Siem Reap, located in the North-West of Cambodia, is the site of the famous World Heritage site of Angkor Wat, and is the most popular tourist destination in Cambodia. There is a wide range of accommodation, as well as many international restaurants to choose from Know more:
Outsourcing Project Library Management System (LMS) Team ITC: Seng Kheang Sengly Leng Sophea Chhun Vichet Vireak Aing Chitsaya Chanesakhone Team Pace :
One is the way to gain, the other is the way to nirvana; knowing ... ANGKOR WAT. The most famous temples in Cambodia , of course are the temples of Angkor wat. ...
DETR S DE LA TORRE DE ENTRADA. VISTA DEL SANTUARIO CENTRAL Y ... Pared que da al norte de la terraza de los elefantes llamada tambi n. Terraza del Rey leproso ...