Title: P1246990924zOIQP
URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
Keystone Health Promotion Conference Harrisburg,
PA June 23rd, 2004 1045am - 1200pm
Jane Glass Manheim Township High School Box
5134 School Road Lancaster, PA 17606 E-mail
2URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
3URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
Aren't we all looking for resources to JUICE up
some of our lessons? .....Maybe you would just
like to try adding something new -
.....something different - .....something
fun As Health Physical Education
instructors, we know that students (and
teachers, too!) enjoy being active learners
In physical education classes
4URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
.....So, the question is, how can we bring more
activity-oriented lessons into our Health
classes? .....Or, how can we integrate
interactive technology into OUR classroom
curriculum? .....And what resources are out
5URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
Don't we all wonder how today's technology and
the World Wide Web can add some POP to our
classes? .....Have you thought about using
computers MORE with your instructional
plans? .....Have your administrators encouraged
more technology integration in ALL curricular
areas? Sounds good - but, who has the TIME
to find useful resources? .....So, you teach 6
periods a day in a 7 period schedule? .....Barel
y have time to catch your breath in between
6URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
This program will hopefully provide and
share 1) justification for interactive
resources (in case you want/need more - some? -
computers or computer time in the lab), 2)
ideas and activities for integrating
technology, and 3) numerous sites resources
on the web that can be accessed for use in your
classrooms NEXT YEAR! (That allows the whole
summer for planning and organization!)
7URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
WHAT interactive resources do YOU KNOW OF on the
Internet? ...It's time for audience
participation - it's time to SHARE! WHAT
examples or resources has anyone used in his/her
classes? WHAT has anyone done using computers
/ the Internet that you would consider to have
an "interactive" component? WHAT has anyone
done to JUICE up a lesson or add POP to a class?
8URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
WHAT interactive resources ARE out there and
available on the Internet?
Some examples Audio and video clips Cyber
/ virtual surgery programs Downloadable,
standalone mini-presentations slide shows
Flash animated, educational review games
Interactive self-directed tutorials
Illustrated anatomy physiology guides
Multimedia activities
Online demo lessons Puzzles, illusions
brain teasers Statistical charts for health
issues Up close personal survivor stories
Virtual labs experiments Visual animations
graphics and Calculators tools
9URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
So, WHY can these types of resources be so
successful with students today? Our world vs.
world of students TODAY .....Just consider the
aspects of technology and instant feedback
Text-messaging/camera cell phones what
were YOUR phones like while growing up? MTV
how did YOU learn about the "new songs"
released while growing up? Play Station
what were YOUR "high tech" games while
growing up? Computers what were
YOUR "high tech" teaching tools while growing up?
10URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
Comments about learning styles from
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
(http//www.sosu.edu/cidt/briefs/tb1.htm) "...ap
propriate use of instructional technology can
even be fun. For your students it can help
increase retention, make learning relevant, and
even enjoyable."
that students grow up with television, movies,
video, and video-games exacerbates the
11URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
Okay! WHERE can teachers students find some of
these interactive resources? Topics or
categories that have been compiled for this
presentation include
Anatomy Physiology Calculators Tools
Cardiovascular Drug Alcohol Fitness
Exercise Mental Health Neurological Issues
Nutrition Reproductive Issues Respiratory
Health Social Issues Tutorials Slide
shows Wellness Health Care There certainly
could be MANY more!
12URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
The BIG list is HYPERLINKED for you at the
URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/iahe
alth (although always being expanded)
Handout The following examples are
13URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
So, WHY can these types of resources be so
successful with students today? Research and
data from North Carolina State Univ., So.
Oklahoma State Univ., and the Univ. of Mich.
support that 67 of students learn best
actively - by doing something physical with the
information vs. doing the processing in their
heads (such as with lectures) 69 prefer the
visuals of charts, diagrams and pictures to
learn something new vs. delivery by the spoken
or written word (such as verbal-oriented lectures)
14URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
So, how can these interactive resources be
integrated into our lessons and/ or
assessments? Lesson Supplements / Enrichment
/ Research - single computer project for
class - several computers circuit or station
learning centers - computer lab computer per
student Reviews - as a class, small groups
OR individual with interactive games Projects
/ Assessments examples Health Care
STDs Up Close Brochures Unlimited
Stress Screen Letter Nutrition Lab Truth Ad
15URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
- Statistics on learning
- from Univ. of Western Michigan
- We retain only 20 of what is heard,
- but retain 90 of what is said while doing!
- All this supports the Ancient Chinese proverb
- "Tell me and I will forget
- Show me and I may remember
- Involve me and I will understand."
- Try taking the Learning Styles questionnaire
from North Carolina State Univ.!
16URL http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/jane_glass/
Thank you for your attendance, attention
participation! For additional Interactive
Health Resources OR related HPE Internet
materials, click on http//www.mtwp.k12.pa.us/j
ane_glass/ Good luck in JUICING up your
classes and adding POP to your lessons! Have a
GREAT Summer!