Title: IndiumIII Complexes Within the Protein Crystal After HipHop Refinement
1Indium(III) Complexes Within the Protein
Crystal After HipHop Refinement
Jan Ondrácek Institute of Molecular Genetics,
ECM23, Leuven, August 9, 2006
2HipHop Refinement
Model Generation (Hip step) reached by huge
shock in changes of solvate contents. This
enables overcoming barriers separating local
minima. Fitting to X-ray data (several Hop
steps) refinement convoluted with removal of
redundant water molecules. High number of
refinement cycles in every step.
Changes in electron density in side chain for
HIV protease in complex with inhibitor
Changes in electron density in side chain for
chain human interleukin-1b
3Model Generation
Maxima of the difference-Fourier map at
suitable distance from the protein molecule
(between 1.4 and 3.8 Å) are defined as water
molecules. Tests revealed that the initial
number of water molecules to add should be equal
to 15 of totally determined macromolecule
atoms. The occupancies of water molecules added
are set to 0.5. Good value for their
displacement parameter is U 1.2 Å2. .
4Fitting to X-ray Data
First, at a potential water molecule position,
the initial criterion of minimum
electron-density has to be fulfilled, otherwise
the atom is excluded. The initial criterion is
gradually increased from Hop to Hop step until,
after for example five steps, a final, minimal
electron-density criterion is met.
5Second, the shape of the electron density at a
potential water molecule position is tested. At
a predefined distance (a good value from
experience is 1 Å) around the water molecule,
the electron density must be lowerthan at the
water molecule position itself. Third, the
distances of potential water molecules from
other accepted atoms, either macromolecular or
hydration shell, are tested. The minimal
distance value of 1.1 Å is used to enable us to
model proline C?disorders as a proline plus a
water molecule.
6Schema of HipHop Refinement
7 Software Available
- Shelxh version well tested software. Following
- Figures and Tables are related to structures of
- porcine pancreatic elastase-Cd2 complex (1uvo),
- HIV protease in complex with inhibitor (1g35),
- amicyanin oxidized (1aac) and
- human interleukin-1 (9ilb)
- Refmac version software under testing
8Refinement Trajectories for porcine pancreatic
elastase-cd2 complex
30 HipHop cycles ------------?
9The number of refined parameters is stable for
each HipHop cycle. Their values depend only on
the resolution, the completeness and data
quality and the value of the minimal electron
density chosen. HipHop refinement can never
be over-parameterized.
10To each model of the refinement trajectory
corresponds its own unique electron
density. HipHop generates an ensemble of
electron densities.
11Electron Density Changesfor HIV protease complex
(dmin 1.80 Å)
12Multi-conformer file
for porcine pancreatic elastase-Cd2 complex
13Real Variance Of Atom Position
variance yielded by a refinement program
variance between all models
14Water Molecule Clusters
15Histogramfor porcine pancreatic elastase-Cd2
complex (1.85 Å, 0.50 e.Å-3) blue - reflections
selected for Rfree calculations red all
reflections used in refinement
16Histogramfor HIV protease in complex with
inhibitor (1.80 Å, 0.15 e.Å-3)
17Histogramfor amicyanin oxidized (1.31 Å, 0.15
18Histogramfor human interleukin-1??(2.28 Å, 0.05
19 General Trends
- the ensemble of models contains additional
structural - information
- the use of full completeness improved R-factors
- the use of full completeness improved variances
20 General Trends
- HipHop refinement improved all reliability
values - the improvement is better for full completeness
21 General Trends
- HipHop refinement increased numbers of water
- molecules
- all values are more improved using full
- X-ray data are collected at certain resolution
- The structure is interpreted (refined,
calculated) - at certain electron density
- The correctness of the refinement is expressed
- by the histogram of water molecule clusters or
- its left/middle/right values
23Why Was Indium(III) Complexes Within the Protein
Crystal Solved?
- Indium(III) chloride is often used as a
catalyst in - organic syntheses.
