If you’ve got valuables in your home that are worth protecting, they’re absolutely worth keeping in a high security safe. The best and most secure way to protect them from fire damage and theft, home safes are a great addition to any home, but if you’re still not decided as to whether to invest in a safe for your home, the following may convince you:
BigBearSafe designs, manufactures and distributes a large variety of high security safes, vault doors and other physical security equipment since 1999. With a team of highly skilled workers and engineers our primary goal is not only to meet our customers’ expectations, but to exceed them through superior quality and security. If you are looking for high security safes in Huntington Beach, visit BigBearSafe.com.
Wanting a waterproof safe is understandable, whether you live in an area that’s prone to flooding, or you’re worried about a home fire and the water from the firefighters hose damaging it, but it’s important to understand that no safe is actually waterproof. They can be verified as ‘water resistant’ at a specified depth, for a specified period of time, but they are not designed to protect valuables.
Whether your valuable items were gifted to you, or whether you paid for them from your own hard earned money, keeping them safe and protected from harm, is your number one priority, even if their value is only sentimental.
Home security is big business these days, and while technology for protecting homes advances exponentially, sadly, so do criminal tactics and methods for breaking into other people’s properties. However, with a combination of hyper vigilance, proven security measures and a willingness to think like a burglar (a horrible prospect, I know), you can better protect your home and your valuables from theft.
There’s no better way to secure your safe – and therefore, secure its contents, too – than by having it bolted to the floor by a safe technician. This means that not only will a burglar not be able to tip the safe over when trying to access its contents, but they won’t be able to pick it up and make off with it, either.
There’s no better way to secure your safe – and therefore, secure its contents, too – than by having it bolted to the floor by a safe technician. This means that not only will a burglar not be able to tip the safe over when trying to access its contents, but they won’t be able to pick it up and make off with it, either.
Sometimes it can be hard knowing just what you should and shouldn’t store in a safe. While you can, of course, store whatever you want in your safe provided it’s of value to you, you should make sure the following 7 items are securely stored in there before filling it with other things:
Sometimes it can be hard knowing just what you should and shouldn’t store in a safe. While you can, of course, store whatever you want in your safe provided it’s of value to you, you should make sure the following 7 items are securely stored in there before filling it with other things:
Before we go on to talk about fire resistant safes and the level of protection they provide, it’s important to understand that there is no such thing as a ‘fire proof’ safe, and any company advertising their safes as being such, are intentionally trying to mislead customers. Safes can be fire resistant, meaning that they resist heat and smoke from a period of time ranging from 30 minutes to 150 minutes, but they are never completely fire proof.
Many more people are investing in precious metals like gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion, and with their value seemingly increasing year on year, it’s little wonder. However, an investment is only ever as smart and secure as the methods you choose to protect it.
Just as you would expect of any security product, the amount of fire rating you require from a safe depends on the specifics of both your needs and circumstances.
Many more people are investing in precious metals like gold, silver, platinum and palladium bullion, and with their value seemingly increasing year on year, it’s little wonder. However, an investment is only ever as smart and secure as the methods you choose to protect it.
While safes are fantastic tools for protecting items, sometimes, the fact that they are so secure can make accessing them tricky when they develop a problem or you forget the access code, for example.
Safes are the most secure places you can leave your items of value, and if yours is a high quality safe from a reputable manufacturer, that was professionally installed, there’s no reason why it won’t continue to protect your precious belongings for many years to come. However, from time to time, you might find that the door of your high security becomes stuck, and getting to its contents, is impossible. What should you do?
Fires at home or in a place of work can be terrifying, and in the ensuing inferno and panic, many items get destroyed, and lives can even be lost. Sadly, with climate change leading to an increase in wild fires around the world (and an increase in their intensity and duration, too), the threat of fire happening at your home or business is a very real one, making protecting not just your property, but your valuables, a decidedly more pressing matter.
If your safe is a new purchase, or you’ve already got one and need to move it to another location, it’s always best to have a professional do it for you. After all, your safe is a significant investment, and not only do you risk harming it by moving it alone, but you risk causing injury to yourself, too.
If you’re traveling for a few days, or even going on a longer vacation, you’ll likely stay in a hotel or at a resort, and want a place to be able to leave your important documents and items of value when you’re away from your room. In the majority of instances, hotels provide guests with safes inside their rooms, and while you might think this to be the ideal location for storing such items, are they as ‘safe’ as they at first seem?
In days of old, banks were undoubtedly one of the securest places on Earth to keep our money safe and well protected, but that may no longer be the case today, as you’ll find out:
Buying a high security, fire resistant safe, whether for your home or office, is always a smart step towards protecting the items you hold dear – or which are of significant monetary value – but knowing what exactly to keep inside one, isn’t always clear.
When you buy a high quality, high security safe for your home or business, provided you maintain it properly, it can last for a lifetime, and will continue to give you outstanding protection for your valuables throughout the whole time. Whatever you choose to store inside your residential or commercial safe, you can have peace of mind knowing that those items are as well protected as they can possibly. Neglect to properly care for your safe, on the other hand, and you risk it not performing as it should, and leave yourself vulnerable to theft or fire.
In an incident in Los Angeles, the FBI raided a series of private vaults searching for drug cartel money, and many members of the public soon discovered that valuable items they had been storing in the safe deposit boxes, were confiscated along with everything else. From silver coins and cash, to jewelry and precious heirlooms, they all became a part of the FBIs investigation.
Fire resistant safes are a fantastic investment, but if you’re considering buying one to give your valuable items the best protection, you might be wondering just how long such a safe will protect the items stored inside it from the ravages of fire. If it’s a bad fire that rages out of control, will the safe even survive, or will it be completely destroyed?
Just because you live in a rented apartment, doesn’t mean that you don’t have the right to secure your items of importance or value, but you may face issues with a landlord who isn’t keen on you drilling holes into the floor for a bolted high security safe.
Before you start reading this article, it’s important to understand that a high security safe is absolutely the most secure place in your home to hide valuables. This is undisputed, and if you have items of monetary or sentimental that you need to keep protected, talk to a local safe specialist about buying a safe that will protect them from fire and theft.
Being a homeowner is not easy nowadays. The main problem lies in the storage space at home. Walk-in closets are personal havens for homeowners. As the name indicates, walk-in closets are large closets that allow one to walk into them.
Before you start reading this article, it’s important to understand that a high security safe is absolutely the most secure place in your home to hide valuables. This is undisputed, and if you have items of monetary or sentimental that you need to keep protected, talk to a local safe specialist about buying a safe that will protect them from fire and theft.
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Whether your items of value have been left to you by a deceased relative, or you’ve worked hard and purchased them as an investment, you’ll naturally want to keep them as safe and secure as you possibly can, for as long as is necessary.
Statistics have shown that burglars throughout the U.S. and indeed, the world over, are becoming much more brazen in their methods, and will often stop at nothing to break into people’s homes and businesses and take what doesn’t belong to them. The evidence shows that burglars are now increasingly:
With summing looming around the corner, if you’ve got a vacation rental property and are expecting a busy season ahead, you’re doubtless already checking that security at the property is at a premium, so that your guests can enjoy a fun, but safe time on vacation.
... in jewelry boxes, and with private investors than is identified in underground reserves Enough gold to meet current consumer demand for 17 years How Gold is ...
Whatever type of business you’re running, protecting your assets is a high priority, and only by paying close attention to security measures, are you able to truly protect them.