The entire home improvement industry makes some environmentally devastating contributions to landfills every single year, and unless our construction habits change, this damaging trend is set to continue.
Did you know that metal is one of the most energy efficient materials that a roof can be constructed from? With a professionally fitted metal roof, you could save up to as much as 40% on your energy bills and still have an effectively insulated home during the cold, winter months.
With continually increasing developments in technology, metal roofs are now available in many more colors, styles and materials than ever before. With such a fantastic choice on the current market, you’re bound to find a metal roof to suit your property. However, there are some myths about metal roofs that require debunking:
If you live in a region that often sees temperatures drop to below freezing, then you’re doubtless familiar with ice dams and the damage they can cause to both your roof and your pocket. This winter season, it’s vital that your property – whether it’s your home or business premises – is protected from the dangerous and costly effects of ice dams.
Nowadays, there are far more choices when it comes to choosing a coloured metal roof, but it’s important not to get carried away and choose your favourite colour without properly considering the impact it will have on the overall look of your property.
If you’re considering replacing your roof or are building a new home and wondering what type of roof would work best for it, then just like millions of other American homeowners today, you’re doubtless considering a metal roof.
Global warming and other environmental concerns have meant that wildfires are on the increase and protecting our homes from the devastating effects of such fires, has become more and more important each year.
Your roof doesn’t necessarily need to be on the verge of collapse before you consider replacing it, many times a roof will simply reach the end of its natural lifespan and begin looking tired and worn. Patching up an aging roof can quickly lead to more problems further down the line, and homeowners often find themselves having to spend more money than they had budgeted for.
The benefits of metal roofs have long been known, but some homeowners remain unconvinced and prefer to stick to more conventional forms of roofing. If you’re considering replacing or upgrading your roof, have a look at this list of the benefits that a metal roof can bring to your home, before you make any decisions:
Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with, and rarely does she show any consideration for homes and properties when wreaking havoc in the form of hurricanes, tornadoes and floods. In knowing this, it’s important that we ensure our buildings are well built and secure, so that we can protect our homes, and ourselves, from her ravages.
For most of us, we rarely think about our roofs until we experience an issue with them, and with some repair jobs being costly, we might postpone them or even try to forget about them until its often too late. Here are a few reasons why it’s vital to keep your roof healthy, no matter the cost:
Choosing the right roof for your home is essential for many reasons, as not only can it go on to become the defining feature of the property, but it needs to keep you dry, insulated and protected from the elements, too.
When you begin to have problems with your roof, such as leaks or lost shingle, it can be easy to panic and immediately start worrying about the cost of having it repaired. You may even be confused about the term ‘re-roofing’ and need some clarification before you begin calling your local roofing experts.
There is a long and interesting history associated with roofs over the centuries, and it can be fascinating to see how much – or how little – the materials used to make them have changed over the years.
If your roof is beginning to look tired and worn, it might be tricky to know whether you need to replace it entirely and give your property a roof makeover, or whether a repair job is all that’s called for.
Adding a roof window or skylight to a home is a decision many modern homeowners are making, especially if they want to add light to their interior spaces or increase the value of their property. However, these windows require careful planning before and during installation, and should be selected only after lengthy consideration.
Problems with roofs are commonplace but can prove costly to fix, especially if there is irreparable structural damage or multiple minor issues that have either not been spotted in time or been neglected. Here are the 5 of the top roof problems and how to solve them:
It can be tempting to simply ignore the fact that your attic has a problem with mold, after all, if it doesn’t affect the quality of the air in your home, why should you worry or pay money to get the problem fixed? However, attic mold is a reportable issue, and if left unchecked, can lead to further problems with your attic and even the roof.
Hurricane Katrina Flooding. of 2005. Keenan Lee-Peters. Hurricane Katrina Flooding. of 2005 ... Most severe loss of life and property damage occurred in New ...
Every year in the U.S., floods, tornados, blizzards and other forms of extreme weather systems hit certain regions, often causing widespread devastation and damage. With weather patterns changing dramatically over the years, extreme weather has become more common and severe storms are responsible for causing billions of dollars of damage. Homeowners are being strongly urged to reassess how prepared they are for storms and to strengthen their homes and their plans to help prevent or minimize damage and/or loss of life.
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Folk Art. Compiled by. Margo Thornbury. 2005. SITUATION OF AMERICA, ... Gary Carden - Preaching to the Chickens. Characteristics of Early Appalachian. Folk Art ...
The practice of Voodoo: Preserving a world heritage By Dah Jah & Netiva Caftori * On the shoulders * Purifying women * Spectators * Parrot feathers ...
Improving the policy process PAHO Leaders 2006 Disaster risk reduction, mitigation, preparedness and response Pan American Health Organization Regional Center for ...
Heat Gains HVAC 7ab CNST 305 Environmental Systems 1 Dr. Berryman Cooling Load Components Sensible and Latent Gains Time of Peak Cooling Load Sunlit Surfaces Time Lag ...
On The Road By Jack Kerouac Sara Levinson Brooke Norling Kyle Stewart Melinda Gravitt Ben Stillinger Sal, the main character Sal s roll His full name is Salvatore ...
Industrial Revolution, the Age of Jackson, and the Trail of tears. * * * Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a major shift of technological ...
1800 s- 1860 s The Transcendentalism Period Created by, Nikki Clewis, Olivia Cunningham and Tommy Hughey Historical Background Transcendentalist writers ...
Prehistoric Period and First Contacts GPS SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American Cultures and the impact of European exploration and ...
The eye wall is the most violent part of a hurricane. ... Season tied as the 4th most active in terms of named storms (16) and major hurricanes (5) ...
Many peasants remained free, but most became serfs. A serf was bound to the land. ... windows, with lattice frames that were. covered in a fabric soaked in resin and ...
... up throughout the night and experienced isolated neighborhood ... National Hurricane Center (NHC) Conference calls. USFF METOC Hurricane Conference calls ...
Andy Warhol. mass media. mass produced. consumer driven society. he ... Quotes From Andy Warhol: 'In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. ...
We Provide Metal Roofing with a Lifetime Warranty at an Affordable Price. Our Aluminum Metal Roofs are Wind Rated to 150 MPH, Decrease Your Electric Bill, Look Beautiful, and Will Last for Your Entire Life So You Never Have to Buy A Roof Again! Call Today for a Free Estimate in Louisiana or Mississipi!
Upcoming Classes Tuesday, Oct. 30th Music at the Nexus Special Guest: Prof. Brian Holmes, Composer and French Horn player Assignment due: * None, BUT attendance ...
'Compare criteria for safety disposal of mining waste and for assessment and ... permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers in a mine) pecomines ...