- It was found that an organic reaction catalyzed
by the - mixture of indium(III) chloride and a protein
precipitate - is going stereospecifically.
- To determine intermediates of this reaction and
explain its - course, lysozyme crystals were soaked in InCl3
solution - and diffraction data collected to the
resolution 1.43 Å. - To obtain structural variances necessary for
correct solution - of structures of indium(III) complexes, the
protein structure - was refined using novel HipHop Refinement
24 Final Refinement Table For Lysozyme Soaked In
InCl3 (after many previous HipHop cycles, side
chains reorientations and disorders modelling)
25Histogram For InCl3 Soaked Lysozyme
Left/middle/right values 99/11/203
26Three Indium(III) Complexes Within InCl3 Soaked
Lysozyme Crystal
Determination of OH- and H2O In the ensemble of
models, bond lengths were averaged, variances
calculated and compared with published values
The structure of complex anion (A)
trans-dichloro-trans-dihydroxy- InCl2(OH)2(O
Leu-129)23-. The anion is symmetrical according
crystallographic twofold axis (dashed line).
coord 6
The structure of complex anion (B)
cis-dichloro-cis-dihydroxy- InCl2(OH)2(H2O)(OD2
coord 51
The structure of complex anion (C,D)
cis-dichloro-cis-dihydroxy- InCl2(OH)2(H2O)21-.
The anion is symmetrical according
crystallographic twofold axis (dashed line).
coord 42
27Positions Of Ions On the Surface Of Lysozyme
28The Arrangement Around the Anion (A) for model_1,
occupancy 0.89
29The comparison of the structure of model_1 and
the structure of native lysozyme (cyan, 1iee,
0.94Å, Sauter) in the position of the anion (A)
30The Arrangement Around the Anion (B) for model_1,
occupancy 0.58
31The comparison of the structure of model_1 and
the structure of native lysozyme (cyan, 1iee,
0.94Å, Sauter) in the position of the anion (B)
32The Arrangement Around the Anion (C) for model_1,
occupancy 0.32
33The Arrangement Around the Anion (D) for model_1,
occupancy 0.21
- X-ray data of InCl3 solution soaked lysozyme
crystal - were collected at resolution 1.43 Å and
refined at - electron density level 0.50 e/Å3 to
ensemble isotropic - R 14.21 with left/middle/right values of
probability - histogram 99/11/203.
- Indium(III) chloride bounds selectively to
carboxyl - groups.
- Asymmetric indium(III) complexes in
coordination - 51 originating in InCl3 saturated protein
precipitate, - similar to complex B, can catalyse
stereospecifically - organic reactions.
35Related Papers
- Ondrácek, J., Weiss, M.S., Brynda, J., Fiala,
J., Jursík, F., - Rezácová, P., Jenner, L.B. Sedlácek, J.
(2005). - Acta Crystallogr. D61, 1181-1189. (structures
of periodates within - a protein crystal)
- Furnham, N., Blundell, T.L., DePristo, M.A.,
Terwilliger, T.C. (2006). - Nature Struct. Mol. Biol. 13, 184-185. (first
corroboration of HipHop) - Ondrácek, J. Mesters, J.R. (2006). Acta
Crystallogr. D, - accepted to print. (structures of bromates
within a protein crystal) - Ondrácek, J., Weiss, M.S, Hilgenfeld, R,
Sedlácek, J. - Mesters, J.R. (2006). Structure, ready to
submit. (general HipHop paper) - Ondrácek,J., Streinz, L., Sieglová, I.
Mesters, JR (2006). - Acta Crystallogr. D, ready to submit.
(indium(III) complexes)
36 Acknowledgments
- Jindrich Haek, IMCH Praha
- Jens Nyborg, University of Aarhus
- Juraj Sedlácek, IMG Praha
- Jeroen Mesters, University of Luebeck
- Manfred Weiss, EMBL Hamburg
- Rolf Hilgenfeld, University of Luebeck
37http//www.img.cas.cz/hiphop 1 300