Trypanosoma spp. Polymorphic spindle-shaped Kinetoplast Flagella & undulating membrane Trypanosoma require more then one host to complete their life cycle transmitted ...
1900 Sir William Leishman discovered L. donovani in spleen ... Pathogenesis. Infections range from asymptomatic to progressive, fully developed kala-azar. ...
Giardia duodenalis (G. lamblia; G. intestinalis) Giardiasis. Most distinctive of the flagellates. Has both a trophozoite and cyst stage. Giardia duodenalis ...
There are 2 types: helizoans (freshwater) and radiolarians (colonial) Forams They are marine animals, living in sands, with multi-chambered shells. Most are fossils.
Anatomy of Protozoa: Basic structure of protozoan cell. Major organelles protozoan cells and their function. Reproduction and and locomotion in Protozoans.
... were inserted by editing. ... (C U) and Physarum (slime mold) mitochondria (nt insertions) ... Paramyxovirus (G insertions) Editing of Angiosperm Mt RNAs. Most ...
Trypanosoma Introduction 1- Extracellular in BLOOD & TISSUES 2- West African Trypanosomiasis: West African Sleeping Sickness caused by T. brucei gambiense.
African Trypanosomiasis African Sleeping Sickness Kristen Sena Period 2 General Information Two types: East and West Infection is caused by the bite of an infected ...
Trypanosoma brucei causes African sleeping sickness Paul R Earl Facultad de Ciencias Biol gicas Universidad Aut noma de Nuevo Le n San Nicol s, NL 66541, Mexico
Leishmaniae are protozoans transmitted to humans by insect bites and cause a spectrum of clinical syndromes, ranging from indolent ,self resolving cutaneous ulcers to ...
Molecular Identification of The Parasites Causing Indian Kala-Azar Madhumita Manna Associate Professor Dept. of Zoology Bethune College Govt. of West Bengal
N'Dama (predominant breed of Bos taurus in Africa; certain other breeds ... Winterbottom's sign swollen nodes at base of skull; sign of certain death ...
Cytological Examination: Part II Clinical Pathology Microscopic Evaluation Scan at 10x Determine if stained adequately Any localized or increased cellular areas Scan ...
Irregular shape due to presence of pseuodopods (lobopodia) ... cattle, swine, wild animals (antelope) T. brucei life-cycle. Focus on pathogens: Trypanosomes ...
Introduction to parasitology Parasitology is a type of SYMBIOSIS (living together) (Any plant, animal, or protist that is intimately associated with another organism ...
Case presentation Case 15 Reporter: I2 Date: 94/11/14 Chief complaint, present illness, & personal/past/family history A 24-year-old male Pakistani medical ...
Protista A World in a Drop of Water A World in a Drop of Water Even a low-power microscope Can reveal an astonishing menagerie of organisms in a drop of pond water ...
Introduction to parasitology Parasitology is a type of SYMBIOSIS (living together) (Any plant, animal, or protist that is intimately associated with another organism ...
The Chromosomes of Organelles Outside the Nucleus Exhibit Non-Mendelian Patterns ... Maternal inheritance of Xenopus mtDNA. Purified mtDNA from two species ...
Glossina (Tsetse fly) Trypanosoma brucei gambiense E12 ... In Glossina (Tsetse fly) ... asexual reproduction in the lumen of the tsetse fly salivary glands. ...
Title: Table of Contents Author: Wendy Beck Last modified by: Michael Moon Created Date: 10/16/2000 7:08:56 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Introduction to parasitology Parasitology is a type of SYMBIOSIS (living together) (Any plant, animal, or protist that is intimately associated with another organism ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Shai Last modified by: Shai Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Blood and Tissue Protozoa Mark F. Wiser Department of Tropical Medicine School of Public Health Protozoa of Blood and Tissues Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas Disease ...
Tetrahymena, Paramecium, Chlamydomonas, Hansenula. Location ... Kappa particle in Paramecium. Sigma particle in fly. Sex ratio in fly. Infectious heredity ...
Ancestors of these organisms may have diverged before the endosymbiotic event ... golden color is due to carotene & xanthophyll photosynthetic pigments. ...
Ameba: Formally Phylum Sarcodina R & J Ch 7 Protozoa with pseudopodia (or if not, distinct locomotive protoplasmic flow present). Mitochondria when present never in ...
In the present warming trend, the destruction of our forests by multinational as ... has been called 'agronomic prevention' that consists of methodically clearing ...
The physical unit of heredity. The unit of inheritance that occupies a specific locus on a chromosome, the ... The set of DNA sequences (exons) that are ...
Family denied history of travel to Chagas-endemic areas or exposure to high-risk ... in a differential diagnosis if travel or exposure are consistent with T. ...
... become heterotrophic when kept in the dark, and they resume their autotrophic ... as indicators in the classification and dating of sedimentary rocks. ...
... Oomycota (water moulds etc.): Heterotrophic Ostensibly similar to fungi but have analogous hyphae, cellulose cell walls (as opposed to chitin), ...
Amy had a 3-cm raised, red lesion on her left arm and recalled being bitten by a ' ... Amy was admitted to the hospital and was administered 1g of suramin by slow, ...