Welcome to Jamea Al Kauthar, established in 1996, we are one of the UK’s best Islamic Secondary Schools for Girls. We have a proud reputation for providing academic excellence, consistently highly ranked in the league tables for secular education, and globally recognized for delivering a world class level of comprehensive Islamic education. Due to these high standards and achievements, demand for places is highly competitive.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Surah al-Kauthar (The Abundance) ... [108:3] Surely your enemy is the one who shall be without posterity, ...
Are you looking to find a nice school for your child in the UK? Then you must have a careful approach in choosing a school that is going to provide your child with complete all-around educational support that can ensure professional success and satisfaction later in life. Being an Islamic family living in the UK, you must find a Muslim school that can provide your child with a combination of secular and religious education.
A Muslim school is an Islamic secondary school that focuses on the regular curriculum subjects and Islamic studies. These schools are like any other traditional schools where students are engaged and challenged to excel in their learnings. Students get equal opportunities to develop their skills and increase their knowledge.
You should do as much donation as possible towards these societies as they work for child development and help in contributing to various Muslim school for kids.
In many Islamic Schools, they only teach the basic Islamic value and focus only on elementary education. We do understand that elementary education is important but so is Islamic education also. Before enrolling your kids on Islamic School, do check their syllabus to know what all they will teach related to Islam. By knowing this, you will get ensured if you are sending your kids to the right Islamic School or not.
Your little girl brings with her a great potential for love and success and this is something that you can ensure by giving her the best quality education. One of the major decisions that you need to take as a parent is the school that is going to be good for her. It is important for you to remember for the next twenty years of her life, her school is going to play a pivotal role in shaping up the person as who she turns out to be. Hence, you should have a careful and discerning approach while trying to find the best Islamic school in UK that can be useful for your child.
We see only one side of the world which is filled with comforts, luxury and happiness. But there is another side which has poverty and sadness all over. In Islamic community there is something known as Sadaqah Jariyah which means voluntary donation. According to Arabic it means truth and righteousness
Charity work in Islam is of great significance. As Islam teaches lessons of helping anyone who is in need, charity work is an important part of any Muslim’s life. It is one of the five pillars of Islam. In the Holy Quran, Allah has stated that a person who does charity work is welcomed in the heaven and will be rewarded for his good deeds even in the afterlife.
It also portrays real customs of the Prophet Muhammad, alongside offering short look at his spouses' level of training. Prophet Muhammad also emphasized on charity for girls education and welfare for women.
Charity is given great importance in Islam. As per the teachings of Prophet, Allah has a special liking for people who do charity work. This is essential as one of the main aspects of being a follower of Islam is to help the needy and spread brotherhood by helping others.
Islamic education is of great importance and it has prevailed in Islam since ages. As per the teaching of Ms Prophet it is said that every human should crave to gain knowledge and this craving shall begin from their birth and should last until they die. Considering the importance of education in Islam, almost every child is sent to school to gain secular education and also gain learning on their religion and what does it actually preaches. Such teaching makes the children capable of coping up with the environment and also gains information on the basics of the world and also their religion. Gaining knowledge on such aspects is of due importance and helps an individual life a happy and good life.
Sadaqa Jariya is a voluntary act of charity which an individual is expected to perform during his life. While an individual performs charity, his kindness and generosity can be seen and their heart of giving away their own personal things. This act of charity can be performed either on short or long term basis.
Charity is given great importance in Islam. As per the teachings of Prophet, Allah has a special liking for people who do charity work. This is essential as one of the main aspects of being a follower of Islam is to help the needy and spread brotherhood by helping others.
It is the dream of all parents that their child gets good education. It is sad but true that every year, a large number of children are unable to get any education due to several issues.
With the evolution in the field of science and technology, demand for the acceptance in different religions has become a lot more important and quite clear that Islam religion is also laying the foundation of science.
In today’s fast paced world when everything is going at great speed like living standard, thinking of people, infrastructure and much more, and education is the only pivotal tool that makes you stay ahead of time. Getting prior education both at basic as well as higher level help you success and provide genuine contribution towards social and economic changes.
Sadaqa jariya is a form of charity which is given and the reward are accumulated and carried with you in the grave. When you are born, you don’t bring anything and when you die you don’t carry anything with you.
Islamic teachings emphasize on the importance of extending helping hand to all those in need. The never ending act of charity is considered to be one of the basic teachings in Islam and every true Muslim should keep performing charitable acts as much as they can.
Gigi Virata/Cathy Ileto/Manny Guillermo. Presentation I. Rei Ho Hui Yin. Senior Rewards Consultant. Hewitt Associates ' ... 'Managing Rewards in the BPO ...
O Allah I love them so you love them too and you love anyone who would ... 15th of Ramzan is the 8th of October in Thailand and 9th of October is India and Pakistan.
In the light of the Quran and Sunnah As to those who reject faith and die rejecting, never would be accepted from any such as much gold as the earth contains ...
If you were to walk into the San Francisco markaz at 1121 Old Canyon Road today, ... The jamaat had really gelled and had worked very hard to prepare for this much ...