Antigone by Sophocles Presented by: Cassie Casiano Edited By: Laura Pratt and Dr. Kay Picart Martha Graham as Jocasta Jocasta is the mother and wife of Oedipus.
Oedipus Rex By Sophocles Oedipus Swollen foot Son of Laius and Jocasta- King and Queen of Thebes/ Adopted son of Polybus and Merope- King and Queen of Corinth ...
His biological Father is King Laius & biological mother is Queen Jocasta. King Laius receives a prophecy stating ... After defeating the Sphinx & saving Thebes ...
A Brief Summary of Oedipus Rex A tragedy written by Sophocles Oedipus is born. Tiresias, a blind prophet tells Oedipus parents, King Laius and Queen Jocasta that ...
1 (1993 Q 10) In a colony of crested porcupines, the average dorsal spine length ... to the Greek tragedians, Oedipus unwittingly married his own mother, Jocasta, ...
... will surface. ... I don't know; do you? Oedipus confronts Polybus and Merope, who ... to accomplish this is for him to marry the queen, Jocasta (his mom) ...
Oedipus the King Study Guide 1.Why have the priests come to the altar at Thebes? 2.How did Oedipus once save Thebes? 3.Why is Creon away from Thebes when the story opens?
Written by: Sophocles Oedipus Rex is considered one of the world s greatest tragedies Sophocles Sophocles was born around 496 B.C. He was one of Greece s greatest ...
Title: Early in the exposition what do we learn about the situation in Thebes? What do we learn about Oedipus virtues as a ruler? Through whom do we acquire this ...
Greek Tragedy According to Aristotle: 1. A tragedy must examine a serious topic. 2. A tragedy must have a serious tone. 3. A tragedy must center around a tragic hero.
Next, O. runs into the Sphinx who terrorizes the countryside. He solves her riddle and kills her, earning the eternal gratitude of the people of Thebes.
Title: OEDIPUS THE KING Author: Unknown User Last modified by: A. User Created Date: 10/20/2002 5:00:20 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Reading Classics of Humanities (I) OEDIPUS REX Week 4 Iris Tuan Sophocles Sophocles (ancient Greek: 495 BC - 406 BC) was the second of three great ancient Greek ...
Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Sophocles 496 406 B. C. a playwright who lived a long, comfortable, happy life grew up in a wealthy family in ATHENS, GREECE Sophocles ...
love them. reason Oedipus. gives for gouging. out his eyes. he couldn't. look at all of the ... attempt to stop. Oedipus's search. is an example. of this ...
Greek Drama and Oedipus Rex Intro to Myth Greek Theater Greek Theatre: Main components Theatron: literally, the watching place Orchestra: literally, the ...
The Pre-Oedipus Story All the knowledge that a student needs to know BEFORE reading Oedipus Once Upon a Time . . . It all began in Greece, in a city-state by ...
Oedipus The King By Sophocles Greek Theater Theater began as a festival honoring dionysus In Athens Well-attended Greek Entertainment Masks in Greek Theater Dionysus ...
Sophocles (born c. 496 bc, Colonus, near Athens [Greece] died 406, Athens) Oneof the three great tragic playwrights of ancient Greece, including Aeschylus and ...
Background on Greek Drama and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Review: Sophocles and Greek Drama How was Greek drama born? It developed from ancient rituals honoring Dionysus.
What happened before the play Oedipus Rex begins Cadmus was told by the Oracle at Delphi to follow a cow and where the cow stopped he should build a city and call ...
Antigone model/embody? Creon...? Sexuality/Gender in ... sexual preference. Gender?... male v female. biological sex. role, self-presentation. blur lines ...
Background on Greek Drama and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles Review: Sophocles and Greek Drama How was Greek drama born? It developed from ancient rituals honoring Dionysus.
Oedipus The King by Sophocles Second Messenger predicts future sorrows for a people whose kings descend from this polluted line The Chorus choral odes bring an ...
Greek Theater The Origins of Drama The Cult of Dionysus The Golden Age of Greek Theater Thespis Athenian Drama Competitions Key Terms Dionysus Greek Theater (cont d ...
grouse. Noun. A type of game bird. Verb. To complain, grumble. Many of you grouse constantly about reading this wonderful Greek tragedy!! incarcerate ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: ladmin Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Company: Peabody College Other titles: Arial MS P ...
... Oedipus is led into the palace (will he then be led out of Thebes?) ... The cause and nature of human suffering can, at times, be traced to our own thought, ...
Ancient Greek Theatre Where/when it ... In 465 BC, the playwrights began using a backdrop or scenic ... the original legend in the order of the events: ...
ANTIGONE by Sophocles The best lecture ever! 85 s of non-stop fun! Vocabulary Words Write the following words on separate paper. Make sure you spell them correctly.
The Tragedy of the Royal House of Thebes Outline Notes Sophocles: Greek Playwright Circa 495 406 BC The Three Plays of the Oedipus Cycle Oedipus the King Oedipus ...
Pain Management in Pennsylvania - epidural steroid injections help in managing sciatica pain. Contact Pennsylvania Spine and Headache Center, Philadelphia for effective treatment!
Information on Greek theatre, Oedipus, & an Interview with Mr. Towers Oedipus Rex written around 441 B.C. by Sophocles Switch to: Pre-Oedipus PowerPoint Switch to ...
The Greek Theater Staging an Ancient Greek Play Sphinx Monster part lion/part woman (body of a lion, wings of an eagle and head of a woman) Plagues Thebes Riddle ...
Introduction to Greek Drama English II PAP Mr. Sands SOPHOCLES Born in Colonus, Greece in 497 B.C. Died in 406 B. C. at approximately 90 years old Lived during the ...
ANTIGONE by Sophocles The best lecture ever! 85 s of non-stop fun! Vocabulary Words Write the following words on separate paper. Make sure you spell them correctly.
Six Main Portions of Greek Theater: Orchestra 'Dancing Place' where ... hubris excessive pride; arrogance before the gods. Aristotle's Rules for Tragedy ...