Title: P1250095209zhyNa
1ok so......
this is a cartoon
that im making up as i go!!!
2so once apon a time there was this guy
3He was all wet
4then he met this monkey
5then he met this monkey
his name was harrold
6the guy was all "....sup?"
7then the mokey made him into a.....cake?
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9the cake grew a mouth and an eye or 2
10and devoured the monkey
11and devoured the monkey
14so then the cake....which is now on fire
15he's sad cuz his monkey friend is dead
16and very delicious
17he tries to cry but the fire turns it all into
18he doesnt like steam, which make him cry more
19he's pretty mad at the fire now
20so he's all".....get lost"
he's pretty mad at the fire now
21that makes the fire mad
22that makes the fire mad
so the fire get so mad he explodes
23that makes the fire mad
so the fire get so mad he explodes
24so the fire get so mad he explodes
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26Thus begins the awesome battle to end all battles
the outcome of it controls the fate of the
universe!!!! Unfortunately for you I have neither
the want nor the time to even try animating it!!!