On HMTV - Prof. V. Viswanadham's presentation on Public Speaking in Telugu, was telecast on 15th July 2011. You are most welcome to give your valuable comments and feedback:viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
2010July21 Ethics, Values and Good Habits - Vivekananda Centre of Human Excellence, Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of AP, Hyderabad. A one week programme was arranged for the officers of the various Departments of the Government of Andhra Pradesh, at the Vivekananda Centre of Human Excellence, at the Dr. Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of AP Hyderabad. The presentation can also be viewed at www.scribd.com please search for Viswam.vangapally4581 and kindly locate the item. Also, you can visit: www.share.net/viswanadham and locate the PPT. The live recording of the lecture, in Telugu, in 2 parts, can be heard / downloaded. Please visit: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham, and further sort the results by date added to locate this item – Your feedback will be highly appreciated : Viswam.vangapally@gmail.com .
A modified version of my earlier presentation, submitted for your reading pleasure. This version was presented to a group of MBA students of the Bhavans Vivekananda College, Sainikpuri, Hyderabad. The live audio recording of the session, can be listened to by visiting www.archive.org and searching for Prof. V. Viswanadham and then further locating the item.
Special presentation made at Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan - 118th Meeting on Personality Development. The live recording of the lecture in Telugu (with a sprinkling of English) can be freely downloaded and listened to: please visit: www.archive.org and kindly search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and then locate the item. You are welcome to give your valuable feedback at: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
A presentation, specially made for the National Seminar on Management of Quality Education & Research in Life Sciences, held on 7 & 8 th Mrach, 2011, at Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharastra. You are most welcome to listen to the live audio of the speech given - by visiting: www.archive.org and searching for Prof. V. Viswanadham, and then locating the item.You are most welcome to give your valuable feedback : viswam.vangapally@gmail.com.
Power of Positive Thinking in overcoming Fear – This power point presentation has been specially prepared for the purpose of a one-week programme on How to overcome Fear of Failure, at Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad. A live recording of the speech, in Telugu [with a sprinkling of English] given to the participants of this programme, can be listened by visiting www.archive.org and searching for Prof. V. Viswanadham, and locating the item as - 2011Feb24 Power of Positive Thinking in overcoming Fear.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
2011 June 21 – Social Responsibility in respect of Vulnerable Groups - MCR HRD Institute – Hyderabad. This power point presentation was prepared for a 3 day training programme conducted at the MCR HRD Institute [Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development Institute], for the benefit of Officers of various departments of the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The live audio recording of the presentation can be heard by visiting www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and kindly search for the item by date. You are welcome to give your valuable feedback : Viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
This is a humble presentation, made at the Siva Sivani Institute of Management, on the occasion of the Teachers' Day, i.e. 5th September, 2011, to the Faculty of Siva Sivani Group of Insitutions. You are most welcome to give your feedback: viswam.vangapally@gmail.c om. Further, if you are interested you can visit: www.archive.org - search for Prof. V. Viswanadham - sort the results by date added - search for the item 2011Sep05 - and listen to the lecture given.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
This is a special edition of the power point presentation prepared for the 9 day Programme on Personality Development, [ 6th to 15th July 2010], organized for the benefit of the final year students of the graduation programme of the Andhra Mahila Sabha College for Women, Hyderabad. The programme was conducted mainly in Telugu. The live audio recordings can be freely listened to at: www.archive.org – please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham and further search for the topic.
A special edition of my favourite presentation, titled Becoming Better, was made for the IMPACT - 2010 group, conducted by Mr. Gampa Nageshwara Rao, [ for the past 15 years this FREE programme is being conducted regularly for the benefit of Students and Youth]. The live recording of the speech, in Telugu [with a sprinkling of English] can be freely heard at: www.archive.org - please search for Prof. V. Viswanadham, and then locate the item. You are most welcome to give your valuable feedback at: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com. You are also welcome to use my power point presentation, in any manner you like - yes, for unrestricted use. Please help me to spread the message.
2011Aug28_ Inner Motivation – 134th Programme at Sri Shiridi Sai Baba Sansthan, Shivam Road, Hyderabad. The live audio recording of my speech on Inner Motivation, presented as a part of the programme at Meditation Hall, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, at its 134th Meeting is presented here. The lecture is mainly in Telugu, with a liberal sprinkling of English and the power point presentation, is of course, in English. The 4th Sunday Meeting, held every month, conducted at Sri Shiridi Sai Baba Sansthan, for the month of August, was held on this 28th August 2011. Prof. V. Viswanadham, i.e. myself, was the Chief speaker. A presentation, titled Inner Motivation is specially prepared for this meeting. Keeping in view the importance of the month of August – Independence Day, the topic has been related to the inner motivation of the freedom struggle. Also, you are most welcome to give your valuable feedback to: Viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
About Science Prof Online PowerPoints Science Prof Online (SPO) is a free science education website that provides science-related articles, images, and virtual ...
