Time Travel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Time Travel


How: space-time (where I am) is warped so significantly that it creates a closed ... Time travel in movies is usually illogical, but ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Time Travel

Time Travel
  • L1 Introduction to Time and Time Travel

  • This lecture owes a lot to youtube.com
  • Visuals are very useful when trying to understand

Afraid of the Dark?
  • Who remembers trying to race against light so you
    could get in bed before it got dark?
  • Turned out light was really fast
  • If only we had a time machine

Proof of Time Travel
  • Theoretically, the indeterminacy of sub-atomic
    particles could create very strange effects on
    our level
  • possibly including effects that could allow
    time travel
  • and heres the proof!

Einsteins Great Idea
  • The speed of light is constant(ly very fast)
  • If we had very fast spaceships, this would allow
    us to observe some crazy things
  • For example
  • The twin paradox
  • But we dont need a spaceship
  • A regular passenger jet will do
  • Or even just a tower! (Visual explanation)

Backwards Time Travel
  • Going forward in time is (relatively) easy
  • Going back is much harder
  • But Einsteins theory of general relativity seems
    to allow it
  • It depends just how much space-time can curve

Making a Worm Hole
  • Black holes warp space-time a lot because of
    their intense mass
  • Flying a spaceship through one would be pretty
  • And, who knows where it would take you even if
    you could make it through
  • But, there may be a more convenient way

Dr Ronald Mallett
  • Mallett thinks that light can warp space-time too
  • Hes currently trying to get funding to see if
    his time machine will work
  • Previous video
  • Coffee analogy

Possibilities for Backwards Time Travel
  • Malletts light machine
  • A naturally occurring closed time-like loop in
  • A visiting alien race with a time machine on
    board their ship

Being Specific about Time Travel
  • Actually going to the future or past
  • Not just some replica of it
  • Its all relative
  • For me to time travel, there would need to be a
    difference between the speed time passes for me
    and the speed time passes for someone or everyone

What is Forward Time Travel?
  • Forward time travel my time goes slower than
    yours (like aging slower than everyone else)
  • My time goes slower than yours as my speed
    increases (relative to yours) and/or if I am
    closer to mass than you (and if that mass

What is Backwards Time Travel?
  • What to me, it seems like your time is reversing
    into our shared past
  • How space-time (where I am) is warped so
    significantly that it creates a closed time-like
    loop or wormhole to our shared past
  • The loop allows me to travel faster than the
    speed of light (not absolutely, but relative to
    our past as we know it or you watching me go
    through it)

A Closed Time-Like Loop
This is not a Physics Course
  • Dont worry if thats confusing
  • the exam question will be based on the logical
    paradoxes of time travel
  • Any questions on what time travel is?
  • (Not how to do it on a student budget!)

Take-Home Lessons
  • Time is not like what it seems
  • If you have an assignment to do, you should do it
    on the top floor of the library instead of the
    bottom because youll work faster! (As long as
    you can get there and back quickly)
  • To stay young-looking compared to your friends,
    make sure you take more long-haul flights than

Next Time
  • Read
  • The Case of Jocasta Jones p207
  • By Jonathan Harrison
  • Get ready to discuss
  • Some logical paradoxes of time travel

Time Travel
  • L2 The (Easy) Paradoxes of Time Travel

Time Travel is Possible!!!
  • This might be a hoax, but time travel really is
  • In fact, many of us have already done it

What is Time Travel Again?
  • Actually going to the future or past
  • Not just some replica of it
  • Its all relative
  • For me to time travel, there would need to be a
    difference between the speed time passes for me
    and the speed time passes for someone or everyone

What is Forward Time Travel?
  • Forward time travel my time goes slower than
    yours (like aging slower than everyone else)
  • My time goes slower than yours as my speed
    increases (relative to yours) and/or if I am
    closer to mass than you (and if that mass

What is Backwards Time Travel?
  • What to me, it seems like your time is reversing
    into our shared past
  • How space-time (where I am) is warped so
    significantly that it creates a closed time-like
    loop or wormhole to our shared past
  • The loop allows me to travel faster than the
    speed of light (not absolutely, but relative to
    our past as we know it or you watching me go
    through it)

A Closed Time-Like Loop
This is not a Physics Course
  • Dont worry if thats confusing
  • the exam question will be based on the logical
    paradoxes of time travel
  • Any questions on what time travel is?
  • (Not how to do it on a student budget!)

