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Primary (OC pri) and secondary OC (OC sec) can be estimated (Turpin and ... Griffin, R.J., D.R. Cocker III, R.C. Flagan and J.H. Seinfeld, J. Geophys. Res. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: P1254325939Nauej

Primary and secondary organic aerosols over the
United States estimates on the basis of
observations and modeled primary OC/EC ratios
  •  1.   INTRODUCTION    
  • Organic carbon (OC) is a complex mixture of
    hundreds of different compounds. Particulate OC
    exists in two forms primary OC (OCpri), which is
    directly emitted, and secondary OC (OCsec), which
    is formed through atmospheric oxidation of
    reactive organic gases and subsequent
    gas-to-particle conversion processes. It is very
    difficult to quantify the relative contributions
    of OCpri and OCsec in the atmosphere due to the
    lack of a direct chemical analysis technique.
    Four different indirect methods have been used to
    predict OCpri and OCsec, i.e., use elemental
    carbon (EC) as a tracer of OCpri (Empirical
    primary OC/EC ratio approach, Turpin and
    Huntzicker, 1995 Strader et al., 1999), use
    chemical transport models to describe the
    formation of OCsec (Chemical modeling of OCsec,
    Pandis et al., 1992), use non-reactive transport
    models to estimate OCpri (Transport/emission of
    OCpri method, Hildemann et al., 1993), and use
    source-oriented and receptor-oriented methods for
    OCpri (Source-apportionment of OCpri approach,
    Schauer et al., 1996).
  • In this paper a hybrid approach is developed that
    combines the empirical primary OC/EC ratio method
    with a transport/emission model of OCpri and EC,
    to estimate the relative contributions of OCsec
    and OCpri. Our approach is termed the
    emission/transport of primary OC/EC ratio method.
    The approach is applied to the observations over
    the US  from 15 June to August 31, 1999.
  • 2. Description of the Observational Databases and
  • 2.1. Observational Databases
  • Both IMPROVE and SEARCH used thermal optical
    reflectance (TOR).
  • IMPROVE two 24-hour PM2.5 OC and EC measured at
    63 sites over the US on quartz filters each week,
    on Wednesday and Saturday, beginning midnight
    local time (Sisler and Malm, 2000).
  • SEARCH daily PM2.5 OC and EC were measured at 8
    sites,Figure 1.
  • Southern Oxidants Study (SOS)/Nashville 99
    Experiment (6/15-7/15, 1999) the hourly PM2.5
    EC and OC measured by the Magee scientific
    Aethalemeter, and flash vaporization carbon
    analyzer of ADI (Aerosol Dynamics, Inc.),
  • SOS/Atlanta 99 Supersite Experiment (August
    3-September 1, 1999) The hourly PM2.5 OC
    concentrations determined by Rutgers in situ
    thermal-optical carbon analyzer were used and
    PM2.5 EC concentrations determined by the
    Aethalemeter were used (Lim et al., 2003).
  • 2.2.Models-3/CMAQ
  • EPA Models-3/CMAQ (2003 release) The EPA
    Models-3/CMAQ (Byun and Ching, 1999) the 32-km
    model domain covers the whole United States
    (178x124 32-km grid cells) 22 layers.
  • The model was driven by meteorological fields
    from the MM5.
  • Emissions of gas-phase SO2, CO, NO, NO2, NH3,
    and VOC were based on the 1999 EPA NEI99. The
    primary anthropogenic PM2.5 emissions were
    separated into different speciations including
    particle SO42-, NO3-, OC, EC. Table 1 lists the
    top 10 speciation profiles for PM2.5 OC and EC
    emissions in the NEI99.
  • Figures 8 and 9, and Table 5 some diurnal
    variations of each OC component. Secondary OC
    make largest contributions to OC during sunny
    period (1300 to 1800 LST) at both sites (54.9
    for Nashville and 82.4 for Atlanta) because
    secondary OC formation is highly dependent on
    temperature and relative humidity (Seinfeld et
    al., 2001). On average, secondary OC made more
    contribution to OC at Atlanta (79.1) than that
    (44.7) at Nashville. The mean primary (OC/EC)
    ratios at Nashville site were higher than 1.0
    whereas their mean values at Atlanta site were
    lower than 1.0.
  • 4.      Conclusions
  • To the authors knowledge, this is first attempt
    to estimate the spatial distributions of OCpri
    and OCsec over the continental US. Since the
    emission and transport assisted approach used in
    this study can provide primary OC/EC ratios at
    any time and any place, OCpri and OCsec
    concentrations can now be determined
    quantitatively at any time and location where EC
    and OC measurements are available. Our results
    reveal significant temporal and geographic
    variability in the relative contribution of OCpri
    and OCsec.

