Title: 2011 Oct 02 - Mahatma Gandhi
1Simple Living
High Thinking
A Presentation of select slides, from
different sources, with grateful thanks, by
Prof. V. Viswanadham
2Let us remind ourselves of the great
contribution this MAHATMA has made and
rededicate ourselves to the noble values.
3Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldWealth
without Work
4Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldPleasure
without Conscience
5Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldKnowledge
without Character
6Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldScience
without Humanity
7Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldCommerce
without Morality
8Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldWorship
without Sacrifice
9Gandhis Seven Blunders of the WorldPolitics
without Principles
10A Gandhian Worldfrom Charity to Dignity
11Gandhi for the 21st CenturyBeing the best for
the world
12Gandhis Mantra
Understand the suffering of others Give wing to
the fallenAbandon ego and prideServe the
divinity within all
13We follow Gandhi by fostering . . .
- Freedom from Fear
- Freedom from Want
- Living in community with Dignity
- In harmony with one another
- . . . And with the natural world
14And it all starts with YOU . . .
15. . . with the COURAGE of your convictions
- Gandhi (1982) is a biographical film about
Mohandas ("Mahatma") Gandhi. - This is considered to be the most acclaimed
tribute to Mahatma Gandhis life.
17Lage Raho Munna Bhai
- Lage Raho Munna Bhai (English Carry on Munna
Bhai) is a 2006 Indian musical comedy film. - Munna Bhai begins to see the spirit of Mahatma
Gandhi. - Through his interactions with the image of
Gandhi, he begins to practice what he calls
Gandhigiri. - Lage Raho Munna Bhai has had a strong cultural
impact in India. - Popularized Gandhism.
- Gandhi greatly influenced the world in his
lifetime. - He showed that one can fight their enemies
without ever laying a finger on them. - His example influenced many recognized people
over the years. - Most recognized being Martin Luther King Jr.
19You all have the power to be the change you want
to see in the world!
20All you need is . . .
21inspiration. . .
22And Action!
23Gandhi batting
24Einstein on Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi's life
achievement stands unique in political history.
He has invented a completely new and humane
means for the liberation war of an oppressed
country, and practised it with greatest energy
and devotion We may all be happy and grateful
that destiny gifted us with such an enlightened
contemporary, a role model for the generations to
come. Source The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Oct 2 has been declared by the UN as The
International Non Violence Day
25Happy Birthday Gandhiji!
- The Musings of the Mahatma
- Answers for our Times
- Adapted with grateful thanks by
- Prof. V. Viswanadham
27- The best way
- to find yourself
- is to lose yourself
- in the service of others.
28- Happiness is
- when what you think,
- what you say,
- and
- what you do
- are in harmony.
29- If we are to teach
- real peace
- in this world, and
- if we are to carry on
- a real war
- against war,
- we shall have to begin with the children.
30- I look only to the good qualities of men.
- Not being faultless myself,
- I won't presume to probe into the faults of
31There is a sufficiency in the world for man's
need but not for man's greed.
32It has always been a mystery to me how men can
feel themselves honored by the humiliation of
their fellow beings.
33- In prayer
- it is better
- to have a heart without words than words without
a heart.
34To give service to a single heart by a single act
is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.
35- You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is
an ocean if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,
the ocean does not become dirty.
36- You
- must be the change
- you
- wish to see
- in the world.
37- In case
- you
- want a copy
- of this presentation
- please send a mail to
- Viswam.vangapally_at_gmail.com