The Case of Jocasta Jones
  • Follow the story and keep your eye out for
  • Weird happenings
  • Illegal acts

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The Case of Jocasta Jones
Jocastas 2000
Jocastas 2019
Jocastas 2001
Jocastas 1900?
Jocastas 1910?
Fathering Yourself is Impossible
  • How is it possible for someone to be their own

Fathering Yourself is Backwards Causation
  • To father yourself, you would have to procreate
    with your mother, but that probably requires a
    few shots and backwards causation doesnt it?
  • Surely it would be causing a change in the past,
    which is impossible!
  • The past has already happened, so how can we
    change it?

Backwards Causation
  • We normally think of effects as following their
  • Study (usually) causes the effect of a good grade
  • The history of Europe has caused the borders
    between nations to be recognised as they are
  • But, if you father yourself then the effect of
    that procreation is also the cause!
  • Like getting a good grade causing you to have
    already studied!

The No Destination Objection
  • If you havent thought through all of the
    implications of 4-D space-time, then you may
    still believe
  • That the past no longer exists
  • That the future doesnt exist yet
  • That only the present time exists
  • If these points are true, then time travel is
    impossible because there is no other time to
    travel to

Reply to the No Destination Objection
  • 4-Dimensional space-time
  • It only seems like the past and future dont
    exist because we are not aware of them
  • We the event that is our consciousness at this
    current time and place in 4-D space-time
  • 4-Dimensional space-time is widely accepted in
    physics and
  • Einstein came up with it

Time Discrepancy Paradoxes
  • If you missed the first lecture, you may still
  • That time or the passage of time is a constant
  • That time passes the same for everyone and
    everything everywhere
  • That Newtonian or absolute time exists
  • If these points were true, then time travel is
    impossible because it involves differences in how
    time passes between the time traveller and
    everyone else

Reply to the Time Discrepancy Paradoxes
  • 4-Dimensional space-time
  • It turns out that time (and the spatial
    dimensions) are relative
  • Time is not fixed or absolute or constant
  • The speed of light is constant, but time is
    relative to speed and proximity to mass
  • Physicists have proven this and
  • Einstein came up with it

The In Two Places at Once Paradox
  • No one person can wholly be in two places at once
  • Wholly is important here
  • If you believe this, (which you should) then
    doesnt that mean time travel is impossible?
  • (because it would allow you to go and wish
    yourself many happy returns at your last birthday

Reply to the In Two Places at Once Paradox
  • Big spatial objects have different parts that
    make up its whole.- e.g. the North Island
  • But, despite what Aucklanders think, the North
    Island is never wholly located in one part
  • All objects are really spatio-temporal objects
  • In this moment, I am not the whole of me
  • Right now I am just a spatio-temporal part of the
    whole that is me throughout space-time
  • Just like tectonic plates (different parts of the
    earths crust) can rub against each other, Its
    possible for me(present part) to shake my(past
    part) own hand at my last birthday

Visiting Myself
My last birthday party
Me existing through space-time
Take-Home Lessons
  • If you time travel into the past, avoid your
    parents at all costs
  • Newton was very smart, but he was wrong time is
    not a constant
  • The past exists and part of us (and parts our
    parents) currently exist in the past
  • So, assuming your parents had at least one cool
    moment in their lives, they are, in a way, still
    partly cool

Next Time ( Exam Tip!!!!)
  • Read
  • The Paradoxes of Time Travel p208
  • By Ken Perszyk Nick Smith
  • Get ready to attempt to solve the logical
    paradoxes of time travel, including the
    Grandfather Paradox which will be very useful
    to know for the exam

Time Travel
  • L3 The (Hard) Paradoxes of Time Travel

Time Travel is Possible!!!
  • John Titor came from the
  • future and provided truth
  • (available on youtube and
  • at www.johntitor.com)
  • This might be a hoax, but is backwards time
    travel really possible?
  • Physicists say that it is but what about the
    logical contradictions that would result?

The Paradox of Changing the Past
  • If you could go back in time, you could do more
    study for the test and get a better mark
  • But, you already have a mark! You cant change
    it its part of history now!
  • P1) If time travel is possible, then you could
    change the past
  • P2) It is never possible to change the past
  • C) Therefore, time travel must not be possible

Replying to the Paradox of Changing the Past
  • Denying P1 Time travel is possible, but it does
    not and cannot change the past
  • When you time travel, you create a new alternate
  • So you can change things, but not things from the
    past in our universe
  • When you time travel, you can affect the past
    because you already did
  • You dont change history you had already
    affected it!
  • An accurate history book would already have a
    record of you being there!

