Title: 2010Sept15_LearnToLearn[Modified]
1Shall we start ?
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4 The desire to learn . . . to reflect . .
. to internalise . . . to radiate . .
. to excel.
5learn to learn
A presentation by Prof. V. Viswanadham
6Learning is spreading wings
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9Let us learn To walk together, Talk
together, Work together, Learn together, Love
together, Live together,And To
love to learn.
10In this vast and expanding Universe - - - there
is so much . . .
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13Thinking, while thinking, about thinking will
improve the quality of thinking and the quality
of life. Learn to THINK
14Thinking Questioning LEARNING
15Learning is a fundamental requirement of
existence. No Learning No Life No Living No
16Learning not only includes Learning it
also includes Unlearning Relearning
17Learn to be HAPPY
18Learn to be HAPPY
Learn to be HAPPY
19- Happiness
- is when
- what you think,
- what you say, and
- what you do
- are in harmony.
20Learn to CHANGE
21 Learn to be DIFFERENT
22- You must be
- the change
- you wish to see
- in the world.
23You are Unique
24Learn that people grow and c h a n g e.
25Learn to accept others for who they are and for
the choices they've made even if you have
difficulty understanding their beliefs,
motives, or actions.
26Learn to Develop Practice
27Satyam vada Dharmam cara Satyanna
pramaditavyam Dharmanna pramaditavyam
Kusshalanna pramaditavyam Bhutyai na
pramaditavyam Swadhyayapracvacanabhyam na
pramaditavyam. Tell the Truth Act according
to the instructions of the Scriptures Never
deviate from Truth Never deviate from
Dharma Dont neglect taking necessary steps for
self-defence Dont be negligent where your own
interests are at stake Dont neglect reading the
scriptures and teaching them to others.
From Taittiriya Upanisad Chapter 11
28Learn to Distinguish
29Learn that you don't have the right to demand
love on your terms... just to make you happy.
30Learn to LOVE
31Let LOVE fill your heart instead of hatred
. If hatred is in your heart, there is room
for nothing else, but when LOVE is in your
heart, there is room for everything else and
more importantly, for unlimited happiness.
32Learn to light the lamp of LOVE
33LEARN to adopt the attitude of Work is Worship
34Learn that the real world is far different from
the reel world. Learn that there are not
always fairytale endings or beginnings for
that matter
35Learn not to blame other people for the things
they did to you or didn't do for you
36Learn that people don't always say what they
mean or mean what they say
37Learn to stand on your own and to take care of
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39Learn to Learn from the experiences and
mistakes of yours and also that of others.
40Learn to CREATE a family of friends with whom
you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows,
and happiness
41Learn that principles such as honesty and
integrity are not the outdated ideals of a
bygone era
42Learn to distinguish between guilt and
responsibility and the importance of setting
boundaries and learning to say NO.
43Learn to look at relationships as they really
are and not as you would have them be.
44- Learn
- to gather,
- control,
- release,
- direct and
- live
- in a responsible
- and
- constructive manner.
45Learn to be a LEADER A lot of people follow the
crowd, but the crowd follows the individual
Dont follow, be followed
46Learn to be Enthusiastic exploring and
experimenting. Learn to be Creative constructive
and contributing. Learn to be
Positive optimistic and cheerful. Continuously
learn more about yourself.
47Please visit www.theinterviewwithgod.com
48Learn the loop of Thinking Planning
Implementing Reviewing Rethinking
Replanning Reimplementing Rereviewing and
so on. which is the way to progress
49Learn to
S. M. I. L. E.
50Learn to S. M. I. L. E.
51Learn to admit when you are wrong and to build
bridges instead of walls.
52Learn that in order to achieve success you
need direction, discipline and perseverance.
53Learn to forgive and forget.
54Learn to enjoy living in the moment
55Learn to view life as a continuous learning
56Learn that every moment You must BECOME BETTER.
57Learn to OPEN UP to evolve continuously.
