimal media, ... F Factor sometimes integrates into the bacterial chromosome creating Hfr cells. Hfr Cells ...
A purine is bonded to a complementary pyrimidine Bases ... tRNA tRNAs attach to a specific amino acid and carry it to the ribosome There are 20 amino acids 61 ...
Chapter 12 Mutational dissection Altered gene with altered phenotype mutagenesis Normal gene 2 March, 2005 Overview Mutational analysis is a way to discover genes ...