A presentation to motivate you to spare some time just it Think it over - to make every one of us a more caring, sharing, responsible person. In case you liked it, please pass it on. If you have similar useful material - please pass it on to me for creating a power point presentation out of it. Please give your valuable feedback to: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
2010Aug21 – Public Speaking A special presentation made for the one-day Seminar on Public Speaking held at Vivekananda Instittue of Human Excellence, Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad. Please download and view, to appreciate better the animation aspects. You are also requested to view the PPT on Improving Communication Skills.
Some Thoughts to Ponder – on Becoming a Better Student This is a power point presentation, made on the occasion of a Seminar on Becoming a Better Student, at Avanthi PG College. An attempt is made to draw the attention to the inspiring words of Thinkers – with a view to develop reflection, retrospection and respect for the wisdom – to cut across religion, geography, creed or any such disintegrating influences. Please do spare some time, go through and I am sure, you will agree.
A presentation requesting you to spare your valuable time and think it over. You are most welcome to give your valuable feedback: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
FORGET – I was just thinking about the need to forget. Usually, people are all worried about remembering and I am thinking of the need for forgetting. I wanted to share my thoughts on this subject. Please give your valuable feedback: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
Yes. Just a single quote – is it not enough to set you to think ? That is the power of the thought. More particularly when it is proclaimed from a soul that knows what it is saying – why it is saying / sharing. Obviously – to inspire us. Our duty is to think, to appreciate, to reflect, to internalize and to attempt to live in that light. When you practice SILENCE, you would find your SPEECH to have become more meaningful, powerful and purposeful. Please ponder.
A power point presentation, titled Business Ethics, was specially prepared for the Bharat Degree and PG College for Women, for their COMMANAGE – 2010 – 11, A Commerce and Management Meet, with Emerging Trends in Finance and Commerce, as the theme.
Vijayaniki Abhayam - a book in Telugu, written by Dr. Gandham Narayana, and published by Yuvabharathi, as its 177th publication. Please give us your valuable feedback: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
A special presentation made for the programme on Leadership Development, conducted by Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence, Ramakrishna Math, Hyderabad.
2010_Oct_22_ – Confidence Building in the context of Communication Skills - Training Programme on Communication Skills and Inter-personal Skills - MCR HRD Institute – Hyderabad. This is a special presentation made for the 5 day programme, titled “Communication Skills and Inter-personal Skills” – conducted by the MCR HRD Institute [Marri Chenna Reddy Human Resource Development Institute] for the Gazetted Officers of the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Your feedback will be highly appreciated. You can give your feedback to Viswam.vangapally@gmail.com.
My presentation, titled Becoming Better, has been slightly modified, specially for WALAMTARI - Water and Land Management Training and Research Insitute, Himayat Sagar, Hyderabad.
A recent version of my favourite Becoming Better has been revised to add some more s. Please favour me with your valuable feedback: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
This favourties presentation of mine, titled Becoming Better, has been further revised by adding few more s, improving the animation aspects, etc. for a session at WALAMTARI. You are requested to give your valuable feedback to viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
A special presentation made for the 129th Programme on Personality Development, for the Sri Shiridi Sai Baba Sansthan, Shivam Road, Hyderabad. You are most welcome to give your valuable feedback: Viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
2010May14 – Communication and Presentation Skills – Executive Development Programme of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Hyderabad Chapter.
A recent version of my favourite Becoming Better has been revised to add some more s. Please favour me with your valuable feedback: viswam.vangapally@gmail.com
2011Jan09 – Walking – a presentation made for Walkers Club of Hyderabad – Prashanth – Walkers International – District 301 on the occasion of Installation of Wr. Ln. Konduru Sai Baba mjf as District Governor at the Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce & Industry Auditorium, Hyderabad.
A slightly modified version of an earlier presentation, made for the officers who are about to retire from service, organized by the Zonal Training Centre, LIC.
A slightly modified version, of one of my earlier presentations, made for a session with the students of MBA, of Bhavan's Vivekananda College. The live recording of my lecture, in English, with a sprinkling of Telugu, can be listened to by visiting www.archive.org and searching for Prof. V. Viswandham, and then locating the item.