Title: IonPolar Molecule Reactions
1Ion-Polar Molecule Reactions
- rate constants measured for reactions between
ions and polar molecules were found to be
substantially larger relative to ion/non-polar
molecule reaction rate constants
- Moran and Hamill (1963) showed experimentally
that there was a complex dependence of the rate
constant on the dipole moment. They carried out
the first derivation of a rate constant as a
function of dipole moment.
- ion-dipole interactions are much like
dipole-dipole interactions (5 25 kJ mol-1)
except very strong (40 600 kJ mol-1)
2H2O dimer
15 kJ mol-1
H2O proton-bound dimer
130 - 160 kJ mol-1
3- for polar molecules the ion-dipole term
increases the interaction potential and increases
the collision cross section
- in the limit that f 60 (locked-dipole) for a
thermal system,
- a locked-dipole, however, violates the
conservation of angular momentum and
overestimates kcoll
4- Su and Bowers (1973) were the first to consider
a rotating dipole model
- this involved the more realistic approach of a
distance dependent average angle of orientation
of the dipole moment relative to the line of
centres of the collision
- this involved a graphical solution to equations
of motion on a case-by-case basis
- later this approach was simplified by Su,
Chesnavich, and Bowers then later by Su and
- the rotating dipole problem cannot be solved
analytically but Su and Chesnavich (JCP, 76,
1982, 5183) analyzed over 3000 trajectories of
ion-dipole interactions which led to,
- this leads to accurate collision rate constants
for ions with polar molecules
- exothermic proton transfer to polar molecules
usually occurs at this collision rate
Note that the collision rate constant is
proportional to the inverse of temperature, as T
increases, kcoll decreases
eg. Calculate the collision rate constant for
(CH3)2OH and (CH3)2O at 200 K and 400 K.
Dimethyl ether has a mD 1.30 D and a
5.29x10-24 cm3.
- we have developed the theory in the cgs system
of units,
in cgs
so, at 200 K
and at 400 K
- at 200 K xgt2 and at 400 K xlt2
7200 K
and at 400 K use
to obtain
- if we would have used the non-polar molecule
expression we would have obtained
at all temperatures
8When an ion and a molecule collide, what happens?
collisional stabilization
chemical reaction
9- ignoring chemical reaction the mechanism is,
M is a third-body (could be B)
the rate of reaction can be expressed as,
applying the steady-state approximation to
subbing into the above rate expression
10at high pressure
which says that the reaction occurs at the
bimolecular collision rate
- these high pressure conditions are found in the
high pressure ion source at UW
Under these conditions of high pressure (few
torr) the possibility of thermal activation of
AB must also be considered.
In which case we can write
the vant Hoff equation
equating the two yields
So by measuring the temperature dependent ion
intensities, A and AB at a known partial
pressure of B in the ion source, then plotting
the logarithms of the resulting rate constants
against reciprocal temperature (vant Hoff plot),
it is possible to obtain DH and DS for the
reaction from the slope and intercept
Exchange equilibrium can also be studied by this
allowing accurate determinations of relative
proton affinities, halide affinities, methyl
cation affinities, etc.
1276.0 kJ mol-1
77.1 kJ mol-1
13DH -84.1
DH -76.0
DS -86.5
DS -83.3
DH -63.8
DS -78.8
onto 2-chloropropionitrile
DH / kJ mol-1 , DS / J K-1 mol-1
14Now looking at our mechanism and rate again,
and considering the limit where we are at very
low pressure,
and if MB
third order kinetics
15if we are working under constant pressure,
a plot of lnA vs t gives a slope,
and a pseudo first order rate constant
16A B
17 18- a plot of kapp vs B yeilds a slope
and an intercept of 0!
- clustering of dimethyl ether and protonated
dimethyl ether
19kapp vs PB do not have 0 intercepts? We need a
new mechanism since the one we are working with
doesnt explain the phenomenon of a non-zero
Using the steady state approximation on (AB),
show this!!
This is a horrible expression, but, if we express
it as a series (ie. perform a Taylor series
20Taylor series expansion,
only use 0th and 1st order expansion terms
xM xo0
Maclaurin series
if kra ltlt kb
21Su Chesnavich or Langevin
22 23m/z 75
m/z 121
1800 s
1200 s
600 s
0 s
24(24 s-1)
25- using calculated vibrational frequencies and
geometries for AB, A and B, statistical methods
are employed to model kb as a function of Do - the dissociation energy is that used to obtain a
theoretical kb which matches the experimental kb
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