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59Try to LEARN Something NEW every day, and
you'll GROW.
60Learn to develop VIVEKA
61The conditions necessary in the taught
are purity, a real thirst after knowledge, and
62Pattu Pattaradu Patti Viduvaradu Patteneni Bigiya
Battavalenu Patti Viduchukanna Badi Cachhutaye
Melu Viswadaabhirama Vinura Vema. One should not
be too insisting that some particular thing
should happen or should be achieved. However, if
such a decision is taken, one should persevere,
and not leave it, unaccomplished, in the
middle. It would be rather better to die than to
leave the work in the middle.
63Learn to develop spirituality
64W. A. T. C. H.
65Each time you do DO IT BETTER
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67Learning improves with reflection leading to
internalization, with repetition
leading to reinforcement, with application
leading to strengthening of the skills
acquired, with continued practice improved
integration with what is already known.
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69Theory of Competence Learning is a four stage
process, which involves the journey from
unconscious incompetence to unconscious
competence. Unconscious incompetence Conscious
incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious
70The theory of multiple intelligences Linguistic,
Musical, Logical-mathematical, Spatial,
Body-kinesthetic, Intrapersonal e.g.,
insight, metacognition and interpersonal e.g.,
social skills
71- Benefits of Learning
- 1. Learning is the key to
- developing a persons potential
- 2. Learning to learn
- is the key to effective learning
- 3. Learning enables the individuals
- to meet the demands of change
- 4. The capacity to learn is an asset
- that never becomes obsolete
- 5. Learning is more than
- formal education and training
72Learn CHESS
Past - Unalterable Present -
Opportunity Future - Uncertainty
When you learn, you are trying to create
patterns of connectivity in your brain. You
are trying to connect neurons together, and to
strengthen that connection.
74Knowing is not enough We must apply. Willing
is not enough We must do.
75Dont merely go through life Grow through life.
76Learn - to Take Care - to Take
Charge - to Get Organized
77Life's Lessons After a while you learn the
difference between holding a hand and chaining
a soul. You learn that love isn't leaning but
lending support. You begin to accept your
defeats with the grace of an adult, not the
grief of a child. You decide to build your roads
on today, for tomorrow's ground is too
uncertain. You help someone plant a garden
instead of waiting for someone to bring you
flowers. You learn that God has given you the
strength to endure and that you really do have
78Learning involves development deepening
of Skills Knowledge Understanding Awareness Valu
es Ideas And Feelings
79Not Learning is as good as Not Living
80A useful power point presentation,
titledLearningis readily available with
me,which I have downloaded from the
internet.In case you want it,Please send your
e-mail toViswam.vangapally_at_gmail.com
81So, What shall we decide to do now ?
82WITH GRATEFUL THANKS to many authors, writers,
teachers good friends whose combined
contribution inspired me in compiling this
83For the sake of record
As on 12th Sept. 2010 -
Prof. V. Viswanadham has uploaded live recordings
of more than 350 of his speeches to
www.archive.org. Communication Skills - has
been downloaded, 553 times. More than 150 Power
Point Presentations, can be freely viewed at
www.scribd.com So far 68,391 have
viewed. www.slideshare.net/viswanadham - One of
the presentations, titled Communication Skills,
has been viewed 8,261 times, and downloaded 1,146
times. Thank you dear friends for helping me to
reach many more.
84In case YOU liked this speech and
presentation for listening to more speeches
and for viewing more presentations, Please
Visit http//www.archive.org and Search for
Prof. V. Viswanadham please download
and then kindly listen.
thank you
85In case YOU liked this presentation for viewing
more presentations, on various topics, please
download and then kindly view to appreciate
better the animation aspects. Please Visit
Please visit www.scribd.com and search for
Viswam.vangapally4581 and / or www.slideshare.net/
In case YOU want to give some feedback / contact
me Viswam. vangapally_at_gmail.com Prof. V.
Viswanadham 040 2722 3383
86Thanks again