Telling Myself to Study
When I should have been studying
Me existing through space-time
The Case of Jocasta Jones
Jocastas 2000
Jocastas 2019
Jocastas 2001
Jocastas 1900?
Jocastas 1910?
Jocastas Son/Husbands Lifeline
Jocasta is born
The guy
The guy is born
The guy dies
The Grandfather Paradox
  • If you could go back in time, you could kill your
    grandfather before he could produce any offspring
  • But, if you did that, then there would have been
    no you to make a time machine and go and kill
  • Which means that you cant have killed him

The Grandfather Paradox (Cont.)
  • P1) If time travel is possible, then you could
    kill your grandfather (before he had kids)
  • P2) It is impossible for you to have existed if
    you succeed in killing your grandfather (before
    he had kids)
  • C) Therefore, time travel must not be possible

Replying to the Grandfather Paradox 1
  • Denying P1 Time travel is possible, but you do
    not and cannot kill your grandfather
  • When you time travel, you create a new alternate
  • So you can kill some old guy but its not your
    grandfather (not from your past)
  • But does time travelling to an alternate universe
    really count?
  • Is it time travel or inter-universal travel?
  • For time travel to be meaningful does it have to
    be to our own past?

Replying to the Grandfather Paradox 2
  • Denying P1 Time travel is possible, but you do
    not and cannot kill your grandfather
  • When you time travel, you can affect the past,
    but only because you already did
  • This works in the Jocasta Jones case, but
  • This justification doesnt work this time
  • E.g. If you had already been there and killed
    your grandfather then you would never have

Replying to the Grandfather Paradox 3
  • Denying P1 Time travel is possible, but you do
    not and cannot kill your grandfather
  • When you time travel, you can attempt to kill
    your grandfather, but you will never succeed

Replying to the Grandfather Paradox 3
  • Denying P1 Time travel is possible, but you do
    not and cannot kill your grandfather
  • When you time travel, you can attempt to kill
    your grandfather, but you will never succeed
  • It doesnt have to be magic or Time Guardians
    that prevents the impossible from happening
  • Because its impossible to kill your grandfather
    its necessarily true that you didnt kill him
  • (however that came about)

OK Fine, but where are the Time Travellers, then?
  • P1) If time travel ever becomes possible in the
    future, then time travellers would most likely
    have visited our past already
  • P2) But there is no evidence of time travellers
    in our past
  • P3) It is very unlikely that the time travellers
    could have left no evidence
  • C) Therefore, its very unlikely that time
    travel ever becomes possible

Replying to the No Evidence of Time Travellers
Problem 1
  • Accept the argument
  • Its true that there are no time travellers but
    only because
  • Global warming, or
  • Nuclear war, or
  • Super-viruses, or
  • The robotic uprising of the (very) late nineties
  • killed off all of the humans before we got
    around to making time machines!

Replying to the No Evidence of Time Travellers
Problem 2
  • Denying P2 There is evidence of time travellers!
  • John Titor www.johntitor.com
  • That guy who went under his sink (Hakan
  • www.youtube.com/watch?vE2sp-clMk8sfeaturerelate
  • That mullet guy

Replying to the No Evidence of Time Travellers
Problem 3
  • Denying P1 Only when time travel becomes
    possible (by a human creating and turning on a
    time machine a closed time-like loop) would we
    expect to start seeing things appear from the
    future (recall what Dr. Mallett said)
  • So, we wont expect to see anything until the
    first closed time-like loop is set up

Replying to the No Evidence of Time Travellers
Problem 3
  • But what about naturally occurring closed
    time-like loops?
  • If these exist in the future, then they could be
    used to travel to our past
  • Sure they could but they would have to
    conveniently connect the right two
    location-moments in space-time
  • This is just like aliens possibly existing
  • They may just be too far away in space-time for
    us to ever meet

Take-Home Lessons
  • Time travel in movies is usually illogical, but
  • Time travel is theoretically and logically
    possible in real life
  • But if you have homicidal intentions towards your
  • then make sure that you look out for banana

How to Find out More
  • Want to know more about time, time travel and how
    they impact on other topics from this course
    (like free will)?
  • Enroll in the metaphysics course next year (or
    the year after) PHIL225/325
  • Keep up with the latest science news
  • C.E.R.Ns L.H.C. (Large Hadron Collider)
  • http//lhc.web.cern.ch/lhc/
  • Dr. Ronald Mallet (real time machine maker)
  • http//www.physics.uconn.edu/mallett/main/main.ht

Next Week
The Meaning of Life
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