Title: P1246341510OGPNq
1TAURUS Creating a Paperless Stock Trading
- The London stock exchange is one of the largest
stock exchange in the world with numerous foreign
listings as well as British organizations - Its history traces back as far as 1698 where
trading were done in the streets and in coffee
houses - In 1773 the broker erected their own building
with dealing rooms on the top floors and a coffee
house below. This was their first real home - In 1801 the exchange was officially established
at that time all transactions were paper base.
This resulted in movement of large volumes of
paper around the city which created security risks
- In 1979 the Exchange implemented a computerized
system for settling share deals Called Talisman
(Transfer Accounting and Lodgment for Investors
Stock Management) - The removal of government policies resulted in an
increase in volume of trading and Talisman could
not handle it . - Taurus was proposed in 1981 and work began in
1983, the initial goals of the system were 4
folded. - Competitive The exchange felt that
computerization would enable then to be
competitive in the global market. - Efficiency They felt computerization would
reduce the bureaucracy and administrative errors
associated with paper base transactions. - Cost The system would remove the need for the
registrar hence operation cost would decrease.
Including all cost involved in moving large
volumes of paper around the city - Service The system would reduce the lengthy
process of settling shares to provide the
exchange the ability to be competitive with
other major exchanges.
4 Why was there a need for TAURUS
- After the removal of government stipulations and
the increase in the trading a more robust,
scalable system was need and Taurus1 (Transfer
and Automated Registration of Uncertified Stock)
was proposed and implementation began in 1983 - The initial design was a system that would cover
all share dealings with a single centralized
database which would be solely maintained by the
London Stock Exchange. - This initial design was reject by many of the
investment companies who wished to maintain the
inefficient, but highly profitable, status quo. - They claimed that Taurus1 did not meet the
demands of their business operations and that
placed them at a commercial disadvantage
TAURUS Creating a Paperless Stock Trading
5Why was there a need for TAURUS
- Bank of England stepped in and played an
influential role in the selection of committee
members of SISCOT (Securities and Investment
Steering Committee on Taurus). - The committee was composed of representatives of
the banking, stock-broking, and share registrar
communities their focal task was to design a
paperless settlement process that was acceptable
to all parties involved. - SISCOT team recommended that all parties were
entitled to have their operations incorporated in
the Taurus project and the most efficient way to
accomplish this task was to expand the existing
settlement system, Talisman
TAURUS Creating a Paperless Stock Trading
- In March of 1990, due to increasing pressures
from both internal and external stakeholders. The
London Stock Exchange began to work on TAURUS a
completely different system from TAURUS1 and also
different from the system proposed by the SISCOT
committee. - The new state-of-the-art system would change
the scheme of trading to paperless trading and
computerized shareholding - thereby, drastically reducing the time taken in
the legal and financial arrangements - minimizing transfer of monies
- decreasing the overall costs of the process
- and eliminating face-to-face meetings between
share dealers
- In 1990 a detailed document entitled Project
Taurus A Prospectus for Settlement was
published at the time of the launch of the new
TAURUS - This document was a thorough analysis of how the
proposed system would work for all entities
involved - and a projected timetable of completion due
within eighteen months - As the system was on the way there were numerous
modifications to the implementation of the design
and deadlines were extended and new budgets were
approved. - The cumulative impact of these changes was an
entropy increasing process and the consequence
were an ever increasing project scope
- The initial plans for TAURUS was to implemented
the system using the Structured Systems Analysis
and Design Methodology (SSADM).
- This design was completely different from the
original design which was a centralized database
stockbrokers and holdings. The new design - Incorporated a distributed database with LSE as
the central hub. - The revamp of TAURUS launch in 1990 and was
schedule to complete by late 1993 - An additional cost of 45 million added to the
project budget. - By September 1990 they realized that they would
not have enough time to complete the in-house
database project that have been in - The works for 2 years. So they abandoned the
- Decision Makers in the TAURUS project decided to
purchase the VSPS back office administration
package without thorough investigation of the
package. - Although Vista was an excellent software database
for on-line, real-time processing it lack the
capability for batch processing and coordinate
distributed databases which were part of the LSE
regular routine. - The software required 70 modification to provide
the services that LSE required.
11What Helps Projects Succeed?