Shaocai Yu, Robin Dennis, Prakash Bhave, and
Brian K. Eder National Exposure Research
Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
RTP, NC 27711 Air Resources Laboratory,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
RTP, NC 27711
  • 2.3. Methodology
  • Primary (OC pri) and secondary OC (OC sec) can be
    estimated (Turpin and Huntzicker, 1995 Strader
    et al., 1999)
  • (OC pri) (OC Bpri)
  • (OC sec) (OC tot) -
    (OC pri)
  • (OC/EC)pri ratio of primary OC/EC (OC
    Bpri) primary biogenic OC, (OC tot) total
    OC. (OC/EC)pri values are from model.
  • 3. Comparison of the modeled primary OC and EC
    with observations over the US
  • Figure 3 model captures most of the
    observations within a factor of 2. Domain mean
    of modeled EC is 0.60?0.64 mg m-3, close to
  • Figures 4 and 5 model captures daily variations
    of EC very well at all SEARCH sites with
    exception at the BMH site. The model also
    captures the average daytime variations of EC but
    overpredicts early evening EC.
  • (3) Table 2 General agreement between the model
    and observation-based results for both primary OC
    and primary OC/EC ratios. Mean modeled primary
    OC and primary OC/EC ratio at the OAK site are
    2.20 mg C m-3 and 4.31, respectively, very close
    to the observations.
  • 4. Applications of the modeled primary OC/EC
    ratio approach
  • 4.1. Regional analysis of modeled primary OC/EC
    ratios over the US
  • (1) Figure 2 Six regions (NE, SE, Midwest,
    Central, West and West Pacific).
  • (2) Figures 1b and 2a, and Table 3 primary
    OC/EC ratios are the highest over the West and
    West Pacific (3.49) regions with the lowest value
    over the Northeast (1.16). The mean primary
    OC/EC ratios can vary substantially from 0.78 at
    Washington D.C. (WASH) in Southeast, to 5.63 at
    Redwood National Park (REDW) in CA.
  • (3) Default natural EC and OC (EPA, 1999) for the
    Regional Haze Rule 0.02 mg C m-3 for EC, 0.35
    mg C m-3 (West) and 1.0 mg C m-3 (East) for OC.
    Our estimated primary OC are significantly higher
    than these values (EPA, 1999), except the
    Northeast, whose primary OC (0.39 mg C m-3) is
    60 lower than 1.0 mg C m-3 (East), and
    Southeast, whose primary OC (1.02mg C m-3) is
    close to default value .
  • 4.2. Time-series of primary and secondary OC at 8
    SEARCH sites, and Nashville and Atlanta sites
  • Fig. 7 and Table 4
  • Daily means of primary OC/EC ratios can vary more
    significantly at the rural sites (CTR, OAK, and
    YRK) than those at 4 urban sites. For example,
    the primary OC/EC ratios varied from 1.59 to 5.11
    (mean 3.66?1.01) at CTR whereas their values
    changed from 0.73 to 1.27 (mean 0.83?0.11) at
  • The mean daily concentrations of secondary OC
    varied from 0.26 mg C m-3 at GFT to 1.75 mg C m-3
    at JFT while the primary OC mean concentrations
    changed from 0.78 mg C m-3 at OLF to 2.68 mg C
    m-3 at BHM. The secondary OC can make a
    significant contribution to OC as large as
    65.8?11.1 at JST. Secondary OC made more
    contributions to OC on weekends (46.1) than that
    on weekdays (42.3).

Figure 8 (Nashville)
Time (EST)
Figure 9 (Atlanta)
Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank other
members at ASMD of EPA for their contributions to
the 2002 release version of EPA Models-3/CMAQ
during the development and evaluation. This work
has been subjected to US Environmental Protection
Agency peer review and approved for publication.
Mention of trade names or commercial products
does not constitute endorsement or recommendation
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