Title: Outsourcing%20Project%20%20Library%20Management%20System
1Outsourcing Project Library Management System
Team ITC Seng KheangSengly LengSophea
ChhunVichet Vireak AingChitsaya
Chanesakhone Team Pace Alex ApelbaumThomas
AchtemichukChad Brokaw Team India Deepti
AroraShweta Mehra
Leader Quality Assurance Communication
Documentation Localization Leader
Communication Quality Assurance Leader
2Presentation Outline
? Introduction ? Software requirements ?
Technology overview ? Client responsibilities ?
Interaction and communication ? Reviews ?
Software demonstration ? Feedbacks ? Software
acceptation ? Conclusion
3Introduction/Description of LMS
Description of ITC (Institut de Technologie du
- 6 departments (GIC, GCI, GEE, GCA, GRU, GIM)
- Engineers and Technicians
- Library
ITC Library description
- 2 computers No software specific
- Pen and paper filling system
- Difficult to search for books
Constraints in library of ITC
- Open from Tuesday to Saturday
- Do the registration to borrow the books
- Borrow books on Friday afternoon and Saturday
- Students can borrow only 2 books (3 days)
- Some books cant lend
4Introduction/Teams in project LMS(1/2)
The Client ITC (Team Cambodia)
Sopheap Seng Professor of Software
Engineering Longchrea Neak Moderator Seng
Kheang Leader Sengly Leng
Quality Assurance Sophea Chhun
Communication Vichet Vireak Aing
Documentation Chitsaya Chanesakhone
5Introduction/Teams in project LMS(2/2)
The Developers
? Pace (Team US)
Christelle Scharff Professor of Software
of Engineering Alex Apelbaum Leader Thomas
Achtemichuk Communication Chad Brokaw
Quality Assurance
? Delhi (Team India)
Vidya kulkarni Professor Deepti Arora
Leader Shweta Mehra Documentation
6Software requirements
Functional requirements
- Patron Management
- Add, Remove, Modify, Search, Display
- Book Management
- Add, Remove, Modify, Search, Catalogue
- Borrowing functions
- Lend, Return, Display the books
- Search (book loans, borrowers)
Non-Functional requirements
- GUI must be intuitive
- User guide for this software
- Language using is French
- Security
7Technology overview/Developer
US students (Pace university)
- Languages Tools
- Java 1.5
- HTML 4.0
- CSS 2.0
- Eclipse 3.1.2
- Subversion 1.3.1
- Trac 0.9.5
- Web Server
- Apache 2.x
- Java Servlet Container
- Tomcat 5.5.x
- MySQL 5.0.x
- Operating Environment
- Windows XP Service Pack 2
- Mozilla Firefox 1.5 Web Browser
8Client responsibilities
- Requirement phase
- Find out all our need
- Give our need to developer
- Explanation and meeting (Chat and mail)
- Validate the requirement document (Wiki)
- Posting the blog and survey
- Design phase
- Accept or reject the track (Trac)
- Validate and feedbacks the design document
- Meeting online and discussion (chat and mail)
- Survey and blog
- Testing phase
- Test the software with the requirement (bug)
- Feedback
- Software evaluation (USA and Indian students)
- Accept or reject the software
- US software http//389.tomchuk.com/servlet/Libra
9Interaction and communication
- Yahoo! Messenger
- 8 conferences US and Cambodian
- Many individuals chats
- Mailing Lists
- US Team 389_at_tomchuk.com
- Indian team Online_library_at_yahoo.com
- 119 mails (US and Cambodian)
- 6 mails (Indian and Cambodian)
- Blog (http//www.blogger.com)
- 20 messages
- Wiki
- Requirement discussion
- Questions posted and answered
- http//389.tomchuk.com/trac/wiki/Requirements
- Trac
10Reviews (2/3)
How to make the client unhappy?
- Dont respect the requirement
- Dont respect the deadline
- Pay no attention
- Tell lie
- Have many assumption
- Dont inform or show what they should do
- Cant realize what the clients really need
- Software is not attractive or not complete
- Software is difficult to use
- Software has a lot of bugs
11Reviews (1/3)
How to make the client happy?
- Respect their requirement
- Respect the deadline
- Inform or discuss with the clients if there are
something - change
- Motivation in the group of project (client and
developer) - Give some ideas to the client
- Good communication with the client
- Software interface is attractive
- Software must be easy to use
- Software must respect the client need
12Reviews (3/3)
How to be a good client?
- Requirement is clear
- Good explanation
- Dont have a lot of modification
- Reply the information needed on time
- Good communication
- Can test the program
- Can give the feedback and the evaluation
software - Reasonable
13Software demonstration (1/2)
US software
14Software demonstration (2/2)
Indian software
15Feedbacks (1/2)
US software
- Interface
- Cool and easy to use (Not so attractive)
- Easy to find information
- Always have a link to the home page (not clear)
- Cant contact the webmaster
- Software
- Process is good (short time)
- Functions have relationship
- Security
- No description about the software (Help,
Description of LMS) - Have some assumption
- Cant resolve the specials cases in our library
- Accept or reject
- Accept 75
16Feedbacks (2/2)
Indian software
- Interface
- Colour is not good looking
- Easy to find information
- Lost the way to return to Menu of software
(sometime) - Each link have clear name and identity
- Can contact the webmaster
- Software
- Add some good functions, LMS description, Help
- Security
- Functions work independently
- Process isnt so good (long time)
- Assumption
- Cant resolve the specials cases in our library
- Accept or reject
- Accept 70
17Software acceptation
- Comparison
- US Software
- Easy to use
- Interface is good
- Many requirement are completed (75)
- Always have a link to menu
- Indian Software
- Easy to use
- Interface have more colours
- Lost the link to menu
- Assumption
- Cant modify or delete the books
- Decision
- US software is better
- Should add some information about LMS, ITC, Help,
Webmaster - Respect the constraints of LMS
- Likes
- Meeting new people (US and Indian)
- Outsourcing experiences (as client)
- Real life experiences
- Knowledge (Trac, Blogger, Track change in
MS-word, Instant massagers) - Dislikes
- Not all US students join the conference
- Culture
- Dont like working at the week-end
- Difficulty communicating
- Time zones, Language, Trac
- Conclusion
- Like both sides developer and client
- Professor Scharff and Professor Sopheap Seng
- Teacher Longchrea Neak
- Our classmates
- Pace University and US students
- University of Delhi and Indian students
20Question ?