- 1.Executive support
- 2. User involvement
- 3. Experienced project manager
- 4. Clear business objectives
- 5. Minimized scope
- 6. Standard software infrastructure
- 7. Firm basic requirements
- 8. Formal methodology
- 9. Reliable estimates
- 10. Other criteria, such as small milestones,
proper planning, competent staff, and ownership
- What TAURUS Team did Wrong
- What TAURUS Team did right
- Lack of executive and stakeholders support
- Based on the problems encountered it seem that
the project manager was not that experience - Have a large expanding scope
- Went ahead with the implementation of a system
with lack of user and stakeholders commitment. - Lack of skilled resources and a clear complete
- High user involvement in the project
- Use the SSADM implementation methodology
- Created and used a steering committee
- Conducted a project kickoff event.
13Reason for TAURUS Collapse
- Poor monitoring and controlling
- Monitoring a project work includes collecting,
measuring, and disseminating performance
information. If TAURUS management had good
monitoring and control practices they would have
known when they project was not meeting project
objectives - Poor management of the nine project management
knowledge areas
TAURUS Creating a Paperless Stock Trading
14Knowledge Areas
- TAURUS project managers managed the nine project
management knowledge areas poorly - Scope If they had manage the scope of the
project effective the huge scope creep would not
have been encountered. - Cost If this was managed effectively the project
would not have gone over budget 100 - Time If this area had been manage effective the
project would not have had a schedule overrun by
100 - Quality If the quality area of the system was
manage properly the specification was have been
clear and complete - Risk If the risk had been managed effectively
they might have been able to abundant the project
earlier. - Communication If communication was managed all
changes and delay would be communicated in a
timely. - Human resources skilled resources would be
acquired and utilized.
15Integrated Change Control
- If TAURUS had an integrated change control they
might have been able to influence the factors
that create changes to ensure that changes are
beneficial and control the scope of the project. - Changes would be communicated to top management
and steering committee in a timely manner and
they would be able to manage these changes as
they occur because change control is a critical
success factors.
16Three Sphere Model for Systems Management of
- If TAURUS Management had address the three
spheres of system management, business,
organization and technology they would have
tremendously impacted the success of selecting
and managing the project. - Sample of some of the business, organizational
and technological issues that could have been
factored into TAURUS
1.What will this project cost the
exchange? 2.What will it cost the banks? 3.What
will the cost of support be? 4.What will the
impact be on trading? 5.How to incorporate the
needs of all the stake holders?
1.What technologies should be used to
implement? 2.What will the hardware
specifications be? 3.What would the
requirement be to modify the existing system
to satisfy the needs of the users? 4.What
other over the counter technologies is
required and the necessary modifications
1.Will TAURUS affect all banks in the same
manner? 2.Who will train the banks? 3.Who will
administer support?
17Issues in each Frame of the Organization
- If the Management understood the frames of the
organization and view the project in the context
of the larger organization they would have been
able to eliminate many of the issues associated
with the project. - Structural Frames
- Had the managers understand the complex
relationships involved in the stock exchange they
would be able to understand the roles and
responsibilities of each group involved in order
to meet the goals and policies set. - Human Resources Frame
- Had they taken into consideration the human
relationships within the organization they
understand which roles and their requirements.
Ensuring that critical roles are not outsourced
and that there are backups for these roles. So
when the chief programmer got sick there would be
someone to replace him.
TAURUS Creating a Paperless Stock Trading
18Issues in each Frame of the Organization
- Using the four frames of organizations can help
meet stakeholder needs and expectations - Political Frame
- Had the managers understand the political frame
of the organization they would have understand
the personal politics and competition among the
various banks and other stakeholders. - Symbolic Frame
- If they understood the symbolic frame of the
organization they would have been able to balance
the triple constraints as they relates to TAURUS. - Using the four frames of organizations would have
helped TAURUS meet stakeholder needs and
19 Project Management
- Poor Management of triple constraints
- TAURUS managers failed to
- control and monitor the
- scope of the project
- Management failed to
- define maintain and utilize
- clear timetables with small
- milestones
- Management failed to
- maintain and track changes
- to the project budget
- Through out the project there were several
warning signs that were missed. - The project completion date was delayed 100
- Constantly changing requirements
- Project not being accepted by major stakeholders
- Incomplete specifications
- 100 over cost.
- Fragmentation of the project (components to work
together) - Parts of the Vista package modified in USA did
not work with what was modified in UK.
21Answers to TAURUS Crossword